Can I Pay Someone to Trade Forex for Me? 2020, can i pay someone to trade forex for me?.

Can i pay someone to trade forex for me?

The FX market does not have a central location and is dealt all over the planet which means that operating can happen twenty four hours each day.

Top-3 forex bonuses

Can I Pay Someone to Trade Forex for Me? 2020, can i pay someone to trade forex for me?.

Can I Pay Someone to Trade Forex for Me? 2020, can i pay someone to trade forex for me?.

Can I Pay Someone to Trade Forex for Me? 2020, can i pay someone to trade forex for me?.

The amount of cash that changes hands every single day is in the vicinity of five trillion dollars so it can’t be swayed by other factions as does the stock market.

Can I pay someone to trade forex for me? 2020

“is it possible to pay someone to trade forex for me?”

I have heard that phrase many times during the time I have been involved with this website and my other websites.

The simple answer to this question is that, yes, there are companies that trade forex on your behalf.

The word “pay” is slightly erroneous because you don’t actually pay the company from your own money, the forex trader will get his payment from the profits that you make on your account. So yes, he gets paid because of you but it doesn’t actually cost you anything.

The type of investment that will get someone to trade for you is called forex managed accounts. Check out our sister site www.Acorn2oak-fx.Com/managedforexaccounts/blog/ukcitizens.Html they are not widely known as they are a type of alternative investment and are therefore different from traditional investments such as insurance, savings accounts, bonds, mutual funds etc.

Can I Pay Someone to Trade Forex for Me? 2020, can i pay someone to trade forex for me?.

A managed account that will trade your forex account for you are becoming more and more popular year by year, mainly because ease of access.

Can I Pay Someone to Trade Forex for Me? 2020, can i pay someone to trade forex for me?.

Only a decade ago, it was only high net worth individuals and institutional investors that had a minimum of 100,000 dollars and more often 1,000,000 dollars to take part in this investment, and they had to be invited to join.

Nowadays, managed forex companies will trade forex on your behalf with as little you depositing a minimum opening balance of £5,000 or $10,000 dollars. Some companies will let you start with as little as $1,000, but I would be very aware of these companies as the will not be regulated by the regulating body, such as the FCA (financial conduct authority) in the UK.

Why let someone trade forex for you? A little background information

People that want to invest their funds will discover a forex managed trading account an ideal medium to build up profits in the long term as they start to soar over time because of the compounding effect of those profits. Read more on our page www.Managed-forex-accounts.Info

For the short term investors such as pensioners and those that want a monthly income it could be an ideal investment because funds can be taken out as a portion of their month to month cash flow.

Forex trading has the potential to make great profits for customers. Nevertheless, before investing into a managed currency exchange account, there are numerous questions that should be considered. Below, I found some of the most common concerns that clients ought to weigh up.

Most importantly, while aiming to obtain the largest profits, the chief objective of the trader and management team is to protect the investment of the depositor. Many trading groups will have a maximum drawdown limit to keep losses to a quantified amount. Depending on saver’s individual risk profiles, these drawdown limitations need to be considered.

Account managers make their money by charging the client a performance fee. They fluctuate with various firms but usually they are between 25 to 50 per cent. Don’t let the larger fees discourage you because in numerous instances, the profits are much greater than those whose performance fees are smaller.

Can I Pay Someone to Trade Forex for Me? 2020, can i pay someone to trade forex for me?.

A limited power of attorney (LPOA) is granted to the agent by the depositor so that the dealer can access the account merely to position the trades. Dealers will not be able to withdraw funds from depositor’s account aside from performance charges.

The FX market does not have a central location and is dealt all over the planet which means that operating can happen twenty four hours each day.

The client can withdraw cash and add capital from the trading account as and when they like since they have total control of the account. It is in the client’s name or business name. As long as all positions are closed, the account can be closed down at any time.

The operating platform that the traders use to position the dealings can be loaded down onto the depositor’s laptop or computer. It will be in view only mode, however and the depositor cannot position any transactions on it. If any transactions are occurring at the time, the customer can view them taking place as they take place. Reports will be able to be downloaded from the trading system.

Can I Pay Someone to Trade Forex for Me? 2020, can i pay someone to trade forex for me?.

The smallest investment sum differs from managed foreign exchange group to group. Some begin with as little as £5,000 or $10,000 dollars to begin, and the larger revenue accounts may need millions to commence.

Managed FX accounts are perfect for clients who have no time or aspiration to study how to deal on their own. It is the fact that it is a hands off alternative investment that many investors find quite attractive.

The amount of cash that changes hands every single day is in the vicinity of five trillion dollars so it can’t be swayed by other factions as does the stock market.

Summing up paying someone to trade forex for you has the potential to create big returns whatever the fees are incurred and kind of account so they are a superb investment option. Leaving income to build over time is the key element conversely because in a handful of years, they will go through the roof due to compounding profits.

Investors who put money into a foreign currency account are keen on the fact that it is a hands free category of investment which allows them to take profit from the forex marketplace without having to do all of the work.

Pay someone to trade forex for me, can someone day trade for me?

Pay someone to trade forex for me is the question of most investors, the forexsq financial experts answer the question of can someone day trade for me? The answer is yes but below is how you must do it.

Can someone day trade for me

Last week forexsq experts got an email and someone asked can someone day trade for me? Another investor from different country asked is it possible to pay someone to trade forex for me? The simple answer is yes you can pay someone to trade forex for you, many forex managed accounts brokers or hedge fund managers companies provide you such this service and can trade on your behalf. You open forex account and give the user and password and they trade for you and after a while share profit with you, but this is the good part of paying someone day trade for you and handle trading for you.

However some forex managed account companies like fxstay team use international money managers around the world in their team to handle trading for you but there are alot of companies who are not qualified that you pay them to handle trading on your forex account.

So what is the best answer to the question of “pay someone to trade forex for me?” the forexsq experts suggest if you want to paying some trade on stock markets or forex market then share your main capital between several managed companies and after while increase your investment with those companies that you like their trading style and bring you more profit.

Pay someone to trade forex for me conclusion

Now you know how to pay someone to trade forex for me so if you like this article so tip forexsq experts please by share this article on social media networks and help other investors to know about can someone day trade for me ?

Is it worth it to pay someone to trade for you?

Can you pay someone to do your active trading for you? Yes, you can.

Some people love to trade - they love following the markets and the day-to-day work involved with trading. But it isn't for everyone. Not everyone wants to spend their time looking at the markets, and entering orders.

I like doing all this - but I am a bit of a geek. It's entirely possible you won't like doing the work of trading, but you'd still like to get the returns. You want the gain with less pain -and it's possible.

It's really common to pay people for active trading in the stock market. It's just called "mutual fund investing" instead of "paying someone to actively trade a passive, low return/high risk system for me". (by the way, I don't like the word "investing" - I'll tell you why in a bit.)

In a mutual fund, the manager gets paid for selecting stocks, and charges fees to cover the costs of trading. So it's not much of a surprise you can pay someone to actively trade for you in other markets, too.

If you want someone to do all of the work of trend following for you, there are at least two strong choices:

You can hire a broker to "auto-trade" trading signalsyou can open an account and have a commodity trading advisor (CTA) trade for you. Both options are more costly than doing the trading yourself. The extra costs might be worth it for you.

Entering the trades for a trend trading system is not hard work, and it doesn't require a PHD in physics. It's certainly something most people can do if they put their energy into it.

But it does require consistent work. It does require time every day.

Some people don't feel like they have time to do this every day or they simply don't want to do the work. I don't blame them. The work can be boring, and some people just don't like doing it.

It's like changing the oil in your car yourself. It's not hard work, but there are about 1,000,000 things I'd rather do than change the oil in my car.

When I was a teenager, I changed the oil in my car myself to save a few bucks. I know how to change the oil in a car, and it doesn't take more than 15 minutes to do on your own.

But now I take my car to the quick change oil place. It's tedious, grimy work that I would much rather pay someone else to do. It costs a few bucks more to have someone change the oil for me, but it's so worth it for me.

It might be worth it to you to have someone do execute a trend trading system for you.

Auto execution of futures trading signals many futures brokers will auto-execute a trading system for you. All you need to do is setup an account with the broker, and let them know what service you're using. They will do the rest of the work for you.

This is a good way to go if you still want to trade in your own account. You have the ability to place trades in your account when you choose.

The fees you'll pay a broker for this can vary widely, depending on the levels of service.

You'll need to sign some paperwork called either a "letter of direction" or "limited power of attorney", depending on the exact system.

The limited power of attorney gives the broker the ability to place trades in your account according to the directions given by a newsletter or other trading signal provider.

The limited power of attorney (usually) does not give the broker the ability to remove or transfer funds from the account. That's the "limited" part. Please read any agreement carefully before signing anything .

You can use a letter of direction with a 100% mechanical system.

Commodity trading advisors you can also have someone simply do all of the trading for you. Commodity trading advisors - usually just shortened to CTA - take care of every part of the execution of a trading system.

CTA's are a bit harder to find.

CTA's can't advertise - they can only actively solicit people who have a rather high net worth. It's not like you are going to see internet advertising for different CTA's - you'll have to do nearly all of the legwork yourself.

Here is the good thing - many CTA's are trend followers.

Here the bad thing - most CTA's don't take small accounts. Many trend following ctas end up being very successful, so they stop taking small accounts.

You'll need to search for someone who is both highly capable and just starting their trend following system to be able to invest less than $1,000,000 with a CTA. I don't like the odds of that.

If you are looking for a CTA, please let me know. You can find a list of CTA's over at a website called autumn gold. They have a large list of CTA's, with contact information and returns for the last several years.

(P.S. I don't like the word "investing". Investing is a word that tricks people into thinking they are not trading, when they are still trading. Usually, if you hear someone use the word investing, you should hold on to your wallet. You're probably getting a passive, expensive trading strategy with almost no risk management.

Mutual fund fees are actually very, very high for the service provided - as far as I can tell, there is very little or no actual risk management in most mutual funds. It's common to pay 2% fees for mutual funds - on a $100,000 account, that's $2000.

Can I get someone to trade forex for me? (auto trading explained)

Can I Pay Someone to Trade Forex for Me? 2020, can i pay someone to trade forex for me?.

Are you a newbie forex trader? If yes, then you must be new to different terms and concepts of the forex market. As a newbie forex trader, you don’t want to lose money and learn. When you are completely new to this market, you have two options – either learn to trade from scratch or get someone to trade forex on your behalf.

So can you get somebody to trade forex for you?

Yes, you can get someone to trade forex on your behalf. There are so many professional forex traders out there in the market that can help you with forex trading. Getting this type of service to allow you to invest in the market without having expert-level knowledge. New traders often choose this kind of service, because this way they invest in the market and reduce the chances of losing money.

FOREX managed account brokers

A forex managed account is the account managed by the professional forex trader on behalf of his/her client. There are so many forex managed account brokers out there in the market. If you don’t want to spend time doing research, studying the market, and invest in the forex, then you can hire a professional forex trader or money manager for it.

The professional trader you hire will keep an eye on trading opportunities and based on his/her knowledge & experience, he/she will manage your forex trading account.

A managed forex account can be compared with the investment accounts of equities. These are the accounts in which the manager handles the account. Before hiring a particular forex professional to trade on your behalf, the money manager (forex professional) and you (client) have to sign a contract.

The signed agreement or document states that the client allows the trader to trade in the forex market on his/her behalf. By getting someone to trade forex on your behalf, you will not require any technical knowledge or skills regarding the forex market. Apart from this, this also helps you to save a great amount of time.

This way, you do not have to spend time researching the market and learning how to trade. While hiring someone trade forex for you, make sure the hired forex professional is reliable and trustable.

Pros & cons of letting someone trade forex for you

Whether you invest in the market by yourself or let someone trade for you, both of them have their pros and cons. Which one you should choose is based on your situation.

Pros of letting someone trade forex for you

Here are some benefits of getting someone trade forex for you:

1. You don’t have to spend time researching

The major headache in trading forex is you have to spend a huge amount of time doing research and understanding the market. If you don’t have enough time sitting and doing research, then letting someone trade forex on your behalf is a good idea. This way, you can avoid getting bored by doing research and looking at data charts for hours.

2. You don’t have to spend time studying the forex

If you are a newbie and want to start investing in the forex market, you have two options first, hire someone trade forex for you and the second one, trade forex by yourself. The major advantage of getting someone to trade forex for newbies is they don’t have to spend a huge amount of time studying the forex. When you have someone trading on your behalf, you don’t have to worry about studying from scratch (if you are new to the market)

Cons of letting someone trade forex for you

There are also some cons of letting someone trade forex for you. Here are some cons:

1. Hiring a professional forex trader can be expensive

The major disadvantage of hiring a professional trader is it can be really expensive. When you hire someone to trade for you, you have to pay commissions, depending upon the expertise of the trader.

2. Not all of them are reliable

While getting someone trade forex for you, you need to make sure that the professional you have selected is trustable and reliable. You don’t need to give access to your account and money to some stranger or the person you don’t trust. Hence, getting the wrong person for this may result in huge losses.

So these are some pros and cons of letting someone trade forex on your behalf. Depending upon your situation, this could be ideal for you. Now let’s discuss some pros and cons of trading forex by yourself.

Pros & cons of trading the forex by yourself

If you have got knowledge and experience in the forex market, then it is advisable to trade by yourself. Again, trading by self has its own pros and cons. Here’s the list:

Pros of trading the forex by yourself

Are you an experienced forex trader? Then, you should trade by yourself. Here are some major advantages of trading in the forex market on your own:

1. You don’t have to pay commissions

Hiring a professional forex trader for trading on your behalf can be expensive. And, this may not be suitable for each and every person out there. The best thing about trading your own is you do not have to pay any commission and you will earn all the profits you make. You will be responsible for the profits or losses that occur. So, if you have experience in forex trading, you should not hire anyone to trade on your behalf.

2. Don’t worry about finding the right trader

Another advantage of doing it yourself is you do not have to worry about finding the right professional forex trader. For the people who want to hire someone who can trade on their behalf, they have to mess with finding the right person. It is essential because no one would like to give account access & money to the professional who is not trustable.

Cons of trading the forex by yourself

There are also some disadvantages when it comes to doing forex trading your own. Here are some of them:

1. You have to mess with researching

If you don’t like researching and spending long hours looking at data charts, then you should consider hiring a professional who can trade forex on your behalf. In order to make correct decisions and make the most, it is important to focus on the research part. So, the major disadvantage of trading the forex by yourself is you have to spend long hours doing research.

2. You need to learn so much

If you are a complete beginner in this field, you should not simply start doing trading. If you get started in this field without having proper knowledge, the chances are you will lose. For a newbie, it is advisable to gain proper knowledge then get started with forex trading. Hence, if you want to trade forex by yourself, you have to spend a great amount of time learning.


So, the answer to this question is yes, you can get someone to trade forex on your behalf. By getting someone to trade for you, you will be worry-free and stress-free. This way, you do not have to worry about doing market research and spending long hours looking at data charts.

Forex managed account brokers provide this kind of service. They are the professional forex traders. While hiring someone to trade on your behalf, keep in mind the trust and reliability factor. It is essential because you should not give your account access to the stranger or someone unreliable.

Forex scams

Can I Pay Someone to Trade Forex for Me? 2020, can i pay someone to trade forex for me?.

Top 7 forex scams to avoid today

As forex markets promise to give you an incredible return on investment, they became trendy in the last few years. However, often forex traders don’t have a great understanding of how forex markets work and what a forex broker does exactly, which leaves the latter a lot of room to scam the trader. Whether it is about proposals on instagram or simply fake investment advice, beware.

It’s a complicated industry, and even experienced people fall victim to intricate trading schemes. There are quite a few variations of the forex fraud. Let’s take a look at a few of them. Feel free to add names of questionable forex platforms in the comments section, at the bottom of the article.

Forex trading strategies – scam 1: the whole package

According to the specialists at investorguide.Com, this might come your way by crooks “creating false customer accounts for the purpose of generating commissions, selling software that is supposed to garner large profits for the customer, false claims of customers making huge money, the theft of a customer’s account and phony marketing.

Forex scams draw customers in with sophisticated advertisements placed in the newspaper, heard on the radio, or seen on internet websites.

Forex promoters often lure investors into scams with various assurances, including their ability to predict an increase in currency prices and claims of high returns with low risk. An unregulated financial company trading off-exchange forex, foreign currency futures and options contracts with retail customers is illicit and may be a fraud or scam.

In many cases, investors may be guaranteed high returns in the tens of thousands of dollars over a few weeks or months, with a relatively low initial investment. In reality, the investor’s money is never used for forex trading, but is simply stolen.”

Watch the video below see a few extra tips from a victim, talking about forex scams, training courses, and hedge funds.

Forex trading strategies – scam 2: computer manipulation of bid/ask spreads

How does this scam work? According to dailyforex.Com (a great team of analysts and researchers who watch the market throughout the day to provide unique perspectives and helpful analysis on forex trading), “the point spread between the bid and ask basically reflects the commission of a back and forth transaction processed through a broker. The point spreads differ widely among brokers and differ between currency pairs.

Since brokers don’t usually offer the normal two- to three-point spread in the EUR/USD, for example, but go for spreads of seven pips or more, any potential gains resulting from a good investment were eaten away by commissions. These commissions found themselves in the broker’s pocket.

Suggested read: sell my structured settlement fraud

Today, it is unusual to find a broker that claims he takes a commission. Don’t be fooled by this promotion. He is still making his money from the difference in the spread but spreads are now regulated and only smaller spreads are permitted.

However, there are still offshore retail forex brokers who are not regulated by the CFTC, NFA or their nation of origin and it’s quite easy for these firms to pack up and disappear with the money when confronted with investigations of irregularities”. Great explanation by dailyforex.Com.

Suggested read: 13 gold IRA investment scams

Forex strategies – scam 3: commingling funds

In law, commingling is a breach of trust in which a fiduciary mixes funds that he holds in the care of a client with his own funds, making it difficult to determine which funds belong to the fiduciary and which belong to the client.

When it comes to the forex scam, the same team at dailyforex.Com explains: “commingling funds gives forex brokers the opportunity to pocket much of an investor’s money without the client ever noticing any discrepancy. The broker benefits financially during the trading and eventually disappears with a customer’s money.”

“if a forex trader looks carefully and states vigilant he/she can pick up are certain warning signs which can alert him/her when all is not on the straight and narrow. If a broker won’t allow the withdrawal of monies from investor accounts or if problems exist within the trading station, the trader should take immediate notice.

Additionally, guarantees of high performance levels-some much higher than those offered by other forex brokers-should be viewed with considerable skepticism.”

Suggested read: 15 types of securities fraud

Forex strategies – scam 4: robots/automated systems

Surprised? Don’t be. This is an increasing scam especially with the advancement of the technology. Questionable brokers sell automatic trading systems which claim to generate automatic trades even when the trader is sleeping.

Some shady companies sell their special “packages” for thousands of dollars, only to find out that some of these you can find on the internet for free.

“most of these robots have not been tested by an independent source for formal review. Their trading system’s parameters and optimization codes are usually invalid and at the end of the day, the system generates totally random buy and sell signals”, concludes dailyforex.Com.

Suggested read: list with government grants for individuals

Forex strategies – scam 5: fake investments funds

All kinds of HYIP funds have been notoriously showing up everywhere. Simply because they work; for the scammers! The high yield investment program funds ‘guarantee’ you a great level of return for temporary use of your money in their forex fund.

The concept that sells this ponzi scheme is that the investors of yesterday get paid back by the investors of tomorrow. How the scam works is that once the fund runs out of prospects, it closes down and takes whatever money it has with it.

Must read: online college course scam

Forex strategies – scam 6: signal seller membership

Just like the robots, certain ‘signal sellers’ claim to sell you information on which trades you should make in order to get rich. The trick is – they charge a weekly or monthly fee for their service (‘signals’).

Little do you know that not only you are lose your money, but they do not even offer you anything that will help improve your trading!

Forex on instagram – scam 7: fake accounts

With the advancement of technology, there are many well-run online scams on social media when it comes to forex. Some have over a thousand ‘followers’ losing money as the fraud is advertised as a get rich quick scheme.

People are signed up to a trading platform through so-called ‘companies’ and are asked to deposit their hard-earned money to deposit $400 (or EURO). Ultimately, they lose it all through investment advice from kids who earn a kickback when clients give money to the platform used to sign up.

These questionable forex platforms have recruited and paid multiple young adults from ages 18-21 to promote their scheme online. They get paid for luring new people into the system. They also use well known social media influencers to promote them and tell lies about the service.

How to avoid the forex scams:

There are many red flags you should be aware of. The first one would be when you are guaranteed a profit. There are no guarantee profits in forex. Use your computer and search reviews featuring the broker, or the system, or the signal seller.

Make sure the testimonials are genuine and do not come from their own websites. Check all the forex forums and google the name of the broker followed by the word ‘scam’.

Check their website very carefully. If they don’t have a legitimate contact page with phone numbers and emails, that’s another red flag.

Last but not least, keep in mind that there is no ‘miracle’ software that will figure out the forex market for you. If anybody would own that, why would they sell it?

How to report the forex strategies scams:

Make your family and friends aware of this scam by sharing it on social media using the buttons provided. You can also officially report the scammers to the federal trade commission using the link below:

How to protect yourself more:

If you want to be the first to find out the most notorious scams every week, feel free to subscribe to the scam detector newsletter here. You’ll receive periodical emails and we promise not to spam. Last but not least, use the comments section below to expose other scammers.

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Is it worth it to pay someone to trade for you?

Can you pay someone to do your active trading for you? Yes, you can.

Some people love to trade - they love following the markets and the day-to-day work involved with trading. But it isn't for everyone. Not everyone wants to spend their time looking at the markets, and entering orders.

I like doing all this - but I am a bit of a geek. It's entirely possible you won't like doing the work of trading, but you'd still like to get the returns. You want the gain with less pain -and it's possible.

It's really common to pay people for active trading in the stock market. It's just called "mutual fund investing" instead of "paying someone to actively trade a passive, low return/high risk system for me". (by the way, I don't like the word "investing" - I'll tell you why in a bit.)

In a mutual fund, the manager gets paid for selecting stocks, and charges fees to cover the costs of trading. So it's not much of a surprise you can pay someone to actively trade for you in other markets, too.

If you want someone to do all of the work of trend following for you, there are at least two strong choices:

You can hire a broker to "auto-trade" trading signalsyou can open an account and have a commodity trading advisor (CTA) trade for you. Both options are more costly than doing the trading yourself. The extra costs might be worth it for you.

Entering the trades for a trend trading system is not hard work, and it doesn't require a PHD in physics. It's certainly something most people can do if they put their energy into it.

But it does require consistent work. It does require time every day.

Some people don't feel like they have time to do this every day or they simply don't want to do the work. I don't blame them. The work can be boring, and some people just don't like doing it.

It's like changing the oil in your car yourself. It's not hard work, but there are about 1,000,000 things I'd rather do than change the oil in my car.

When I was a teenager, I changed the oil in my car myself to save a few bucks. I know how to change the oil in a car, and it doesn't take more than 15 minutes to do on your own.

But now I take my car to the quick change oil place. It's tedious, grimy work that I would much rather pay someone else to do. It costs a few bucks more to have someone change the oil for me, but it's so worth it for me.

It might be worth it to you to have someone do execute a trend trading system for you.

Auto execution of futures trading signals many futures brokers will auto-execute a trading system for you. All you need to do is setup an account with the broker, and let them know what service you're using. They will do the rest of the work for you.

This is a good way to go if you still want to trade in your own account. You have the ability to place trades in your account when you choose.

The fees you'll pay a broker for this can vary widely, depending on the levels of service.

You'll need to sign some paperwork called either a "letter of direction" or "limited power of attorney", depending on the exact system.

The limited power of attorney gives the broker the ability to place trades in your account according to the directions given by a newsletter or other trading signal provider.

The limited power of attorney (usually) does not give the broker the ability to remove or transfer funds from the account. That's the "limited" part. Please read any agreement carefully before signing anything .

You can use a letter of direction with a 100% mechanical system.

Commodity trading advisors you can also have someone simply do all of the trading for you. Commodity trading advisors - usually just shortened to CTA - take care of every part of the execution of a trading system.

CTA's are a bit harder to find.

CTA's can't advertise - they can only actively solicit people who have a rather high net worth. It's not like you are going to see internet advertising for different CTA's - you'll have to do nearly all of the legwork yourself.

Here is the good thing - many CTA's are trend followers.

Here the bad thing - most CTA's don't take small accounts. Many trend following ctas end up being very successful, so they stop taking small accounts.

You'll need to search for someone who is both highly capable and just starting their trend following system to be able to invest less than $1,000,000 with a CTA. I don't like the odds of that.

If you are looking for a CTA, please let me know. You can find a list of CTA's over at a website called autumn gold. They have a large list of CTA's, with contact information and returns for the last several years.

(P.S. I don't like the word "investing". Investing is a word that tricks people into thinking they are not trading, when they are still trading. Usually, if you hear someone use the word investing, you should hold on to your wallet. You're probably getting a passive, expensive trading strategy with almost no risk management.

Mutual fund fees are actually very, very high for the service provided - as far as I can tell, there is very little or no actual risk management in most mutual funds. It's common to pay 2% fees for mutual funds - on a $100,000 account, that's $2000.

Pay someone to trade forex for me, can someone day trade for me?

Pay someone to trade forex for me is the question of most investors, the forexsq financial experts answer the question of can someone day trade for me? The answer is yes but below is how you must do it.

Can someone day trade for me

Last week forexsq experts got an email and someone asked can someone day trade for me? Another investor from different country asked is it possible to pay someone to trade forex for me? The simple answer is yes you can pay someone to trade forex for you, many forex managed accounts brokers or hedge fund managers companies provide you such this service and can trade on your behalf. You open forex account and give the user and password and they trade for you and after a while share profit with you, but this is the good part of paying someone day trade for you and handle trading for you.

However some forex managed account companies like fxstay team use international money managers around the world in their team to handle trading for you but there are alot of companies who are not qualified that you pay them to handle trading on your forex account.

So what is the best answer to the question of “pay someone to trade forex for me?” the forexsq experts suggest if you want to paying some trade on stock markets or forex market then share your main capital between several managed companies and after while increase your investment with those companies that you like their trading style and bring you more profit.

Pay someone to trade forex for me conclusion

Now you know how to pay someone to trade forex for me so if you like this article so tip forexsq experts please by share this article on social media networks and help other investors to know about can someone day trade for me ?

Can I trade stocks for someone else?

I am good at trading but not a stock broker, if someone else opens an account for themselves, can I trade their account for them online.

Please help me find some references and if this is not legal, please let me know where I can find information about how to legally do this.

13 answers

Can I Pay Someone to Trade Forex for Me? 2020, can i pay someone to trade forex for me?.

Yes you can do it IF you have written authorization and a signed limited power of attorney.

The account must be opened in the name of the individual with you as a POA and the account must be approved by the B/D.

You personally should have a full written agreement between you and the party for whom you will be trading, if not they or their heirs gottcha by the short ones in case circumstances change in the future.

The person for whoim you will be trading should provide you with a "limited" power of attorney

Binary options let users trade in currency pairs and stocks for various predetermined time-periods, minimal of which is 30 seconds. Executing trades is straightforward. The system uses user-friendly interfaces, which even an 8 years old kid, can operate without having to read any instructions. But winning trades is not easy.

Binary trading is advertised as the only genuine system that lets users earn preposterous amounts of money in ridiculously short period of time. Advertisers try to implicate as if you can make $350 every 60 seconds; if it was true then binary trading would truly be an astonishing business.

However, does it make any sense? Can every trader make tons of money in binary trading? Who is actually paying all the money or the profit to traders?

The first challenge is finding a trustworthy binary broker; secondly, you need to find a binary trading strategy, which you can use to make profits consistently. Without an effective trading strategy, there is no way you can make money in this business.

Learning a profitable trading strategy is possible, you should watch this presentation video https://tr.Im/d0306

It's probably the best way to learn how to win with binary option

Can I Pay Someone to Trade Forex for Me? 2020, can i pay someone to trade forex for me?.

This site is designed for anyone who wants to discover proven profitable trading strategies and for those who are interested in making money trading stocks https://tr.Im/pennystocktrading

You are going to learn how you can make consistent money trading stocks and how to utilize the most profitable trading strategies.

The profitable patterns that are mentioned have been successfully duplicated to give you the freedom to easily build a consistently profitable trading system.

Forex scams

Can I Pay Someone to Trade Forex for Me? 2020, can i pay someone to trade forex for me?.

Top 7 forex scams to avoid today

As forex markets promise to give you an incredible return on investment, they became trendy in the last few years. However, often forex traders don’t have a great understanding of how forex markets work and what a forex broker does exactly, which leaves the latter a lot of room to scam the trader. Whether it is about proposals on instagram or simply fake investment advice, beware.

It’s a complicated industry, and even experienced people fall victim to intricate trading schemes. There are quite a few variations of the forex fraud. Let’s take a look at a few of them. Feel free to add names of questionable forex platforms in the comments section, at the bottom of the article.

Forex trading strategies – scam 1: the whole package

According to the specialists at investorguide.Com, this might come your way by crooks “creating false customer accounts for the purpose of generating commissions, selling software that is supposed to garner large profits for the customer, false claims of customers making huge money, the theft of a customer’s account and phony marketing.

Forex scams draw customers in with sophisticated advertisements placed in the newspaper, heard on the radio, or seen on internet websites.

Forex promoters often lure investors into scams with various assurances, including their ability to predict an increase in currency prices and claims of high returns with low risk. An unregulated financial company trading off-exchange forex, foreign currency futures and options contracts with retail customers is illicit and may be a fraud or scam.

In many cases, investors may be guaranteed high returns in the tens of thousands of dollars over a few weeks or months, with a relatively low initial investment. In reality, the investor’s money is never used for forex trading, but is simply stolen.”

Watch the video below see a few extra tips from a victim, talking about forex scams, training courses, and hedge funds.

Forex trading strategies – scam 2: computer manipulation of bid/ask spreads

How does this scam work? According to dailyforex.Com (a great team of analysts and researchers who watch the market throughout the day to provide unique perspectives and helpful analysis on forex trading), “the point spread between the bid and ask basically reflects the commission of a back and forth transaction processed through a broker. The point spreads differ widely among brokers and differ between currency pairs.

Since brokers don’t usually offer the normal two- to three-point spread in the EUR/USD, for example, but go for spreads of seven pips or more, any potential gains resulting from a good investment were eaten away by commissions. These commissions found themselves in the broker’s pocket.

Suggested read: sell my structured settlement fraud

Today, it is unusual to find a broker that claims he takes a commission. Don’t be fooled by this promotion. He is still making his money from the difference in the spread but spreads are now regulated and only smaller spreads are permitted.

However, there are still offshore retail forex brokers who are not regulated by the CFTC, NFA or their nation of origin and it’s quite easy for these firms to pack up and disappear with the money when confronted with investigations of irregularities”. Great explanation by dailyforex.Com.

Suggested read: 13 gold IRA investment scams

Forex strategies – scam 3: commingling funds

In law, commingling is a breach of trust in which a fiduciary mixes funds that he holds in the care of a client with his own funds, making it difficult to determine which funds belong to the fiduciary and which belong to the client.

When it comes to the forex scam, the same team at dailyforex.Com explains: “commingling funds gives forex brokers the opportunity to pocket much of an investor’s money without the client ever noticing any discrepancy. The broker benefits financially during the trading and eventually disappears with a customer’s money.”

“if a forex trader looks carefully and states vigilant he/she can pick up are certain warning signs which can alert him/her when all is not on the straight and narrow. If a broker won’t allow the withdrawal of monies from investor accounts or if problems exist within the trading station, the trader should take immediate notice.

Additionally, guarantees of high performance levels-some much higher than those offered by other forex brokers-should be viewed with considerable skepticism.”

Suggested read: 15 types of securities fraud

Forex strategies – scam 4: robots/automated systems

Surprised? Don’t be. This is an increasing scam especially with the advancement of the technology. Questionable brokers sell automatic trading systems which claim to generate automatic trades even when the trader is sleeping.

Some shady companies sell their special “packages” for thousands of dollars, only to find out that some of these you can find on the internet for free.

“most of these robots have not been tested by an independent source for formal review. Their trading system’s parameters and optimization codes are usually invalid and at the end of the day, the system generates totally random buy and sell signals”, concludes dailyforex.Com.

Suggested read: list with government grants for individuals

Forex strategies – scam 5: fake investments funds

All kinds of HYIP funds have been notoriously showing up everywhere. Simply because they work; for the scammers! The high yield investment program funds ‘guarantee’ you a great level of return for temporary use of your money in their forex fund.

The concept that sells this ponzi scheme is that the investors of yesterday get paid back by the investors of tomorrow. How the scam works is that once the fund runs out of prospects, it closes down and takes whatever money it has with it.

Must read: online college course scam

Forex strategies – scam 6: signal seller membership

Just like the robots, certain ‘signal sellers’ claim to sell you information on which trades you should make in order to get rich. The trick is – they charge a weekly or monthly fee for their service (‘signals’).

Little do you know that not only you are lose your money, but they do not even offer you anything that will help improve your trading!

Forex on instagram – scam 7: fake accounts

With the advancement of technology, there are many well-run online scams on social media when it comes to forex. Some have over a thousand ‘followers’ losing money as the fraud is advertised as a get rich quick scheme.

People are signed up to a trading platform through so-called ‘companies’ and are asked to deposit their hard-earned money to deposit $400 (or EURO). Ultimately, they lose it all through investment advice from kids who earn a kickback when clients give money to the platform used to sign up.

These questionable forex platforms have recruited and paid multiple young adults from ages 18-21 to promote their scheme online. They get paid for luring new people into the system. They also use well known social media influencers to promote them and tell lies about the service.

How to avoid the forex scams:

There are many red flags you should be aware of. The first one would be when you are guaranteed a profit. There are no guarantee profits in forex. Use your computer and search reviews featuring the broker, or the system, or the signal seller.

Make sure the testimonials are genuine and do not come from their own websites. Check all the forex forums and google the name of the broker followed by the word ‘scam’.

Check their website very carefully. If they don’t have a legitimate contact page with phone numbers and emails, that’s another red flag.

Last but not least, keep in mind that there is no ‘miracle’ software that will figure out the forex market for you. If anybody would own that, why would they sell it?

How to report the forex strategies scams:

Make your family and friends aware of this scam by sharing it on social media using the buttons provided. You can also officially report the scammers to the federal trade commission using the link below:

How to protect yourself more:

If you want to be the first to find out the most notorious scams every week, feel free to subscribe to the scam detector newsletter here. You’ll receive periodical emails and we promise not to spam. Last but not least, use the comments section below to expose other scammers.

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so, let's see, what we have: the investment where you pay someone to trade the forex market for you are called managed forex accounts. At can i pay someone to trade forex for me?

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