Broker verification
If you have read the reviews and relevant articles written by traders on the topic of verification on operators’ platforms, then you would have noticed some market participants view this technical operation negatively.
Top-3 forex bonuses
The reason for this lie in the level of trust between brokers and investors. The issue is that, when getting started trading privately online, many operators use verification as another tool to deceive partners. Many people remember the unjustified refusal to disperse funds. In which, brokers often pose numerous complex and difficult demands when verifying traders’ personal identification. However, brokers themselves were the ones who set the stage for this mistrust of the legal process! And yet, why do you need verification? • you can only start placing trades after you have completed the entirety of the verification process!
Passing your broker’s account verification process, what is required from you?
Every financial investor on their path to the financial market must undertake a substantial amount of preparation. Here it is clearly legal aspects of trading with financial tools, and the technical problems connected with forecasting and evaluating market indicators. Today, we’re considering the not so insignificant question of “verification”, which you are required to pass on brokers’ trading platforms. We suggest going through all the legal and technical nuances of brokers’ requirements, defined by the necessity of undergoing verification, and also the collection of essential documents that market operators have the right to demand.
So, not so long ago, to gain access to the financial market, all you had to do was open a trading account with any one of the many platforms for trading. However, now the trading sphere is has become more official and all participants must meet set guidelines. For this reason, the vast majority of large, systematized brokers require clients to pass the verification process or, more simply, identification process. Moreover, it is worth noting that there is no difference between working on a forex platform or with a binary options broker, even the more novel services, such as cryptocurrency exchange, require their partners to undergo verification. Considering the verification process, first and foremost, it’s worth going through how it is regulated, why it’s necessary and what it amounts to specifically.

Verification – who needs it?
If you have read the reviews and relevant articles written by traders on the topic of verification on operators’ platforms, then you would have noticed some market participants view this technical operation negatively. The reason for this lie in the level of trust between brokers and investors. The issue is that, when getting started trading privately online, many operators use verification as another tool to deceive partners. Many people remember the unjustified refusal to disperse funds. In which, brokers often pose numerous complex and difficult demands when verifying traders’ personal identification. However, brokers themselves were the ones who set the stage for this mistrust of the legal process! And yet, why do you need verification?
Usually, financial brokers, who require client verification, justify it with several facts, the position of the well-known investing organization FAFT, market regulators’ requirements, and also interest in protecting traders and their investments. The brokers’ requirements would be reasonable and legally justified if weren’t for the many “but”s!
Let’s start with investment and partner protection. Of course, experienced investors and reasoned traders are well aware that brokers are primarily focused on their own wellbeing, with clients’ interests coming in around third. The issue is that the system of the financial market is set up in such a way, that if the trading service carries out illegal operations, first and foremost, it will be the operators themselves who will be punished. It makes sense, why search for a single con artist, if you can punish the platform, which created the opportunity for such activity for technical and legal reasons. Therefore, by requiring verification, brokers are protecting themselves. Besides that, this situation raises skepticism anyways due to the requirement to disclose personal information and documentation. This in and of itself decreases clients’ security. But don’t be scared off, these days financial trading platforms protect partners’ information with some of the highest security measures.
The second point is the FATF requirement. Tas a start, what does this organization do? It’s all quite simple: FAFT is an intergovernmental organization, handling the international issue of money laundering. The organization doesn’t take any physical measures against it. Instead, it analyzes and develops specialized financial schemes, which aim to prevent laundering money procured through illegal means, excluding tax evasion. However, this organization’s recommendations and guidelines are only binding if the government ratifies intergovernmental agreements.
The european union ratified their legal relationship with FATF in 2005, russia, in turn, adopted the standards of this organization in 2001. Fighting money laundering isn’t the only reason for actively taking on FATF’s recommendations, they also seriously limit the ability of terrorist organizations to move money. As you know that is a very serious problem. However, when considering FATF’s activity and recommendations through the lens of a private investor on the financial market, it is worth noting that the recommendations and guidelines are only applicable if the trading platform is registered in a country where the operator also works. To put it into other words, if your broker falls under the jurisdiction of a country that hasn’t ratified FATF, then the verification process isn’t required to meet the organization’s standards and is in certain situations illegal.
Having conducted a brief initial survey, it’s of note that the majority of financial market operators today are located within european jurisdiction, therefore the companies don’t have the freedom to ignore the FATF requirements in regards to the client verification process.
Continuing along the lines of the legal justification for requiring verification, it is worth stating that in financial legal relations and accounting with brokers and traders, there is yet another side, the payment or banking service! Partially, these organizations are regulated by entirely different, stricter principles and rules, therefore, without identity verification, you simply cannot work with financial tools.
In sum, there is a reasonably wide selection of organizations, which force brokers to require their partners to undergo a verification process. These rules are legal and shouldn’t be fought or questioned.
What documentation do you need for verification?
Verification is first and foremost the process of identifying the client and directly linking the investor concretely to their trading account. That is why the main document requested to verify an individual’s identity is their passport. However, this is where trader from russia can run into some specific problems. If you work with a russian broker, then all you must do is present your russian passport, with a scanned copy of the registration page with the stamp. However, most traders prefer working on european operators’ financial platforms, and here there will be some difficulties. The issue is that outside russia there is no internal residence permits or system of registration in specific areas. The second point also being that they do not accept documents written in cyrillic. Therefore, to pass verification in foreign countries you need a foreign passport, and, of course, an obnoxious corroborating document, which irritates traders more without exception, such as a service payment receipt addressed to your official residence! The operator also requires notarized copies of all documents! With the number of documents required you could open a foreign bank account!
At first glance, the list of documents and standard requirements appears simple, however, in the practical reality, traders don’t always possess receipts addressed to their residence, severely complicating the verification process. For this reason, financial market system operators always provide specific alternatives for verifying partners.
Verification – what you need to know?
As annoying as the process of verification on brokers’ platforms can be, the process is a very effective tool for protecting traders’ investments. However, many operators to this day use this process as a means to delay settlements with partners. In order to not fall into a difficult situation and have the opportunity to work with a professional and secure broker, it is vital to pay attention to the following requirements and facts of collaboration:
• already at the account registration stage, secure brokers request various information for the later verification process. It is already necessary to present an exhausting range of required documents.
• don’t work with companies which require documentation in-line with the EU guidelines, yet aren’t located within the european union and aren’t partnered with the financial instruments of an EU member country.
• con artists will categorically refuse to propose alternative documents to you, as a russian citizen, for verifying your identity.
• avoid operators who insist on using simple local payment services with clients for financial dealings, over global services with complex client verification processes.
• reject brokers who request a large amount of documentation, while requiring you to provide both russian and english copies
Use this list of recommendations, you can protect yourself from problems with accounting. Don’t give them the opportunity to try to con you.
In order to best protect your information against fraudulent brokers, use the following list of practical recommendations:
• before finalizing your trading account in full measure, on the operator’s platform, study the requirements and technical process of verification. You should have a clear understanding and have a summary of information on this question. Your first step should be familiarizing yourself with the list of required documentation for verifying your identity, assess your broker’s ability to change their rules once you’ve already begun the partnership process.
• conduct an analysis of your broker’s status. Often companies propose very difficult verification processes, justifying it based on their partnerships with very reputable banks or work in the national legal fields, which are also often established financial centers. If the publicly available information isn’t enough for you to properly evaluate, go to the operator for further information. If the broker runs a legal platform, then they will be more than happy to provide any information you may be interested in.
• also before beginning trading, determine what method of payment are available, which will aid you in any future accounting. Saving yourself from having to verify your identity twice, many payment services have similar requirements for verifying the identity of their clients.
• you can only start placing trades after you have completed the entirety of the verification process!
In closing, putting aside traders’ negative views on verification, it is worth saying that today it does not only protect investments and work in the legal field but is also a clear and distinguishing sign of any professional and secure platform. Therefore, completing verification on your broker’s platform enables you to make the right choice in relation to the quality of trading service and to carry on comfortably trading with financial tools at your disposal.
“general risk warning: binary options and cryptocurrency trading carry a high level of risk and can result in the loss of all your funds.”
Broker verification
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в—Џ notice of proposed rule making вђ“ amendment to real estate broker qualifying course
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ALERT: real estate services can resume under strict guidelines in all regions of new york state. Please visit http://forward.Ny.Govв to view the guidelines.
A "real estate broker" means any person, firm, limited liability company or corporation, who, for another and for a fee, commission or other valuable consideration, lists for sale, sells, at auction or otherwise, exchanges, buys or rents, or offers or attempts to negotiate a sale, at auction or otherwise, exchange, purchase or rental of an estate or interest in real estate, or collects or offers or attempts to collect rent for the use of real estate, or negotiates or offers or attempts to negotiate, a loan secured or to be secured by a mortgage, other than a residential mortgage loan, as defined in В§590 of the banking law, or other incumbrance upon or transfer of real estate, or is engaged in the business of a tenant relocator, or who, notwithstanding any other provision of law, performs any of the above stated functions with respect to the resale of condominium property originally sold pursuant to the provisions of the general business law governing real estate syndication offerings. It is the responsibility of licensees to understand the real estate license law, where a more detailed definition of "real estate broker" can be found, including information about different types of brokers:
• individual broker • associate broker • trade name broker • limited partnership broker • corporate broker
Real estate board approves regulations to strengthen fair housing enforcement efforts
Real estate brokers & salespersons
Real estate broker info
** we are no longer accepting paper applications for real estate broker and salesperson licenses. You can apply online at www.Michigan.Gov/miplus. Our online system provides more efficient services to those applying for a real estate broker and salesperson license. If you are having problems completing the application process, please contact us at 517-241-0199 for assistance and we can help walk you through the process. Should you have further questions, please contact our licensing support team at bplhelp@michigan.Gov.
Article 25 of public act 299 of 1980, as amended was created, to license and regulate the practice of real estate brokers and salespersons in michigan.

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1200 new jersey ave. SE, room W65-206
washington , DC 20590
united states
Phone: 800-832-5660
business hours:
8:00am-8:00pm ET, M-F
Broker registration
New applicants:
Brokers who are registering for the first time must apply for broker authority with the FMCSA via the unified registration system (URS) as of december 12, 2015. For more information about URS, or to apply for the first time, click here. After the MC number has been assigned, to complete the application process, brokers must also take the following steps:
- For brokers of property: proof of insurance coverage: a surety bond (form BMC-84) or trust fund agreement (form BMC-85) in the amount of $75,000.
- For brokers of household goods: proof of insurance coverage: a surety bond (form BMC-84) or trust fund agreement (form BMC-85) in the amount of $75,000.
- Form BOC-3, designation of process agent form (brokers may designate themselves as their own process agents in the state in which they are writing contracts)
- Application processing fee: $300 (non-refundable) charged during the application process
- Application processing time: approximately 4-6 weeks
Existing brokers or carriers:
After december 12, 2015, entities with existing authorities or USDOT number registrations will using existing forms/processes to update their authority or apply for an additional authority:
- By mail: once you have completed the OP-1 form, you must print the completed form and mail it to the address indicated on the form.
- Request the form by phone: you can call 800-832-5660 to have a form mailed to you. Once you have completed the form, you can mail it to the address indicated on the form.
Experience requirements for the broker examination
A minimum of two years full-time licensed salesperson experience within the last five years or the equivalent is required. Following are acceptable methods of documenting the experience requirement for the broker examination.
Verification of licensed sales experience
The fact that you have held a salesperson license for two years does not necessarily qualify you for a broker license. You must document employment as a licensed salesperson actively engaged in the business on a full-time basis (or part-time for the equivalent of two years full-time) in the form of certifications from your responsible broker or former responsible broker(s). These certifications must be made using the employment verification (RE 226)

The license status check feature of the DRE web site may be used to find your current and prior responsible broker's address of record.
If it is impossible to obtain verification of employment from a former responsible broker, you must still complete the employment verification (RE 226)

When submitting the employment verification (RE 226) form and the employment certification (RE 228) forms, it is important that you provide sufficient detail to enable the bureau to perform a comprehensive evaluation. The department may conduct further inquiry when evaluating experience, including requesting additional information from the applicant, the responsible broker, or the certifiers.
Licensed experience defined
- Full-time salesperson activity means at least 40 hours per week devoted to activities that require a real estate license. No additional credit will be given for more than 40 hours of activity.
- Part-time activity as a real estate salesperson will be given credit on a prorated basis. For example, 20 hours of activity per week would be given credit as half time employment, and four years of such employment would be required to qualify for a broker license. No credit is given for less than 10 hours of activity per week.
- Salespersons who claim full-time employment for 40 hours per week, but who are employed as full-time employees in another industry, will not, ordinarily, be credited in excess of 20 hours per week maximum (or half-time employment in the real estate business).
- Salespersons who claim low or no transaction volume may require additional explanations be provided to the department, including an explanation from the responsible broker as to the reason(s) for the low or no volume.
All attachments must be signed by the applicant and the certifiers.
Education in lieu of experience
Major or minor in real estate
An applicant with a degree from an accredited four year college or university which included a major or minor in real estate may be exempt from the two-year salesperson experience requirement. This may be verified by submitting a copy of the transcript showing the degree earned. Degrees and certificates earned from two year institutions do not qualify.
Courses completed or degrees earned through foreign institutions of higher learning must be evaluated by a foreign credentials evaluation service approved by DRE. See examination applicant foreign education information (RE 223)

Experience requirements
Members of the california state bar are statutorily exempt from the college-level course requirements. Evidence of admission to practice law in california must be furnished, such as a photocopy of both sides of a california state bar membership card. However, members of the california state bar would still need to demonstrate that they have satisfied the two years full-time licensed salesperson experience requirement or have at least two years real estate related experience while practicing law in california. Members of the state bar of california using equivalent experience should submit a RE 227 equivalent experience verification

Equivalent activities in lieu of experience
General information
A claim of equivalent experience, in lieu of the two years of sales experience required for the broker examination, may be based on any combination of salesperson experience and equivalent experience, which, considered as a whole, would satisfy the intent of the law.
An applicant who has not been active as a licensed real estate salesperson may be eligible for the broker examination, provided equivalent experience verification (RE 227)

When submitting the equivalent experience verification (RE 227) form(s), it is important that you provide sufficient detailed descriptions of your activities to enable the department to perform an evaluation. The department may conduct further inquiry when evaluating equivalent experience, including requesting additional information from the applicant, the employer, or the certifiers.
Regardless of the experience, the eight college-level courses required for a broker's license must be completed and cannot be waived based on the equivalent experience.
Acceptable kinds of equivalent experience
An applicant may qualify with two years full-time experience, in any of the following areas:
- Experience as an escrow or title officer or as a loan officer in a capacity directly related to the financing or conveying of real property.
- Experience as a subdivider, or speculative builder, during which time the applicant performed comprehensive duties relating to the purchase, finance, development, and sale or lease of real property. General contracting experience does not satisfy the intent of the law.
- Experience as a real property appraiser.
- Experience as a licensed real estate professional in another state or country.
The above-referenced patterns are designed to assist the applicant in understanding the general types of equivalent experience which can be used to qualify for the broker examination. Other types of real estate-related experience will be considered, provided that it satisfies the intent of the law. It should be noted, however, that claims for equivalency by unlicensed persons for activities which require a real estate license will not be considered.
Active military and veteran applicants can apply their military experience and training, as it relates to real estate-related activities and provided that it satisfies the intent of the law, towards licensure requirements.
NOTE: care in preparing the claim of qualification and presentation of adequate supporting documents including letters, certifications, corporation information, tax forms and proof of real property ownership - will facilitate the review of an application. Do not have verifiers send individual letters separate from your application submissions. Be accurate as to employment and transaction dates, etc., as incompleteness or inaccuracies will result in delays and additional correspondence. All attachments must be signed by the applicant and the certifiers.
DRE evaluation of experience
All qualification requirements must be met before you can be scheduled for the broker examination. DRE evaluation of claimed experience or education cannot be conducted with applicants in person at any office of the department or on the telephone.
If you wish an evaluation of your previous college courses, degree or experience you must submit a completed application and fee as described in the next section.
In this section
Related links
1200 new jersey ave. SE, room W65-206
washington , DC 20590
united states
Phone: 800-832-5660
business hours:
8:00am-8:00pm ET, M-F
Broker registration
New applicants:
Brokers who are registering for the first time must apply for broker authority with the FMCSA via the unified registration system (URS) as of december 12, 2015. For more information about URS, or to apply for the first time, click here. After the MC number has been assigned, to complete the application process, brokers must also take the following steps:
- For brokers of property: proof of insurance coverage: a surety bond (form BMC-84) or trust fund agreement (form BMC-85) in the amount of $75,000.
- For brokers of household goods: proof of insurance coverage: a surety bond (form BMC-84) or trust fund agreement (form BMC-85) in the amount of $75,000.
- Form BOC-3, designation of process agent form (brokers may designate themselves as their own process agents in the state in which they are writing contracts)
- Application processing fee: $300 (non-refundable) charged during the application process
- Application processing time: approximately 4-6 weeks
Existing brokers or carriers:
After december 12, 2015, entities with existing authorities or USDOT number registrations will using existing forms/processes to update their authority or apply for an additional authority:
- By mail: once you have completed the OP-1 form, you must print the completed form and mail it to the address indicated on the form.
- Request the form by phone: you can call 800-832-5660 to have a form mailed to you. Once you have completed the form, you can mail it to the address indicated on the form.
Customs brokers
2021 annual permit user fees
The 2021 annual permit user fees are due by january 29, 2021. Effective october 1, 2020 the COBRA fee for permits (USER FEE) is $150.33 (was $147.89). The user fee amount owed for each active permit is $150.33. Fees must be submitted to the permitting port for district permits and to the licensing port for national permits. Please refer to the published federal register notice containing the due date.
2021 triennial status report and fee
CBP will begin accepting submissions of the triennial status report december 15, 2020. The status report and fee is due no later than february 28, 2021.
Save time – submit online
Online, automated triennial status report and fee payment
On december 15, 2020, revenue modernization’s electronic payment options project (epo/ecbp), in conjunction with office of trade’s broker management branch, will launch its online portal for the submission of the 2021 triennial status report (TSR).
All licensed customs brokers are encouraged to visit e.Cbp.Dhs.Gov to submit their required TSR. Login using authentication from login.Gov and navigate through the self-paced questions to fulfill the TSR requirement. As the user navigates through the few short screens to complete the filing process, when required they will be prompted to upload employee lists, identify the brokerage company they work for and if that company will pay the fee on their behalf. Brokerage firms appreciate the ability to pay the fee for all their license holder employees at one time. Improved payment receipting and payment notification ensures that the brokerage and the individual license holder have plenty of documentation of compliance
For more information see faqs and TRS system quick reference guides at: https://www.Cbp.Gov/trade/ecbp
Save time – submit online – e.Cbp.Dhs.Gov
Customs brokers license exam information
The bi-annual customs broker license exam (CBLE) was administered on october 8, 2020 resulting in a 37% pass rate prior to appeal decisions. The electronic exam was held nationwide at over 120 testing locations.
Broker exam questions
CBP welcomes the submittal of new questions for future broker exams. Please submit your questions to brokermanagement@cbp.Dhs.Gov with "future exam questions" in the subject line. Select HERE for the guidelines on writing new questions
Modernization of the customs broker regulations
U.S. Customs and border protection announces the publication of the notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) for the long awaited update to 19 CFR 111. The NPRM for modernization of the customs broker regulations (85 FR 34836) and elimination of customs broker district permit fee (85 FR 34549) published june 5, 2020. The comment period ended august 4, 2020.
It is suspected this will address many of the commercial customs operations advisory committee's (COAC) recommendations. Some are listed below:
- Replace the “district permit” and “national permit” with “the permit” to better reflect the transition to a single permit framework that operates at the national level within the customs territory of the united states.
- Require brokers to have a single permit that allows them to have sufficient authority to conduct customs business at the national level within the customs territory of the united states. This will also eliminate the need for brokers to request permit waivers.
- Prepare a transition plan to a single permit.
- Require brokers to provide satisfactory evidence of how the entity intends to exercise responsible supervision and control.
- Make enhancement to ACE for broker reporting and streamline broker reporting.
- Update the factors related to responsible supervision and control related to the transition of managing under the national permit that would replace the district permit.
- Require that the power of attorney come directly from the importer to the broker.
- Remove specific dollar fee amounts and reference a single source of location allowing greater flexibility.
- Expand broker payment options to include electronic payment of fees.
- Provide for reasonable steps to include the review of publicly available, open source information to authenticate the identity of the broker.
- Require that customs business may be conducted only within the customs territory of the united states.
- Provide for the storage of electronic customs records within the customs territory of the united states
Effective october 1, 2020 the COBRA fee for permits (USER FEE) is $150.33 (was $147.89).
Effective january 1, 2019, the broker application finger printing fee is $11.25 (was $10.00).
Customs brokers
2021 annual permit user fees
The 2021 annual permit user fees are due by january 29, 2021. Effective october 1, 2020 the COBRA fee for permits (USER FEE) is $150.33 (was $147.89). The user fee amount owed for each active permit is $150.33. Fees must be submitted to the permitting port for district permits and to the licensing port for national permits. Please refer to the published federal register notice containing the due date.
2021 triennial status report and fee
CBP will begin accepting submissions of the triennial status report december 15, 2020. The status report and fee is due no later than february 28, 2021.
Save time – submit online
Online, automated triennial status report and fee payment
On december 15, 2020, revenue modernization’s electronic payment options project (epo/ecbp), in conjunction with office of trade’s broker management branch, will launch its online portal for the submission of the 2021 triennial status report (TSR).
All licensed customs brokers are encouraged to visit e.Cbp.Dhs.Gov to submit their required TSR. Login using authentication from login.Gov and navigate through the self-paced questions to fulfill the TSR requirement. As the user navigates through the few short screens to complete the filing process, when required they will be prompted to upload employee lists, identify the brokerage company they work for and if that company will pay the fee on their behalf. Brokerage firms appreciate the ability to pay the fee for all their license holder employees at one time. Improved payment receipting and payment notification ensures that the brokerage and the individual license holder have plenty of documentation of compliance
For more information see faqs and TRS system quick reference guides at: https://www.Cbp.Gov/trade/ecbp
Save time – submit online – e.Cbp.Dhs.Gov
Customs brokers license exam information
The bi-annual customs broker license exam (CBLE) was administered on october 8, 2020 resulting in a 37% pass rate prior to appeal decisions. The electronic exam was held nationwide at over 120 testing locations.
Broker exam questions
CBP welcomes the submittal of new questions for future broker exams. Please submit your questions to brokermanagement@cbp.Dhs.Gov with "future exam questions" in the subject line. Select HERE for the guidelines on writing new questions
Modernization of the customs broker regulations
U.S. Customs and border protection announces the publication of the notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) for the long awaited update to 19 CFR 111. The NPRM for modernization of the customs broker regulations (85 FR 34836) and elimination of customs broker district permit fee (85 FR 34549) published june 5, 2020. The comment period ended august 4, 2020.
It is suspected this will address many of the commercial customs operations advisory committee's (COAC) recommendations. Some are listed below:
- Replace the “district permit” and “national permit” with “the permit” to better reflect the transition to a single permit framework that operates at the national level within the customs territory of the united states.
- Require brokers to have a single permit that allows them to have sufficient authority to conduct customs business at the national level within the customs territory of the united states. This will also eliminate the need for brokers to request permit waivers.
- Prepare a transition plan to a single permit.
- Require brokers to provide satisfactory evidence of how the entity intends to exercise responsible supervision and control.
- Make enhancement to ACE for broker reporting and streamline broker reporting.
- Update the factors related to responsible supervision and control related to the transition of managing under the national permit that would replace the district permit.
- Require that the power of attorney come directly from the importer to the broker.
- Remove specific dollar fee amounts and reference a single source of location allowing greater flexibility.
- Expand broker payment options to include electronic payment of fees.
- Provide for reasonable steps to include the review of publicly available, open source information to authenticate the identity of the broker.
- Require that customs business may be conducted only within the customs territory of the united states.
- Provide for the storage of electronic customs records within the customs territory of the united states
Effective october 1, 2020 the COBRA fee for permits (USER FEE) is $150.33 (was $147.89).
Effective january 1, 2019, the broker application finger printing fee is $11.25 (was $10.00).
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Мощные технологии IBKR позволяют оптимизировать скорость и эффективность трейдинга и проводить комплексный анализ портфеля.

Самые выгодные цены в индустрии 1
доступ к системе маршрутизации IB smartrouting SM , которая обеспечивает чистое улучшение цены в $0.43 на 100 акций по сравнению с показателями по индустрии 3 ставки финансирования до 50% ниже, чем по индустрии в целом 4 дополнительный доход со своих акций, выданных в кредит
Откройте мир возможностей
Инвестируйте в акции, опционы, фьючерсы, иностранные валюты, облигации и фонды по всему миру с единого счета. Финансируйте счет в любой из доступных валют и торгуйте активами в различных валютах. Имейте доступ к рыночным данным 24 часа в сутки, шесть дней в неделю.

Изображение приводится в ознакомительных целях и не должно использоваться для принятия инвестиционных решений.

Потенциал технологий для вашего
Отвечают запросам профессиональных трейдеров – созданы для всех. Доступны для ПК, смартфона и в браузере.
Замечайте возможности на рынке, анализируйте результаты, управляйте счетом и принимайте самые выгодные решения.
Более 100 типов ордеров – от лимитных ордеров до сложных алгоритмов – позволяют создавать любые торговые стратегии.
Подтверждения сделок в реальном времени, сведения о марже, анализ расходов по операциям, углубленный анализ портфеля и многое другое.
Новое в interactive brokers

Interactive brokers запускает инновационный инструмент ответственных вложений
Interactive brokers представила инновационную интерактивную "панель влияния", разработанную, чтобы помочь клиентам оценивать и инвестировать в компании согласно их моральным принципам.

Новая "площадка взаимных фондов"
"площадка взаимных фондов" от interactive brokers дает доступ к более чем 37 000 взаимных фондов, включая свыше 33 000 фондов без нагрузки и 8300 фондов без сборов за транзакцию из более 380 семейств.

Interactive brokers group пожертвует $5 млн на борьбу с коронавирусом
Interactive brokers group, inc. Выделила 5 миллионов долларов на помощь в предоставлении продовольствия и поддержки людям, пострадавшим от коронавируса в США, а также в решении медицинских проблем.

Получайте обзоры рынка на электронную почту
Служба traders' insight IBKR обеспечивает ежедневный обзор рынка, а блог IBKR quant содержит последние новости и образец кода для анализа данных и торговли. Подпишитесь, чтобы получать рассылку на вашу электронную почту.

Interactive brokers заняла первое место в рейтинге лучших онлайн-брокеров 2020 года от barron's
Interactive brokers заняли первое место в 25-ом ежегодном рейтинге онлайн-брокеров, составляемом финансовым журналом barron's. Узнайте больше обо всех полученных нами наградах.
Брокер, которому можно доверять
Перед тем как внести свои деньги на брокерский счет, вам следует убедиться, что ваш брокер надежен и способен держать высокую планку как в благоприятные, так и в сложные времена. Устойчивый капитал, взвешенный баланс и автоматизированный контроль рисков – все это помогает защитить IBKR и наших клиентов от крупных торговых убытков.
$9 млрд
$6.0 млрд
Избыточный регуляторный капитал*
981 тыс.
1.83 млн
Сред. Дневной доход по сделкам*

*interactive brokers group и филиалы. Дополнительные сведения можно найти в разделе "отношения с инвесторами – объявление результатов" здесь.
Выберите тип счета, подходящий вам
Шаг 1
Заполните заявку
Займет всего несколько минут
Шаг 2
Пополните счет
Привяжите счет в банке или
переведите другой счет
Шаг 3
Выведите свои инвестиции
на новый уровень
Торговля акциями, опционами, фьючерсами, валютой, иностранным капиталом или фикс. Доходом несет существенные риски убытков. Торговля опционами подходит не всем инвесторам. Дополнительная информация доступна в "особенностях и рисках стандартных опционов". Чтобы получить копию документа, нажмите сюда.
Ваш капитал незащищен, и ваши убытки могут превысить размер первоначальных инвестиций.
Interactive brokers (U.K.) limited уполномочена и регулируется инспекцией по контролю за деятельностью финансовых организаций (FCA). Регистрационный номер FCA – 208159.
Interactive brokers LLC находится под надзором US SEC и CFTC, а также является участником программы компенсаций SIPC (www.Sipc.Org);
в редких случаях в отношении продуктов действует программа UK FSCS.
Перед тем как приступить к торговле, клиентам следует ознакомиться с важными уведомлениями о рисках, представленными на нашей странице предупреждения и отказ от ответственности.
Чтобы ознакомиться со списком участников IBG по всему миру, нажмите сюда.
- Брокер с самой низкой стоимостью услуг согласно ежегодному онлайн-обзору от stockbrokers.Com за 2020 год. Полный текст статьи.
- Более низкая стоимость инвестиций повысит их доходность, однако низкие цены не гарантируют, что ваши инвестиции принесут прибыль.
- Средняя чистая прибыль рассчитана на основе данных улучшения цены IHS markit® и ежемесячной статистики IBKR по исполнению сделок. Дополнительная информация доступна на ibkr.Com/info.
- Полная информация доступна на ibkr.Com/compare.
Обращение нашего исполнительного директора в связи с COVID-19
Уважаемые клиенты, бизнес-партнеры и коллеги interactive brokers,
На протяжении 35 лет IBKR занимает лидирующие позиции в сфере финансовых технологий, и мы всегда ищем новые подходы, чтобы предоставить самые качественные, честные и надежные услуги нашим клиентам.
Глобальная пандемия COVID-19 спровоцировала беспрецедентные условия рынка и столь же беспрецедентные общественные проблемы. Как и многие люди, компании и государства по всему миру, мы работаем над тем, чтобы определить план действий в сложившейся незнакомой ситуации.
Мы по-прежнему намерены обеспечивать самый высокий уровень услуг для наших клиентов, чтобы позволить им эффективно управлять своими активами, портфелями и рисками.
Наша техническая инфраструктура успешно справляется с проблемами, связанными с чрезвычайной волатильностью и растущими объемами рынка. Мы понимаем – резкое повышение спроса на услуги приводит к увеличению времени ожидания, и приятного в этом мало. Мы призываем наших клиентов воспользоваться широким спектром онлайн-сервисов на нашем сайте и в "портале клиентов".
- Как и прежде, мы занимаем консервативную позицию в отношении рисков и создали системы управления рисками, способные выдержать даже текущие потрясения на рынке. Финансовое положение interactive brokers group и всех ее филиалов остается стабильным.
- Мы по-настоящему глобальный брокер с представительствами и сотрудниками во всем мире. У нас есть возможность вести бизнес в различных офисах с минимальной угрозой перебоев в работе. В случае, если некоторые офисы должны будут временно прекратить работу в связи с распространением COVID-19, мы продолжим предоставлять наши основные услуги из других офисов.
- Мы предпринимаем шаги для обеспечения безопасности наших сотрудников, как можно оперативнее вводя меры по охране здоровья в соответствии с опубликованными рекомендациями правительства. Наши сотрудники являются ключевой частью компании и залогом успешного будущего IBKR.
Мы ценим вашу работу и оказываемое нам доверие, и самое главное, желаем вам благополучно пережить это время неопределенности.
Президент и исполнительный директор interactive brokers group
Interactive brokers ®, IB SM , interactivebrokers.Com ®, interactive analytics ®, IB options analytics SM , IB smartrouting SM , portfolioanalyst ®, IB trader workstation SM и one world, one account SM являются знаками обслуживания и/или торговыми марками interactive brokers LLC. Подтверждающая документация и статистическая информация предоставляются по запросу. Любые упомянутые торговые символы имеют иллюстративный характер и не являются рекомендациями.
Торговля акциями, опционами, фьючерсами, валютой, иностранным капиталом или инструментами с фикс. Доходом несет существенные риски убытков.
Торговля опционами связана с риском и подходит не всем инвесторам. Дополнительная информация содержится в статье "особенности и риски стандартных опционов". За копией обратитесь в службу поддержки interactive brokers по номеру 312-542-6901. Перед тем как приступить к торговле, клиентам следует ознакомиться с важными уведомлениями о рисках, представленными на нашей странице предупреждения и уведомления. Маржинальная торговля подходит только опытным инвесторам с высокой рискоустойчивостью. Вы можете потерять больше своего начального капиталовложения. Для получения дополнительной информации о ставках маржинального кредита нажмите сюда. Торговля фьючерсами на ценные бумаги связана с высоким уровнем риска и подходит не всем инвесторам. Ваши потери могут превысить размер вашего начального капиталовложения. Прежде чем торговать фьючерсами на ценные бумаги, прочтите уведомление о рисках торговли фьючерсами на ценные бумаги. Чтобы получить копию документа, нажмите сюда. Структурированные продукты и продукты с фикс. Доходом (такие как облигации) являются сложными финансовыми инструментами, которые связаны с повышенным риском и подходят не всем инвесторам. Прежде чем торговать ими, ознакомьтесь с предупреждением о рисках и отказом от ответственности.
The world's largest free load board
Here's why 120,000+ motor carriers and brokers use free freight search

The revolutionary load board
Access to game-changing resources for freight matching
Freefreightsearch.Com (FFS) is the world’s largest FREE load board with over 120,000 registered members. FFS provides groundbreaking resources to brokers and carriers, such as weekly articles and access to factoring services. FFS is the first and only load board that is fully integrated with a freight bill factoring company and can help members find freight, obtain a fuel advance, and get 100% funding within hours of delivery—all without ever leaving the site.
- Post your available trucks for freight brokers and shippers to see.
- Search for loads posted by freight brokers and shippers.
- View over 10,000 freight broker credit reports.
- Receive real-time email alerts when a load is posted that matches your truck and location.

- Post your available freight for tens of thousands of motor carriers to see on our FREE load board.
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- Receive real-time email alerts when a truck is posted that matches your load and location.

Active loads available now!
Compare popular load boards
features | free freight search® | getloaded® | internet truckstop® | other loadboards | transcore 3sixty express® |
cost | $FREE | $360 to $1,200* | $420 to $2,280* | $420 to $540* | $1,788* |
over 217 million loads posted | ![]() | Y | Y | Y | Y |
over 120,000 motor carriers and brokers registered | ![]() | Y | Y | Y | Y |
our registered members run approximately 299,000 trucks freight brokers won’t reach on other load boards. | ![]() | Y | Y | Y | Y |
thousands of trucks | ![]() | Y | Y | Y | Y |
unlimited FREE truck posting | ![]() | N | N | N | N |
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*annualized approx. Cost. Source: company website. Not inclusive of discounts, special offers, or promotions. Information as of august 5, 2011. Subject to change without notice.
Find loads
As a motor carrier, you want to find high-paying truckloads in the right location, and you want to find them quickly. While there are many load boards available, not all of them let your trucking business find loads and post your available trucks efficiently and easily, for free.
When you register at freefreightsearch.Com, you will be able to find loads faster than ever before. As the world’s largest free load board, we continually work to make our advanced load board system more user-friendly. We put in the work so that we can provide users with everything from credit histories on 10,000 freight brokers to real-time alerts when a load matching your equipment and location is posted.
This completely free load board also serves freight brokers and shippers. Users have the opportunity to grow their businesses, learn more about the industry, and most importantly, can post an unlimited number of truckloads, or search for available trucks in specific locations, all through our site.
We help carriers find truckloads
On freefreightsearch.Com, we post loads submitted by thousands of brokers and shippers. To see the most loads from your location, click on “search for loads” and enter your origin city with your preferred distance radius. We list the loads going in ALL directions. From there, you can narrow down the options and contact the broker or shipper directly for more information. To start your free truckload search, all you have to do is register on our free load board!
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Finding available truckloads quickly and easily allows trucking companies to improve their businesses and helps meet the day-to-day costs of running their businesses, including high fuel costs, insurance bills and driver salaries. Register for your FREE membership to our load board today!
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Contents of the article
- Top-3 forex bonuses
- Passing your broker’s account verification...
- Verification – who needs it?
- What documentation do you need for verification?
- Verification – what you need to know?
- Broker verification
- News all licensing news --> NEW - 2015...
- Select links в—Џ related web sites
- Consumer links в—Џ real estate commissions...
- Help prevent fraud file a...
- Real estate brokers & salespersons
- Real estate broker info
- In this section
- Related links
- Broker registration
- Overview
- Experience requirements for the broker examination
- Verification of licensed sales experience
- Licensed experience defined
- Education in lieu of experience
- Equivalent activities in lieu of experience
- DRE evaluation of experience
- In this section
- Related links
- Broker registration
- Overview
- Customs brokers
- 2021 annual permit user fees
- 2021 triennial status report and fee
- Customs brokers license exam information
- Modernization of the customs broker regulations
- Customs brokers
- 2021 annual permit user fees
- 2021 triennial status report and fee
- Customs brokers license exam information
- Modernization of the customs broker regulations
- Выведите свои инвестиции на новый уровень
- Самые выгодные цены в индустрии 1
- Откройте мир возможностей
- Потенциал технологий для вашего преимущества
- Новое в interactive brokers
- Брокер, которому можно доверять
- $9 млрд
- $6.0 млрд
- 981 тыс.
- 1.83 млн
- Выберите тип счета, подходящий вам
- The world's largest free load board
- Here's why 120,000+ motor carriers and brokers...
- The revolutionary load board
- Active loads available now!
- Compare popular load boards