Calculating Prorated Bonuses and 13th Month Bonuses, pro bonus.

Pro bonus

Termination date - start date of performance period = n days 12/31/19 - 9/30/19 = 92 days

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Calculating Prorated Bonuses and 13th Month Bonuses, pro bonus.

Calculating Prorated Bonuses and 13th Month Bonuses, pro bonus.

Calculating Prorated Bonuses and 13th Month Bonuses, pro bonus.

Calculating prorated bonuses and 13th month bonuses

By sarah reynolds - april 29, 2019

There are several reasons why you may wish to prorate an employee’s bonus – that’s is, pay them just a portion of the total amount based on the period of time they’ve been with your company.

Below, we’ll discuss when you can most effectively utilize a prorated bonus program and how to calculate the right prorated payout amounts for your employees.

When to make one-time prorated bonus payments

Knowing how to calculate a prorated bonus and when to make prorated bonus payments can vary based on when an employee was hired or terminated. It can also vary based on your company’s pay policy, so be sure to check your HR and compensation documentation to see if you have specific calculation instructions. Common reasons for prorating include:

  • Employee new hire start date – employees start jobs throughout the year, which means that many employees start in the middle of a performance period. In these cases, they may only be eligible for a partial bonus payout, based on their new hire start date.

  • Employee termination date – an employee that leaves before the end of a performance period may also be eligible for a prorated bonus. Employees that are terminated for cause typically lose their bonus eligibility. However, employees can also become disabled, retire, or suffer other personal crises that force them to leave work voluntarily during the performance period. You may choose to make a goodwill gesture to pay prorated bonuses in these situations, assuming that the employee was active for a significant portion of the performance period.

Some organizations require a waiting period before an employee becomes bonus eligible, but may still want to make a prorated bonus payment to an employee that reaches eligibility and performs well for a significant portion of the performance period.

Calculating a prorated bonus for a new hire

  • Calculate the number of days (including weekends and holidays) the employee was eligible during the period:

Last date of performance period - first date of eligibility = n days

12/31/19 - 9/30/19 = 92 days

  • Divide the number of days calculated above by the total number of days in the performance period to create an adjustment factor.

Assuming a performance period of one year or 365 days. (some performance programs may pay out on a quarterly basis, so be sure to make the denominator match your assessment period)

92 / 365 = 0.252

  • Multiply the adjustment factor by the full bonus payout for the performance period.

Assume a full year bonus payout of $20,000.

0.252 x $20,000 = $5,040.

Calculating a prorated bonus for an early termination

Termination date - start date of performance period = n days

6/30/19 - 1/1/19 = 180 days

  • Divide the number of days calculated above by the total number of days in the performance period to create an adjustment factor

Assume a performance period of one year or 365 days.

180 / 365 = 0.493

  • Multiply the adjustment factor by the full bonus payout for the performance period.

Assume a full year bonus payout of $20,000.

0.493 x $20,000 = $9,860.

Another benefit: 13 th month bonuses

It is tradition and sometimes legally mandated to pay a 13 th month bonus to employees in many countries outside of the united states, especially in asia and latin america. Moreover, many countries prescribe a specific formula for calculating these bonuses and specify rules for when to pay these bonuses.

Generally, 13 th month bonuses are calculated as 1/12 th of an employee's pay in the preceding 12 months. In these cases, the best practice is simply to divide the target annual guaranteed earnings by 13 and save the 13 th payment for when the bonus is due. This in effect reduces salary but maintains the target total cash compensation.

However, laws do vary by country. In argentina for example, 13 th month bonuses must be based on the highest month’s salary in the preceding six months, with half paid in june and half paid in december.

While it may be unusual to pay prorated or 13 th month bonuses in your organization, situations may arise where your company needs to do so. Consult employment law in each of the countries where your company does business to ensure that your organization is making these 13 th month payments correctly.

Pro bonus

Thinking of buying a product to get 5x bonus softwares? Here are the most common questions.

Q. How can you afford to give away this valuable software as bonuses?

Firstly, all the tools here were built for our own personal use as marketers, so any extra profits is a "bonus". Second, we have been selling software since 2007 - and have sold over over 100,000 copies of software to customers around the world. The software you see here has cost us thousands to build, but we've already more than recouped our costs (and more besides) for each tool.

So we decided to put some of our best-selling, most popular tools on one page, for anyone to get as a "bonus" when they buy a product we recommend. We get paid our "affiliate commission" and you get 5 softwares (often worth more than the product you're actually buying!). Talk about a "win-win" situation!

Finally, here's the main reason we built this page: we want you to check out proclub and become a loyal customer, so this page brings new people to our site, and introduces them to the insane software we sell to marketers like you daily!

Q. How does the process work - how do I get my bonus software?

It's simple. First, browse through our list of recommended products for this week, and find one you want.

Once you have chosen your product, choose the bonuses you want ("step 1"), by checking the boxes on the left-hand side.

Secondly, when you have selected your 5 bonus softwares, click "step 2 - click here to purchase" and buy the product we recommend.

Finally, once your purchase is complete, return back to this page and click "step 3 - click here to get instant access to your software".

That's it! We will then check your details on our system (matching your IP to the product that was just purchased), and you will then be able to create your proclub account - and choose the 5 bonus softwares you want from our entire selection.

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Advantages & disadvantages of bonus payments

The disadvantages of employee rewards programs

Every well-meaning employer wants to express goodwill to employees whom they believe contribute to the company's success. Therefore, usually near year-end when many organizations are calculating their annual earnings, employers provide bonuses that can range from a gift card for a holiday centerpiece to a bonus check for thousands of dollars. There are pluses and minuses to awarding employee bonuses, and even bonuses with the best intentions can have unintended consequences.

The age of the benevolent employer?

Many employers who anticipated a windfall as a result of the tax cuts and jobs act passed by congress in 2017 were generous to their employees by providing cash bonuses – AT&T provided $1,000 bonuses to nearly 200,000 of its employees. On its face, this might look like the benevolent employer age, but there are advantages and disadvantages to employee bonuses. While many employers whose decisions about bonuses were affected by the act, many more charted their own path – windfall or not – handling business as usual by rewarding their employees with cash bonuses.

What are the types of bonuses?

Private-sector employers aren’t the only ones who reward employees with year-end bonuses or performance bonuses. According to the washington post, at one point in the early 2000s, two-thirds of federal employees got bonuses ranging from $100 to as much as $25,000. However, during the mid-2000s, a freeze made federal worker bonuses nonexistent. Employee bonuses reward high-performers or are a company gesture intended to simply share the wealth with the company's workforce. Bonus payments might be based on performance such as rewards for high-performing employees whose annual reviews reveal exceptional job performance. Departments or teams in the manufacturing industry might receive bonuses that are tied to workers exceeding productivity goals. And publicly held companies sometimes reward employees when the stock values rise.

What are the advantages of employee bonuses?

Naturally, one of the biggest advantages of employee bonus payments is employee appreciation. What's not to like about getting a generous check at the end of the year to help with holidays, fund a well-deserved vacation or just pay off some bills? Employees who receive bonuses year-after-year might come to expect some type of bonus, and whether that amount changes based on company profit, employee morale is bound to improve at least during the final months of the year. Another advantage is from the employer's perspective: aside from the feeling that you've made a tangible contribution to your employee by rewarding them for their commitment throughout the year, the improved employee morale may translate to a stronger reputation in the job-seeker community. Even if you don't pay the most competitive wages, you can still attract qualified applicants who are looking to work for a company that values its employees.

What are the disadvantages of employee bonuses?

One of the obvious disadvantages for employers is that the timing might result in a mass exodus – or, at least a spike in the turnover rate – following disbursement of year-end bonus checks. Employees who are not satisfied with their jobs and considering making a change may wait to turn in their resignation until after they've received their year-end bonus. For employees who are looking to increase their compensation, some might prefer that a year-end bonus comes in the form of a wage or salary increase so that their earnings are compounded. For example, an employee earning $50,000 who receives a 10-percent bonus, might prefer to receive a 10-percent increase that raises her salary to $55,000. After such an increase, future increases would be based on the $55,000 annual salary rather than $50,000.

Another disadvantage is rewarding employees with performance-based bonuses for shorter, finite periods. An example is bonuses that are paid on quarterly performance or production. This type of bonus might motivate employees for that period, creating a productivity surge. After incentive period ends, the production surge might drop during periods when employees aren't eligible for bonuses. This up-and-down in motivation and productivity can be costly for employers.

Pro-social bonus?

Calculating Prorated Bonuses and 13th Month Bonuses, pro bonus.
Do you remember the 1989 national lampoon’s “christmas vacation” movie? This classic holiday film always elicits chuckles (or deep-seated laughs) in the same familiar parts, no matter how many times it has been viewed.

In addition to the annual laughs, the movie actually has a message that employers might seriously ponder for THEIR employees. In the movie, chevy chase plays clark W. Griswold, a family man who is expecting a BIG bonus from his employer, which typically comes during the holiday season. With much anticipation and expectation, clark must desperately replace an advance payment he made to install a swimming pool. However, the bonus received by clark this year was not a handsome check, but rather a free year’s membership to the jelly-of-the-month club. What a bummer! (if you haven’t seen this movie, I suggest searching your television programming schedules to find out when it will be airing).

In keeping with this general theme, a recent harvard business review blog caught my attention. “the bonus employees really want, even if they don’t know it yet,” fits very nicely with a blog I wrote this past may, “acts of kindness – A new company holiday?”

The harvard blog is really about — the well-being of clark griswold — or at least, that’s what I believe. As simply stated in the harvard blog, “monetary rewards tend to decrease the individual’s intrinsic motivation and interest for the job…it can paradoxically impair performance by leading employees to focus too much on the up-coming cash.” just like our friend, clark did.

Instead of providing cash to employees to spend on THEMSELVES, provide the same amount of bonus, but with an altruistic catch to it. The employee must spend the money on ‘pro-social’ actions – such as favorite charities, co-workers or through random acts of kindness. The harvard blog discusses the benefits of providing pro-social bonuses, not only to the employee receiving the bonus, but also to the employer and the receiving communities.

Going one step further, perhaps hold a company (or department) meeting either before or after the holidays that will allow employees to share with one another how their bonus was spent. These testimonials can be quite powerful.

By establishing this type of annual expectation, clark griswold may possibly have spent his christmas a bit differently. Perhaps establishing a pro-social bonus becomes “the gift that keeps on giving!”

To learn more, we invite you to subscribe to our blog.

Pro bonus

Thinking of buying a product to get 5x bonus softwares? Here are the most common questions.

Q. How can you afford to give away this valuable software as bonuses?

Firstly, all the tools here were built for our own personal use as marketers, so any extra profits is a "bonus". Second, we have been selling software since 2007 - and have sold over over 100,000 copies of software to customers around the world. The software you see here has cost us thousands to build, but we've already more than recouped our costs (and more besides) for each tool.

So we decided to put some of our best-selling, most popular tools on one page, for anyone to get as a "bonus" when they buy a product we recommend. We get paid our "affiliate commission" and you get 5 softwares (often worth more than the product you're actually buying!). Talk about a "win-win" situation!

Finally, here's the main reason we built this page: we want you to check out proclub and become a loyal customer, so this page brings new people to our site, and introduces them to the insane software we sell to marketers like you daily!

Q. How does the process work - how do I get my bonus software?

It's simple. First, browse through our list of recommended products for this week, and find one you want.

Once you have chosen your product, choose the bonuses you want ("step 1"), by checking the boxes on the left-hand side.

Secondly, when you have selected your 5 bonus softwares, click "step 2 - click here to purchase" and buy the product we recommend.

Finally, once your purchase is complete, return back to this page and click "step 3 - click here to get instant access to your software".

That's it! We will then check your details on our system (matching your IP to the product that was just purchased), and you will then be able to create your proclub account - and choose the 5 bonus softwares you want from our entire selection.

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Welcome to our news profix pro review and bonus page.

At proclub, we build awesome marketing software, with 105,000+ customers since 2014.

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Signing bonus

What is a signing bonus?

The term signing bonus refers to a financial award offered by a business to a prospective employee as an incentive to join the company. A signing bonus may consist of one-time or lump sum cash payments and/or stock options. Businesses offer signing bonuses to highly qualified job candidates who may be considering job offers from other companies.

Key takeaways

  • A signing bonus is a financial award offered by a business to a prospective employee as an incentive to join the company.

  • Bonuses may come in the form of cash and/or stock options and are in addition to an employee's salary, bonus, vacation, and other benefits.

  • Signing bonuses are common in professional sports, the financial sector, and media and entertainment.

How signing bonuses work

Companies often use incentives to hire and retain the best talent. One of these incentives is called the signing bonus. It's offered to prospective new hires in addition to any other compensation they may receive. So, in exchange for signing an employment contract with the company, a new employee may receive a lump-sum cash payment or stock options on top of their regular salary, bonus, vacation, and any other benefits noted in their agreement. A signing bonus may be as much as 10% or more of the potential hire’s first-year base pay.

Signing bonuses are becoming fairly common. According to monster.Com, roughly 76% of employers use this type of incentive to attract new employees. Some of the industries that use this type of incentive to attract new hires include:

Employers may offer this bonus to a new hire as a way to make up for any benefits they may lose when they leave their old job. Signing bonuses may also be a means for the company to make up for shortcomings in the overall salary they can offer under their current pay structure. For instance, if a potential hire’s expectations for the role are above what the company pays to other workers in that same position, a signing bonus can be used as a short-term way of granting them the type of salary they desire.

Employees are often encouraged not to disclose details of their compensation to their coworkers—some even come with a confidentiality agreement. That's because employees who are promoted from within may not have the same benefits offered to them even though they would be doing the same job as the new, external hire. There is also some debate on the effectiveness of signing bonuses, especially in instances wherein the new hire applied for the job out of their existing desire and should not need more coaxing to accept the position. If the recipient of a signing bonus quits within a short time after accepting the position, there may be a good chance probably have to return all or a pro-rated portion of the bonus.

If an employee quits within a certain period of time after accepting the position, they may be required to pay back all or part of the signing bonus.

Special considerations

Signing bonuses, like other types of bonuses, often appear to be a major windfall, but because the money is taxed at the recipient's marginal tax rate, much of the bonus will end up going to the employee's federal and state government. An individual who receives a $10,000 signing bonus and is in the 22% federal tax bracket will lose $2,200 of the bonus to taxes, leaving only $7,800. In most states, state income tax would further erode the value of the $10,000 bonus.


Athene ascent pro 10 bonus select

The ascent pro 10 bonus select is a single-premium, fixed-indexed annuity from athene IA. This product offers a 10-year surrender charge period, as well as a provision for MVA (market value adjustment). The ascent pro 10 bonus select offers a 1% premium bonus within the first year, which is subjected to a 10-year vesting schedule (a vesting schedule determines when the investor takes full ownership of the bonus).

Product availability: since march 13, 2017, the ascent pro 10 bonus select has only been available in HI, AK, DE, NJ, MN, NV, OK, OH, OR, SC, PA, UT, TX and WA. A version of this annuity known as the ascent pro 10 bonus is available in florida alone.

Annuity facts

Minimum interest credit

This is a unique feature available in the ascent pro 10 bonus select annuity. It stipulates that if at the end of the withdrawal charge, the investor’s total interest credited to his or her accumulated value is below the minimum interest credit, then the company automatically offers a one-time interest credit that’s equal to the difference. This minimum interest credit is calculated based on a set percentage of the investor’s initial premium, minus withdrawals and any charges.

Issue ages

Annuitization age

The annuitization age for the ascent pro 10 bonus select annuity is up the 95 th birthday. If you’re nearing the age of 95, it’s recommended that you talk with your trusted annuity products advisor to discuss options.

Minimum and maximum premiums

The minimum premium for the ascent pro 10 bonus select annuity is $5,000, while the maximum allowed single premium is $1,000,000. Since this is a single-premium product, flexible premium payment arrangements are not possible.

Available riders

The ascent bonus income rider is available to help investors boost their income and get peace of mind with a guaranteed stream of income.

Withdrawal provisions

The ascent pro 10 bonus product annuity from athene IA offers free withdrawals up to 10% of your accumulated value each contract year. Beyond that, withdrawals are subjected to the withdrawal charge schedule:

Contract year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
withdrawal charge (in percentage) 8.30 8.00 7.10 6.20 5.30 4.40 3.50 2.60 1.60 0.90

The minimum withdrawal amount is $500, with the minimum allowed account value being $2,000. Investors can withdraw interest only, and withdrawal accumulated value is available immediately.

Confinement waiver

Past the first contract anniversary, the annuity owner can receive up to 100% of their accumulated value if he or she is confined to a qualified care facility for a period not less than 60 consecutive days. This waiver is not available in the state of oregon.

Terminal illness benefit

The contract owner may be allowed to withdraw up to 100% of their accumulated contract value if they’re diagnosed with any terminal illness that’s expected to result in their death within one year. This waiver is only available after the first contract anniversary. No withdrawal charges, premium vesting bonus, or market value adjustment is applied to this benefit.

Death benefit

Upon the annuitant’s death, his appointed beneficiaries receive the greater accumulated value, or the MGCV (minimum guaranteed contract value).

Annuity broker hand holding

Fixed indexed annuities must be quoted to be accurately compared to other competing products. Furthermore, interest rates and the specific terms surrounding each product might change without notice. It’s important that you get some hand holding from a skilled annuity product pro who can guide you to the right product for your precise needs.

Richard sherman's $1 million pro bowl bonus was wife ashley's idea during 49ers talks

Sportspulse: the 49ers last second loss to the falcons wasn't just a gut punch but could be devastating for their playoff seeding. See how far they fell in this week's power rankings. USA TODAY

As the san francisco 49ers and richard sherman engaged in contract negotiations in march 2018, the two sides made significant progress before talks stalled.

Luckily for the player and team, sherman's wife ashley was in the room.

Ashley moss sherman was the one who suggested inserting an annual $1 million pro bowl bonus in the three-year, $39 million contract her husband and the 49ers eventually agreed upon. The incentive set the path for the two sides to finish the deal, which occurred one day after the seattle seahawks released him.

And when sherman earned his fifth pro bowl honor this week, he had one person in particular to thank for the extra cash.

Calculating Prorated Bonuses and 13th Month Bonuses, pro bonus.

San francisco 49ers cornerback richard sherman smiles in a game against the green bay packers at levi's stadium. (photo: stan szeto, USA TODAY sports)

"(the 49ers) wanted some security and we wanted some security," sherman told reporters, per NBC sports bay area. "and they were like 'if you're the player that we know you are then it'll work out. The incentives will come into play and you'll make the money you deserve to make.' but I said 'if I do that I still won't have any security for the next year.'

"and my wife was like, 'well, why don't you just make the pro bowl and the things that trigger him to get those incentives, guaranteeing his next year's deal? Because if he's making the pro bowl or he's making all-pro, it means he's playing like the player you guys thought he was, and it should work our perfectly.'"

That was good enough for the 49ers, and the two sides had an agreement.

By making the pro bowl, sherman will also receive a raise for the 2020 season, the final year on the contract. Additionally, his salary for next season becomes fully guaranteed.

As for what he'll do with the $1 million? Sherman won't be seeing a dime of it, he said.

"it's getting invested in something that gives me a decent return," sherman said. "so the kids will end up having it to enjoy. I don't get to spend it."

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Calculating Prorated Bonuses and 13th Month Bonuses, pro bonus.

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Athene ascent SM pro bonus

A fixed indexed annuity that's focused on income.

Athene ascent pro fixed indexed annuity turns the income rider into income opportunity. How? By maximizing your clients' income potential with 2 growth options plus three income payment options. 1

  • The ascent income rider is built-in to ascent pro contracts and offers two ways to grow the income base:

    • Option 1 — guaranteed growth
      predictable growth with a strong guaranteed simple interest rate.

    • Option 2 — guaranteed growth plus interest credits
      combines a lower guaranteed simple interest rate with the potential for interest credits. The income base will also increase by 200% of any interest credits that are added to the annuity's accumulated value. 2

  • Plus three options when electing income — choose from level, inflation-adjusted or earnings-indexed income. The earnings-indexed income option provides clients with the potential to grow their lifetime income stream based on a percentage of the interest credits, if any, that are applied each year to the annuity's accumulated value.

The ascent pro bonus annuity also offers these valuable features.

  • Premium bonus – provides an immediate increase to the annuity's accumulated value. 3

  • Free withdrawals — beginning in the first contract year, you can withdraw up to 10% of your annuity's accumulated value each contract year without a withdrawal charge or market value adjustment (MVA). 4

  • Minimum interest credit — provides the opportunity for a one-time automatic interest credit. If at the end of the withdrawal charge period, the total interest credited to the accumulated value is less than the minimum interest credit, the client automatically receives a one-time interest credit equal to the difference. 5

  • Bailout feature — if athene lowers the declared 1-year point-to-point index strategy annual cap rate below the bailout cap rate, this feature gives full access to the accumulated value for up to 30 days after the contract anniversary in which the bailout cap rate was pierced - free of any charges - so clients can feel confident about their money.

  • Terminal illness and confinement waivers. 5

1 an annual charge is deducted for the rider.

2 during accumulation, any interest credits applied to the accumulated value are applied to the income base at a participation rate of 200%. Accumulation may not exceed 20 contract years. The income base is not available in a lump sum. Please see certificate of disclosure and other documents for additional detail on this provision.

3 the bonus and any earnings on the bonus are subject to a premium bonus vesting adjustment. Premium bonus annuities include a premium bonus vesting schedule and may include a lower cap rate, lower participation rate, higher annual spread, or other limitations not included in similar annuities that don’t offer a premium bonus feature. Please see product details insert for more information.

4 withdrawals and surrender may be subject to federal and state income tax and, except under certain circumstances, will be subject to an IRS penalty if taken prior to age 59½. Withdrawals are not credited with index interest in the year they are taken. Withdrawals in excess of the free amount are subject to a withdrawal charge, MVA and any premium bonus vesting adjustment which may result in the loss of principal.

5 not available in all states. Additional limitations, variations, and exclusions may apply. Please see certificate of disclosure for more information on these features.


Athene ascent pro [GEN (09/15) NB, GEN10 (04/14)] and athene ascent income rider [IR1 (09/15), IR2 (09/15)] or state variations are issued by athene annuity and life company, west des moines, IA. Product features, limitations and availability vary; see the certificate of disclosure for details. Product not available in all states. Guarantees provided by annuities are subject to the financial strength of the issuing insurance company.

For financial professional use only. Not to be used with the offer or sale of annuities.

The term "financial professional" is not intended to imply engagement in an advisory business with compensation unrelated to sales. Financial professionals will be paid a commission on the sale of an athene annuity.

So, let's see, what we have: learn when and how to calculate a prorated bonus, how to calculate a prorated 13 month bonus, and use our equations as a personal prorated bonus calculator. At pro bonus

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