Thread: InstaForex Debit Card, instaforex debit card.

Instaforex debit card

Forumer yang terhormat,
demi kenyamanan anda, kami sudah mempublikasikan jawaban komprehensif atas pertanyaan yang sering ditanyakan dari thread ini pada bagian F.A.Q.

Top-3 forex bonuses

Thread: InstaForex Debit Card, instaforex debit card.

Thread: InstaForex Debit Card, instaforex debit card.

Thread: InstaForex Debit Card, instaforex debit card.

Mohon kesediannya untuk mengecek terlebih dahulu sebelum mengajukan pertanyaan. Setiap pertanyaan yang bertentangan dengan rekomendasi ini akan dihapus tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya. Terima kasih atas pengertian anda.
– kartu saya telah dibekukan. Kenapa?
Umumnya, instaforex mastercard bisa dibekukan jika tidak ada aktivitas keuangan didalamnya (termasuk deposit komisi partner, pembelian, atau pengisian dana) selama empat bulan berturut-turut, atau jika terjadi zero-balance selama empat bulan berturut-turut .

Instaforex debit card

Thread: InstaForex Debit Card, instaforex debit card.

All instaforex customers regardless of their location have a possibility to obtain a debit card in the US dollars for withdrawal of funds from their trading account. At the moment, the service of withdrawing the funds from a trading account to insfaforex debit card is available to the clients who have replenished their trading account via wire transfer or using a card.

The current charges for instaforex debit card are as follows:

Card issue 16 USD
monthly service 1 USD
cashing in ATM - USA 1.65 USD
cashing in ATM non-USA 3.00 USD
transfer from a trading account to a card 4 USD within 7 hours, 2 USD within 72 hours
card re-issue 10.00 USD
balance check in the ATM 1.00 USD
maximum card deposit per day 10000 USD
maximum card deposit per month unlimited
maximum daily cashing via the ATM 2500 USD*
maximum daily services and goods payments via the card 2500 USD*
cashing in the ATM failed 1.00 USD
call-center support toll-free
on-line chat support toll-free

*daily maximum of card spendings - 5000 USD (on the condition of the sum being divided into two - cashing in the ATM and services and goods payments via the card)

Forumer yang terhormat,
demi kenyamanan anda, kami sudah mempublikasikan jawaban komprehensif atas pertanyaan yang sering ditanyakan dari thread ini pada bagian F.A.Q. Mohon kesediannya untuk mengecek terlebih dahulu sebelum mengajukan pertanyaan. Setiap pertanyaan yang bertentangan dengan rekomendasi ini akan dihapus tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya. Terima kasih atas pengertian anda.

Thread: InstaForex Debit Card, instaforex debit card.

– bagaimana cara saya untuk mengorder instaforex mastercard?
Untuk mengorder instaforex mastercard, silahkan anda mengisi aplikasi di instaforex.Com.

– berapa biaya maintenance untuk instaforex mastercard?
Biaya untuk mengorder instaforex mastercard adalah sebesar 15.95 USD untuk warga negara non-US. Biaya maintenance perbulan adalah 1 USD perbulan. Silahkan anda arahkan ke tab bank card pada kabinet klien untuk melihat informasi ini lebih detail lagi.

– berapa lama waktu pengiriman kartu?
Waktu pengiriman instaforex mastercard adalah 5 hari kerja dan sesuai dengan negara domisili anda.

– saya mengorder sebuah kartu sudah lebih dari 5 hari kerja yang lalu, tetapi saya belum juga menerimanya. Apa yang harus saya lakukan?
Silahkan terlebih dahulu anda hubungi kantor pos terdekat. Jika mereka belum menerima kartu anda, maka silahkan buat pengaduan melalui payoneer customer relations service. Sebuah kartu baru akan keluarkan dan dikirimkan kepada anda.

– saya mempunyai PAMM account. Bisakah saya mengorder instaforex mastercard?
Jika anda adalah seorang PAMM investor, anda bisa mengorder sebuah kartu. Akan tetapi, instaforex mastercard tidak tersedia untuk PAMM trader.

– kapan saya harus mengaktifkan kartu saya?
Tidak ada batasan waktu untuk mengaktifkan instaforex mastercard. Payoneer akan menutup kartu anda, jika kartu tidak diaktifkan dalam waktu yang lama, akan tetapi bisa didapatkan kembali atas permintaan anda.

– saya tidak mempunyai dana pada kartu saya. Apakah saya harus membayar biaya bulanan? Apakah kartu saya akan dibekukan?
Biaya maintenance akan tetap dibebankan meskipun anda tidak mempunyai dana pada kartu anda. Kendati saldo pada kartu anda negatif, kartu tidak akan dibekukan.

– bisakah saya melampirkan instaforex mastercard untuk semua akun trading saya?
Ya, anda bisa melampirkan instaforex mastercard ke semua akun trading anda untuk melakukan penarikan atau deposit dana melaluinya.

– bagaimana cara melakukan penarikan dana dari akun trading ke instaforex mastercard
untuk menarik dana dari akun trading anda kedalam kartu, silahkan masuk kebagian yang terkait pada kabinet klien – instaforex mastercard. Lengkapi formulir seperti berikut: pada kolom “ID card” masukkan 6 digit ID yang terdiri dari huruf dan angka seperti A12B3C; pada kolom “keterangan untuk penerima” masukkan keterangan, contoh “penarikan dana dari akun 100001 (mr. Smith)"; dan pada kolom “PIN” masukkan PIN akun yang anda gunakan untuk mengorder instaforex mastercard anda.

– apakah ada biaya penarikan dana? Berapa lama waktu yang diperlukan untuk menarik dana dari akun saya ke kartu saya?
Dana yang anda tarik dari akun trading anda kedalam instaforex mastercard anda dalam dua tahap. Pertama, dana anda akan didepositkan terlebih dahulu kedalam akun payoneer. Perusahaan instaforex akan membebankan biaya sebesar 1% biaya penarikan. Dan yang kedua, dana tersebut akan didepositkan kedalam instaforex mastercard anda. Anda bisa menentukan periode waktu penarikan dana dan biaya komisinya: 7 jam dengan biaya sebesar 4 USD atau 72 jam dengan biaya 2 USD.

– saya mengisi akun trading saya menggunakan sistim pembayaran online. Bisakah saya menarik dana kedalam kartu saya?
Anda bisa menarik dana kedalam instaforex mastercard terlepas dari cara yang yang anda gunakan dalam melakukan deposit kecuali euroglod cash dan global digital pay. Anda tidak bisa menarik dana kedalam kartu anda jika anda menggunakan kedua cara ini. Perlu anda ketahui bahwa perihal transaksi langsung antara sistim pembayaran, limit tertentu dalam penarikan yang diberlakukan sebagai bentuk penarikan dana kedalam kartu untuk tujuan pertukaran uang adalah dilarang. Jika terjadi hal seperti ini, maka akan ada limit pada jumlah penarikan dana.

– saya menggunakan sistim pembayaran online untuk mengisi akun saya. Dimana saya bisa menemukan ketentuan jumlah dari transaksi lot yang ditentukan untuk menarik dana dari akun saya ke instaforex mastercard?
Tidak ada ketentuan seperti ini. Financial department telah memutuskan dengan apakah instaforex mastercard digunakan untuk mentransfer uang antara sistim pembayaran yang berbeda. Jika hal ini terjadi, anda tidak akan bisa melakukan penarikan dana kedalam kartu anda. Dalam hal apapun, anda bisa melakukan penarikan dana dengan menggunakan sistim yang sama yang anda gunakan untuk melakukan deposit kedalam akun trading anda.

– bisakah saya menarik dana tunai dari instaforex mastercard?
Anda bisa menarik dana tunai dari kartu anda di setiap ATM diseluruh dunia yang menerima mastercard dan menarik dollar atau menukarnya menjadi ruble.

– bisakah saya menggunakan kartu ini untuk pembayaran online?
Anda bisa menggunakan instaforex mastercard untuk melakukan pembayaran online yang menerima mastercard.

– saya ingin membayar produk atau layanan dengan dollar instaforex mastercard saya. Dan produk atau layanan ini menggunakan mata uang yang berbeda. Berapa rate-nya?
Nilai tukar yang digunakan instaforex mastercard adalah nilai tukar yang digunakan payoneer, penerbit kartu anda.

– bank apakah yang digunakan oleh kartu saya?
Instaforex mastercard anda menggunakan akun choice bank (belize).

– apakah data pemegang kartu diteruskan ke otoritas pajak?
Pemegang instaforex mastercard mempunyai akun di choice bank (belize) yang tidak meneruskan data ke otoritas pajak lokal.

– bisakah saya melampirkan kartu saya ke akun saya yang menggunakan sistim pembayaran atau broker lain?
Anda bisa menggunakan instaforex mastercard untuk menarik dana dari akun trading anda jika broker tersebut mempunyai layanan untuk melakukan penarikan dana kedalam mastercard.

– kartu saya telah dibekukan. Kenapa?
Umumnya, instaforex mastercard bisa dibekukan jika tidak ada aktivitas keuangan didalamnya (termasuk deposit komisi partner, pembelian, atau pengisian dana) selama empat bulan berturut-turut, atau jika terjadi zero-balance selama empat bulan berturut-turut .

Wah mantap nih layanan khusus dari insta untuk debit card nya, dapat memudahkan klien untuk bertrasaksi dengan lebih nyaman dan tentu tingkat keamanan yang tidak kalah dengan debit card di bank-bank lokal, perlu kita coba nih pelayanan kartu debit card nya.

Trading in the financial markets is highly risky, but it can bring additional income with the right approach. Choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex, you can get access to international financial markets and open the way to financial independence. Open an account here.

Instaforex benecard debit card

Thread: InstaForex Debit Card, instaforex debit card.

Kami dengan senang hati akan menawarkan kepada klien kami kartu instaforex benecard card, sebuah kartu bank prabayar. Kartu debit instaforex benecard terhubung dengan akun bank eropa. Ini merupakan instrumen universal untuk mengisi akun trading instaforex anda dan menarik dana dari kartu tersebut di berbagai belahan dunia.

Pemegang kartu instaforex benecard menikmati kesempatan untuk memperoleh uang tunai dimanapun diseluruh dunia di berbagai ATM yang menggunakan mastercard. Selain itu, kartu ini melayani pembayaran untuk pembelian online dengan POS tanpa dikenakan biaya tambahan.

Pemilik instaforex benecard bisa menarik hingga $3.000 perhari dari akun mereka ke kartu ini dengan kemungkinan komisi terendah.

Untuk memesan kartu ini, klien instaforex harus membayar biaya keanggotaan yang menyertai pembuatan kartu.

Biaya setara dengan $34,95 untuk akun USD atau €29.00 untuk akun euro. Biaya keanggotaan dapat dibayarkan dengan beberapa metode standar (jaringan bank, paypal). Harap dicatat bahwa pembayaran melalui transfer bank tersedia setelah verifikasi, sementara itu verifikasi dilakukan setelah pemesanan kartu.

Harap ikuti link ini untuk memesan kartu instaforex benecard.

Harap diingat bahwa instaforex benecard akan terhubung ke seluruh akun trading dengan instaforex yang dibuka atas nama anda.

Manfaat instaforex benecard:

  • Kemungkinan untuk menggunakan kartu untuk mendapatkan uang dari salah satu atau beberapa akun trading yang terdaftar atas nama pemegang kartu;

  • Kemungkinan melakukan deposit akun trading tanpa komisi;

  • Kemungkinan untuk mengecek saldo kartu melalui internet dan mengisinya kembali;

  • Kemungkinan menggunakan kartu dilebih dari 200 negara;

  • Possibility to order a card in USD or EUR;

  • Instaforex benecard serupa dengan kartu bank pada umumnya yang memungkinkan klien membeli barang dan menyewa jasa;

  • Total saldo tidak terbatas; batas harian pada penarikan tunai di ATM dan pembayaran online adalah$3,000 (€2,333);

  • Informasi pada transaksi sepenuhnya rahasia dan dijamin oleh bank eropa yang mengeluarkan instaforex benecard card;

  • Anda bisa memesan kartu instaforex benecard pada client cabinet di website resmi instaforex.

Thread: InstaForex Debit Card, instaforex debit card.
Thread: instaforex bancard, brand new debit card from instaforex

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Instaforex bancard, brand new debit card from instaforex

Instaforex bancard, brand new debit card from instaforex.

Recently instaforex has introduced brand new debit card. Any client can apply for it no matter you are verified or unverified. You can know about it visiting your personal cabinet with instaforex or visiting this link.

Features of instaforex bancard:

1. Card is available for both verified or unverified clients.

2. It is available in euro and USD.

4. Can be used for deposit and withdrawal to and from your trading account.

5. Card issue and activation free.

6. Annual fee $34.95 and ATM transaction $1.50.

7. Hassle free withdraw of money anytime in your local currency.

Easy registration with epayment. So don't wait. Go and grab it.

Last edited by nkhan2810; 01-03-2015 at 09:57 PM .

5 users say thank you to nkhan2810 for this useful post.

I had also received the mail from the instaforex but i was not aware that either an non verified member can also get this card or not and also i was not sure that instaforex is also paying the money in the local currencies as well.So this is a great offer but not for the bonus accounts.Good luck

Though trading on financial markets entails high risk, still it can generate extra income on condition that you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

I think this card is good but issued fee is too much for me. I am new in this business I want this but when I apply for card then they want some proof of your income. So I have not this because I work now only forum bonus not invest own money in forex.

---------- post added at 02:43 PM ---------- previous post was at 02:37 PM ----------

I think this card is good but issued fee is too much for me. I am new in this business I want this but when I apply for card then they want some proof of your income. So I have not this because I work now only forum bonus not invest own money in forex.

Though trading on financial markets entails high risk, still it can generate extra income on condition that you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

I think this card is good but issued fee is too much for me. I am new in this business I want this but when I apply for card then they want some proof of your income. So I have not this because I work now only forum bonus not invest own money in forex.

---------- post added at 02:43 PM ---------- previous post was at 02:37 PM ----------

I think this card is good but issued fee is too much for me. I am new in this business I want this but when I apply for card then they want some proof of your income. So I have not this because I work now only forum bonus not invest own money in forex.

Dear that is good way for any type of transactions, you simple pay his fee and give a correct postal address, after some bussines days you received the card. And they can't want any proof of any payment. Thanks

Though trading on financial markets entails high risk, still it can generate extra income on condition that you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

The following user says thank you to SAIFI for this useful post:

This is great services added by instaforex, I think owning one of this cards is the best way to receive profit withdrawals and $1.5 fee? Too good, I will check out the site and see other conditions though and hope to acquire one .

Though trading on financial markets entails high risk, still it can generate extra income on condition that you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

They already had the payoneer credit card and i have got that for me , but not sure about this debit card . I mean would it be better than that credit card . Or what is the difference between both of these two if any one knows about it more please explain to me in detail about the credit card and now this new debit card .

2 users say thank you to black mamba for this useful post.

Both them are both the same (prepaid) but the difference is the services who offer these cards, payoneer vs. E-payment. I'm not sure about E-payment but payoneer is much more popular. Furthermore, annual fee cost by payoneer is lower.

Thread: InstaForex Debit Card, instaforex debit card.

Though trading on financial markets entails high risk, still it can generate extra income on condition that you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

2 users say thank you to jackcm for this useful post.

Hello, nikhan .
Look for an annual fee is lower, and to make withdrawals through ATM also might be cheaper, mate .
1.5 $ for every transaction, whether this includes the cost for the conversion of money, mate?

The following user says thank you to ding dong for this useful post:

So far I know. You need to verify you E payment account as well to get full service. Even if you are not verified you can get the card and do transaction. You know you can't withdraw money or get bonus if your account has not passed higher level of verification. So it is all about the E payment. And when you can this card you can withdraw money from your local ATM as your currency.

Though trading on financial markets entails high risk, still it can generate extra income on condition that you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

I'm just wondering. I am cashing out using neteller right now. If I will going to get this card I can I cashout using instaforex bancard instead of neteller? Is the same deposit and withdrawal rules applied in here?

Though trading on financial markets entails high risk, still it can generate extra income on condition that you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

  • Thread: InstaForex Debit Card, instaforex debit card.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Thread: InstaForex Debit Card, instaforex debit card.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Thread: InstaForex Debit Card, instaforex debit card.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Instaforex mastercard

Thread: InstaForex Debit Card, instaforex debit card.

Instaforex mastercard

Instaforex mastercard

Instaforex broker offers its customers to order a prepaid bank card instaforex mastercard. It is associated with the account in a foreign bank (north america) and can be used as a universal method of money withdrawal from instaforex trading account anywhere in the world. All operations with the prepaid card are totally confidential, no information is provided to a tax or regulatory authority of any country.

With the help of instaforex mastercard, you can withdraw funds from your instaforex trading account within 24 hours.

So using the debit card by instaforex and mastercard, you get a straight access to cash funds on your trading account. With instaforex mastercard, forex accounts have never been easier to manage.

You can order an instaforex mastercard in client cabinet.

One instaforex mastercard can be used for different trading accounts registered in your name.

Note: withdrawal of funds to instaforex mastercard without restrictions and additional commissions is only possible from the actively traded account. Otherwise, a 2-5% commission may be charged for every withdrawal.

Thread: InstaForex Debit Card, instaforex debit card.

  • It allows withdrawing money from several trading accounts opened in the card holder’s name;

  • It allows replenishing a trading account without commission;

  • You can check its balance in the internet and top it up on the payoneer website;

  • You can use it in over 200 countries all over the world;

  • It performs all mastercard functions enabling you to pay for goods and services online;

  • It has unlimited total allowed balance and daily withdrawal and online payment limit of $ 5,000 dollars;

  • You pay only $1 maintenance fee per month and $3 dollars commission for cashing in ATM;

  • The choice bank emitting the card guarantees anonymity and confidentiality of the information;

  • You can order it in client cabinet on the official instaforex website.

Get your free instaforex debit card on november 25 - december 25!

Thread: InstaForex Debit Card, instaforex debit card.
The international broker instaforex has prepared a very pleasant christmas gift for its numerous clients! Each instaforex trader can get the unique instaforex mastercard absolutely for free! To obtain the card you just need to fill in the application form, and soon you will receive the individual plastic card.

Instaforex mastercard is a handy way to withdraw funds from instaforex trading account in any part of the world. All car operations are anonymous and confidential; the information is not handed over to any regulating or tax authorities, which is the standard of the bank’s services chosen by us.

Thus, using instaforex mastercard you are free to withdraw the money from instaforex account and get it within 24 hours. Thanks to instaforex mastercard you will have the direct connection between your trading account and your cash funds. One and the same instaforex mastercard can be bound to different trading accounts open in your name.

Forex accounts have never been so easy to manage due to the debit cards from instaforex.

In addition, instaforex mastercard possesses all the functions of a standard mastercard: you can pay for the goods and services, take cash from the ATM and replenish your trading account using the card as well.

Order your christmas gift from instaforex company right now!

▌read more at INSTAFOREX

Thread: InstaForex Debit Card, instaforex debit card.
Thread: instaforex bancard, brand new debit card from instaforex

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Instaforex bancard, brand new debit card from instaforex

Instaforex bancard, brand new debit card from instaforex.

Recently instaforex has introduced brand new debit card. Any client can apply for it no matter you are verified or unverified. You can know about it visiting your personal cabinet with instaforex or visiting this link.

Features of instaforex bancard:

1. Card is available for both verified or unverified clients.

2. It is available in euro and USD.

4. Can be used for deposit and withdrawal to and from your trading account.

5. Card issue and activation free.

6. Annual fee $34.95 and ATM transaction $1.50.

7. Hassle free withdraw of money anytime in your local currency.

Easy registration with epayment. So don't wait. Go and grab it.

Last edited by nkhan2810; 01-03-2015 at 09:57 PM .

5 users say thank you to nkhan2810 for this useful post.

I had also received the mail from the instaforex but i was not aware that either an non verified member can also get this card or not and also i was not sure that instaforex is also paying the money in the local currencies as well.So this is a great offer but not for the bonus accounts.Good luck

Though trading on financial markets entails high risk, still it can generate extra income on condition that you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

I think this card is good but issued fee is too much for me. I am new in this business I want this but when I apply for card then they want some proof of your income. So I have not this because I work now only forum bonus not invest own money in forex.

---------- post added at 02:43 PM ---------- previous post was at 02:37 PM ----------

I think this card is good but issued fee is too much for me. I am new in this business I want this but when I apply for card then they want some proof of your income. So I have not this because I work now only forum bonus not invest own money in forex.

Though trading on financial markets entails high risk, still it can generate extra income on condition that you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

I think this card is good but issued fee is too much for me. I am new in this business I want this but when I apply for card then they want some proof of your income. So I have not this because I work now only forum bonus not invest own money in forex.

---------- post added at 02:43 PM ---------- previous post was at 02:37 PM ----------

I think this card is good but issued fee is too much for me. I am new in this business I want this but when I apply for card then they want some proof of your income. So I have not this because I work now only forum bonus not invest own money in forex.

Dear that is good way for any type of transactions, you simple pay his fee and give a correct postal address, after some bussines days you received the card. And they can't want any proof of any payment. Thanks

Though trading on financial markets entails high risk, still it can generate extra income on condition that you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

The following user says thank you to SAIFI for this useful post:

This is great services added by instaforex, I think owning one of this cards is the best way to receive profit withdrawals and $1.5 fee? Too good, I will check out the site and see other conditions though and hope to acquire one .

Though trading on financial markets entails high risk, still it can generate extra income on condition that you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

They already had the payoneer credit card and i have got that for me , but not sure about this debit card . I mean would it be better than that credit card . Or what is the difference between both of these two if any one knows about it more please explain to me in detail about the credit card and now this new debit card .

2 users say thank you to black mamba for this useful post.

Both them are both the same (prepaid) but the difference is the services who offer these cards, payoneer vs. E-payment. I'm not sure about E-payment but payoneer is much more popular. Furthermore, annual fee cost by payoneer is lower.

Thread: InstaForex Debit Card, instaforex debit card.

Though trading on financial markets entails high risk, still it can generate extra income on condition that you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

2 users say thank you to jackcm for this useful post.

Hello, nikhan .
Look for an annual fee is lower, and to make withdrawals through ATM also might be cheaper, mate .
1.5 $ for every transaction, whether this includes the cost for the conversion of money, mate?

The following user says thank you to ding dong for this useful post:

So far I know. You need to verify you E payment account as well to get full service. Even if you are not verified you can get the card and do transaction. You know you can't withdraw money or get bonus if your account has not passed higher level of verification. So it is all about the E payment. And when you can this card you can withdraw money from your local ATM as your currency.

Though trading on financial markets entails high risk, still it can generate extra income on condition that you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

I'm just wondering. I am cashing out using neteller right now. If I will going to get this card I can I cashout using instaforex bancard instead of neteller? Is the same deposit and withdrawal rules applied in here?

Though trading on financial markets entails high risk, still it can generate extra income on condition that you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

  • Thread: InstaForex Debit Card, instaforex debit card.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Thread: InstaForex Debit Card, instaforex debit card.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Thread: InstaForex Debit Card, instaforex debit card.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Best broker with payoneer debit card?



I am considerably a newbie and would really appreciate your suggestion about selecting a broker.

I am from bangladesh and our governments money policy doesn't allow us to send money to another country by bank transfer. You can only pay for university and hospital bills with proper permission.

So that means I can not deposit by bank transfer, I can buy alertpay or liberty reserve balance with my local currency (from online workers) so I need a broker where I can deposit in that way. Paypal dont support my country.

Next withdrawal, alertpay wont bank transfer to my country, moneybookers doesnt allow forex money for bangladesh. I am interested about payoneer debit card which is best withdrawal option for me, (if there is a broker who will bank transfer to bangladesh is also fine) I can get the money from any ATM booth, faster than bank transfer. Please note that I don't have a regular master/visa card, due to the government policy, our banks doesn't provide them.

Yes I understand that forex is not just the perfect thing from where I live in, but I am already addicted to it (I even trade simulate at weekends!!) .. So I must find a way in and out.

There is another problem, most brokers have a policy like if you invest using an online payment processor, you must withdraw with it.

So far I have found instaforex, they allow deposit by liberty reserve and withdrawal by payoneer. But their support is strange, they said I must trade my invested money before I withdraw to payoneer but not giving me an exact measure. Plus their reputation doesn't seems that sweet at all.

I mainly scalp eur/USD, so I need good execution rate and low spreads (like 2 pips) and 1:500 leverage if possible.

So this is my main points:

1. Deposit by alertpay or liberty reserve
2. Withdraw by payoneer or bank transfer to bangladesh
3. Max 2 pips spread on eur/USD
4. 1:500 leverage
5. Overall a good broker

So guys, please give me your recommendation, and also if there is some other solution to my problem (other than giving up trading) I would be happy to take it.

Instaforex bank card (master card by instaforex)

Instaforex broker offers its customers to order a prepaid bank card instaforex mastercard. It is associated with the account in a foreign bank (north america) and can be used as a universal method of money withdrawal from instaforex trading account anywhere in the world. All operations with the prepaid card are totally confidential, no information is provided to a tax or regulatory authority of any country.

With the help of instaforex mastercard, you can withdraw funds from your instaforex trading account within 24 hours.

So using the debit card by instaforex and mastercard, you get a straight access to cash funds on your trading account. With instaforex mastercard, forex accounts have never been easier to manage.

You can order an instaforex mastercard in client cabinet.

One instaforex mastercard can be used for different trading accounts registered in your name.

Note: you can monthly withdraw to your card up to $3,000 with a minimum fee possible, 2%.

Instaforex mastercard is useful because:

It allows withdrawing money from several trading accounts opened in the card holder's name;

It allows replenishing a trading account without commission;

You can check its balance in the internet and top it up on the payoneer website;

You can use it in over 200 countries all over the world;

It performs all mastercard functions enabling you to pay for goods and services online;

It has unlimited total allowed balance and daily withdrawal and online payment limit of $ 5,000 dollars;

You pay only $1 maintenance fee per month and $3 dollars commission for cashing in ATM;

The choice bank emitting the card guarantees anonymity and confidentiality of the information;

You can order it in client cabinet on the official instaforex website.

Instaforex debit card

Thread: InstaForex Debit Card, instaforex debit card.

All instaforex customers regardless of their location have a possibility to obtain a debit card in the US dollars for withdrawal of funds from their trading account. At the moment, the service of withdrawing the funds from a trading account to insfaforex debit card is available to the clients who have replenished their trading account via wire transfer or using a card.

The current charges for instaforex debit card are as follows:

Card issue 16 USD
monthly service 1 USD
cashing in ATM - USA 1.65 USD
cashing in ATM non-USA 3.00 USD
transfer from a trading account to a card 4 USD within 7 hours, 2 USD within 72 hours
card re-issue 10.00 USD
balance check in the ATM 1.00 USD
maximum card deposit per day 10000 USD
maximum card deposit per month unlimited
maximum daily cashing via the ATM 2500 USD*
maximum daily services and goods payments via the card 2500 USD*
cashing in the ATM failed 1.00 USD
call-center support toll-free
on-line chat support toll-free

*daily maximum of card spendings - 5000 USD (on the condition of the sum being divided into two - cashing in the ATM and services and goods payments via the card)

Forumer yang terhormat,
demi kenyamanan anda, kami sudah mempublikasikan jawaban komprehensif atas pertanyaan yang sering ditanyakan dari thread ini pada bagian F.A.Q. Mohon kesediannya untuk mengecek terlebih dahulu sebelum mengajukan pertanyaan. Setiap pertanyaan yang bertentangan dengan rekomendasi ini akan dihapus tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya. Terima kasih atas pengertian anda.

Thread: InstaForex Debit Card, instaforex debit card.

– bagaimana cara saya untuk mengorder instaforex mastercard?
Untuk mengorder instaforex mastercard, silahkan anda mengisi aplikasi di instaforex.Com.

– berapa biaya maintenance untuk instaforex mastercard?
Biaya untuk mengorder instaforex mastercard adalah sebesar 15.95 USD untuk warga negara non-US. Biaya maintenance perbulan adalah 1 USD perbulan. Silahkan anda arahkan ke tab bank card pada kabinet klien untuk melihat informasi ini lebih detail lagi.

– berapa lama waktu pengiriman kartu?
Waktu pengiriman instaforex mastercard adalah 5 hari kerja dan sesuai dengan negara domisili anda.

– saya mengorder sebuah kartu sudah lebih dari 5 hari kerja yang lalu, tetapi saya belum juga menerimanya. Apa yang harus saya lakukan?
Silahkan terlebih dahulu anda hubungi kantor pos terdekat. Jika mereka belum menerima kartu anda, maka silahkan buat pengaduan melalui payoneer customer relations service. Sebuah kartu baru akan keluarkan dan dikirimkan kepada anda.

– saya mempunyai PAMM account. Bisakah saya mengorder instaforex mastercard?
Jika anda adalah seorang PAMM investor, anda bisa mengorder sebuah kartu. Akan tetapi, instaforex mastercard tidak tersedia untuk PAMM trader.

– kapan saya harus mengaktifkan kartu saya?
Tidak ada batasan waktu untuk mengaktifkan instaforex mastercard. Payoneer akan menutup kartu anda, jika kartu tidak diaktifkan dalam waktu yang lama, akan tetapi bisa didapatkan kembali atas permintaan anda.

– saya tidak mempunyai dana pada kartu saya. Apakah saya harus membayar biaya bulanan? Apakah kartu saya akan dibekukan?
Biaya maintenance akan tetap dibebankan meskipun anda tidak mempunyai dana pada kartu anda. Kendati saldo pada kartu anda negatif, kartu tidak akan dibekukan.

– bisakah saya melampirkan instaforex mastercard untuk semua akun trading saya?
Ya, anda bisa melampirkan instaforex mastercard ke semua akun trading anda untuk melakukan penarikan atau deposit dana melaluinya.

– bagaimana cara melakukan penarikan dana dari akun trading ke instaforex mastercard
untuk menarik dana dari akun trading anda kedalam kartu, silahkan masuk kebagian yang terkait pada kabinet klien – instaforex mastercard. Lengkapi formulir seperti berikut: pada kolom “ID card” masukkan 6 digit ID yang terdiri dari huruf dan angka seperti A12B3C; pada kolom “keterangan untuk penerima” masukkan keterangan, contoh “penarikan dana dari akun 100001 (mr. Smith)"; dan pada kolom “PIN” masukkan PIN akun yang anda gunakan untuk mengorder instaforex mastercard anda.

– apakah ada biaya penarikan dana? Berapa lama waktu yang diperlukan untuk menarik dana dari akun saya ke kartu saya?
Dana yang anda tarik dari akun trading anda kedalam instaforex mastercard anda dalam dua tahap. Pertama, dana anda akan didepositkan terlebih dahulu kedalam akun payoneer. Perusahaan instaforex akan membebankan biaya sebesar 1% biaya penarikan. Dan yang kedua, dana tersebut akan didepositkan kedalam instaforex mastercard anda. Anda bisa menentukan periode waktu penarikan dana dan biaya komisinya: 7 jam dengan biaya sebesar 4 USD atau 72 jam dengan biaya 2 USD.

– saya mengisi akun trading saya menggunakan sistim pembayaran online. Bisakah saya menarik dana kedalam kartu saya?
Anda bisa menarik dana kedalam instaforex mastercard terlepas dari cara yang yang anda gunakan dalam melakukan deposit kecuali euroglod cash dan global digital pay. Anda tidak bisa menarik dana kedalam kartu anda jika anda menggunakan kedua cara ini. Perlu anda ketahui bahwa perihal transaksi langsung antara sistim pembayaran, limit tertentu dalam penarikan yang diberlakukan sebagai bentuk penarikan dana kedalam kartu untuk tujuan pertukaran uang adalah dilarang. Jika terjadi hal seperti ini, maka akan ada limit pada jumlah penarikan dana.

– saya menggunakan sistim pembayaran online untuk mengisi akun saya. Dimana saya bisa menemukan ketentuan jumlah dari transaksi lot yang ditentukan untuk menarik dana dari akun saya ke instaforex mastercard?
Tidak ada ketentuan seperti ini. Financial department telah memutuskan dengan apakah instaforex mastercard digunakan untuk mentransfer uang antara sistim pembayaran yang berbeda. Jika hal ini terjadi, anda tidak akan bisa melakukan penarikan dana kedalam kartu anda. Dalam hal apapun, anda bisa melakukan penarikan dana dengan menggunakan sistim yang sama yang anda gunakan untuk melakukan deposit kedalam akun trading anda.

– bisakah saya menarik dana tunai dari instaforex mastercard?
Anda bisa menarik dana tunai dari kartu anda di setiap ATM diseluruh dunia yang menerima mastercard dan menarik dollar atau menukarnya menjadi ruble.

– bisakah saya menggunakan kartu ini untuk pembayaran online?
Anda bisa menggunakan instaforex mastercard untuk melakukan pembayaran online yang menerima mastercard.

– saya ingin membayar produk atau layanan dengan dollar instaforex mastercard saya. Dan produk atau layanan ini menggunakan mata uang yang berbeda. Berapa rate-nya?
Nilai tukar yang digunakan instaforex mastercard adalah nilai tukar yang digunakan payoneer, penerbit kartu anda.

– bank apakah yang digunakan oleh kartu saya?
Instaforex mastercard anda menggunakan akun choice bank (belize).

– apakah data pemegang kartu diteruskan ke otoritas pajak?
Pemegang instaforex mastercard mempunyai akun di choice bank (belize) yang tidak meneruskan data ke otoritas pajak lokal.

– bisakah saya melampirkan kartu saya ke akun saya yang menggunakan sistim pembayaran atau broker lain?
Anda bisa menggunakan instaforex mastercard untuk menarik dana dari akun trading anda jika broker tersebut mempunyai layanan untuk melakukan penarikan dana kedalam mastercard.

– kartu saya telah dibekukan. Kenapa?
Umumnya, instaforex mastercard bisa dibekukan jika tidak ada aktivitas keuangan didalamnya (termasuk deposit komisi partner, pembelian, atau pengisian dana) selama empat bulan berturut-turut, atau jika terjadi zero-balance selama empat bulan berturut-turut .

Wah mantap nih layanan khusus dari insta untuk debit card nya, dapat memudahkan klien untuk bertrasaksi dengan lebih nyaman dan tentu tingkat keamanan yang tidak kalah dengan debit card di bank-bank lokal, perlu kita coba nih pelayanan kartu debit card nya.

Trading in the financial markets is highly risky, but it can bring additional income with the right approach. Choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex, you can get access to international financial markets and open the way to financial independence. Open an account here.

So, let's see, what we have: https://secure.Instaforex.Com/client/i/img/bank-card-ru.Jpg all instaforex customers regardless of their location have a possibility to obtain a debit card in the US dollars for withdrawal of funds from their trading account. At the moment, the service of withdrawing the funds from a trading account to insfaforex debit card is available to the clients who have replenished their trading account via wire transfer or using a card. The current charges for instaforex debit card are as follows: at instaforex debit card

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