I need 1000 dollars now for free, get 1000$ free.

Get 1000$ free

  • Dumpster diving. Do it. It is awesome, fun, you get to meet people and make money too. Some people have made thousands of dollars and still do.
  • Facebook. If you haven't used facebook's marketplace, you are missing out on a treasure trove. Everyday, is is likely that hundreds of free items are posted in your area if you live in or around a metropolitan area. Search for "free stuff" and the name of your city and you may find a group or two.
  • Craigslist. Craiglist's free stuff section can be awesome. Try it out!
  • Charities. Do a little research on charities and see if you qualify to receive free stuff from them. A lot of them are looking to help people with clothes, furniture, computers, electronics, appliances and other valuables.
  • Yardsales. Yard sales especially those located in rich neighborhoods are awesome ways to get $1000 dollars for free.
  • Churches. Churches love to help people and often have huge stashes of resources for free, such as food, clothes, furniture and even electronics. Ask and you shall receive!

  • Top-3 forex bonuses

    I need 1000 dollars now for free, get 1000$ free.

    I need 1000 dollars now for free, get 1000$ free.

    I need 1000 dollars now for free, get 1000$ free.

    How can i get 1000 dollars today? Get a loan, find a friend to loan you some money or even give 1000 dollars. It is possible, but the reality is that there is no free ride in this world. There are some rides that look like they are free, but they come at a price: reputation, hard work, move to a place with little infrastructure. There is no free 1000 dollars.

    I need 1000 dollars now for free

    I need 1000 dollars now for free, get 1000$ free.

    People need 1000 dollars now for free? How to make 1000 dollars fast? It may depend on how resourceful, smart and hard working you are! You may need it for an emergency situation, to start a new business or just because you want 1000 dollars now for free. It all depends on the effort you are willing to put, the resources you already have and time you are willing to spend to acquire these 1000 dollars now for free, but the truth is it is definitely possible to get 1000 dollars now for free. There are people making $1000 EVERYDAY out there, so why not you?

    Free 1000 dollars to be made everyday for free are all surrounding you and are free for you to make, from sources such as finding collectibles, buying stuff from yard sales at wealthy neighborhoods, low cost loans, loans from friends and so on.

    I need 1000 dollars now for free: sources

    Make money quickly

    I need 1000 dollars now for free, get 1000$ free.

    Make money quickly

    Make money quickly is a relative term. As such, you get to define how quickly you can make the money, how you can save this money, how you can invest it and how you can make it work for you. Below are some ordinary ways you can make money, that when combined with various other sources of income and labour, can help lift you out of poverty or raise yourself and your family to a better financial place. Even financial freedom is possible here!

  • Start a startup. Do a simple google search for startup competition and you will find thousands upon thousands of resources.

  • Dumpster diving is not for people on the fringes. It is a community.

  • Drive around rich neighborhoods. You may find free TV and computer equipment or the occasional yard sale with stuff being sold for free.

  • Ask a friend for a loan. Make sure you notarize it and make it official by downloading a private loan template.

  • Sell stuff you have around. Get searching for anything of value and post on facebook using your phone. Of course, you can always find a pawnshop and get some cash too!

  • Drive for uber on weekend or sublet a room on airbnb.

  • Do some medical trials. Do a search and be amazed you can make 1000 bucks in no time.

  • Sell stuff around your neighborhood. Perhaps put out some flyers offering house sitting (online too) or any other product or service you can make a profit on.

  • Take an art course, sell sell your art. Tons of people are offering free art courses on facebook groups. Get on with it!

  • Play music? Play it on the street or a bar, play it anywhere. You can make hundreds a day with this.

  • Work harder. This is not mean to be in any way a preachy proposition. Just saying that it is possible to gather more energy and get on to work an extra few hours and make some money.

  • Buy a car for nearly free. Did you know that there are cards being sold for 50 dollars out there? People are often abandoning cars on the street because it is not worth it for them to dispose of them properly.

  • I need 1000 dollars now for free, get 1000$ free.

    Rich people giving free stuff

    Yes, if you have ever driven around a rich neighborhood or even one of those wealthy suburbs in the united states, you will be amazed to find money lying around in the form of stuff that is being given away for free in dumpsters, lying curbside, or as part of a yard sale. Yard sales on rich neighborhoods are very much a good proposition because they often do not care for how much they are selling stuff for and that is where you make the money!

  • Rich neighborhood dumpster diving. Dumpsters in rich neighborhoods can have treasures in them. Seriously!

  • Mine gold and other precious metals from old electronics. There are many tutorials online of how - with some basic knowledge of chemistry - one can make thousands finding gold and other metals from old electronic circuits.

  • Startups. Investors all over the world are trying hard to invest on the next big tech idea. Google startup competitions and get applying if you have a killer business idea.

  • Companies giving away stuff. Companies love charity and are often organizing events that bring people together, for public relations. They can also have free stuff in storage that, if you are lucky and resourceful enough to email the right people, you can get your hands on thousands of dollars worth of good that are sellable online.

  • I need 1000 dollars now for free, get 1000$ free.

    Low cost loans

    Unless if we are talking of getting a loan from a friend or family member that is likely to cut a good deal for you (or even offer you an interest free loan), you will have to have good credit if you want a low cost loan. With that said, it is possible to get money for ideas. More specifically there are ways a person with some expertise and access to information (such as technology or business info) can get money from a startup fund, a pitch competition and other various ways investors try to get a break to own a part of the next big business ideas.

  • Bitcoin loans are a possible way to get some money quickly. Make sure you know what you are doing by reading the information on this article.

  • Friends. Get a friend to loan you some money and make sure it is notarized and it is something that won't break the bank or tarnish your reputation.

  • Government. If you have the necessary skills and live in the right neighborhood or country, there are incredible loan opportunities, free land and resources. Contact your local government!

  • Credit unions. These can be very much a social bank with a proposal that goes beyond a bank: make life for a community better. They are usually friendlier too!

  • I need 1000 dollars now for free, get 1000$ free.

    Sources of free stuff

    You will be amazed at the quality of free stuff you can get if you scour the internet on facebook groups, craigslist and other sources. I have see 1000 dollar sofas for free, free bicycles, pictures, computer equipment such as laptops in working condition. The choice is yours and the reality is that the world is as rich as ever and the amount of free stuff available is astonishing.

  • Dumpster diving. Do it. It is awesome, fun, you get to meet people and make money too. Some people have made thousands of dollars and still do.

  • Facebook. If you haven't used facebook's marketplace, you are missing out on a treasure trove. Everyday, is is likely that hundreds of free items are posted in your area if you live in or around a metropolitan area. Search for "free stuff" and the name of your city and you may find a group or two.

  • Craigslist. Craiglist's free stuff section can be awesome. Try it out!

  • Charities. Do a little research on charities and see if you qualify to receive free stuff from them. A lot of them are looking to help people with clothes, furniture, computers, electronics, appliances and other valuables.

  • Yardsales. Yard sales especially those located in rich neighborhoods are awesome ways to get $1000 dollars for free.

  • Churches. Churches love to help people and often have huge stashes of resources for free, such as food, clothes, furniture and even electronics. Ask and you shall receive!

  • I need 1000 dollars now for free, get 1000$ free.

    I need 1000 dollars now for free: FAQ

    How to get 1000 dollars fast free

    How to get 1000 dollars fast free? In a nutshell? 100% free simply does not exist. The payback is simply embedded in the universe, it all depending on who is observing it. Steal 1000 bucks worth of something and you will be perpetuating your own poverty, your situation, stereotypes and wasting your time in risky ways. Don't pay child support and get 1000 extra dollars for that month for free. Until the police knocks on your door.

    Get 1000 dollars free

    Get 1000 dollars free is easy: don't pay bills and move to mexico! There is no free meals: there are people exchanging goods and services which is called a town, a community. One of the most ironic "free exchanges" in the world is called burning man. For a week, you don't buy or sell, you just enjoy the rides of others. But you pay to get in, you work to participate, you exchange your niceness to other people's niceness. Irony 2: it happens in one of the richest areas of the world and it is promoted by people that typically cannot afford to buy their own home because it is too expensive for them even when making 10 thousand a month.

    How to get 1000 dollars today

    Get a loan or ask a friend or trusted one. There is no alternative to the "how to get 1000 dollars today" question. Simply get the courage to assume that you have not planned properly and a variety of other factors have been controlling your life. Take control of your life and get your own 1000 dollars today. Do not wait around.

    Need 1000 now

    If you need 1000 now, get a loan of some kind, ask a friend or trusted person. If you need food there will be charities in your area. It is almost impossible to go hungry although it is true that it takes courage to ask for free food. If you need 1000 now to play

    How can i get 1000 dollars today

    How can i get 1000 dollars today? Get a loan, find a friend to loan you some money or even give 1000 dollars. It is possible, but the reality is that there is no free ride in this world. There are some rides that look like they are free, but they come at a price: reputation, hard work, move to a place with little infrastructure. There is no free 1000 dollars.

    Give me 1000 dollars

    Sadly, there are no scenarios where "give me 1000 dollars" is realistic unless if you are getting a gift because of the goodness of your heart created goodness in others. Sometimes hard work compels people, did you know? Bosses love a hard working person and usually watch for signs of hard work and leadership.

    I need £1000

    If you are in the UK, the I need £1000 question is the same only in a currency that is slightly more valuable. Try a friend, try to buy some cryptocurrency and find a way to profit. Make it happen. Look at all the immigrants working hard, grandmothers from india or romania scrubbing floors to make £1000. You can do it too.

    I need to make 1000 dollars today

    Need to make 1000 dollars today? Get a job that will pay you upfront or get a loan. There is no alternative to this. Free money simply does not exist because the payback falls somewhere in the chain.

    Get 1000 dollars for free

    1000 dollars for free does not exist. Someone always pays. Free for you? Still does not exist because someone will judge you for being uncool or unjust and you will pay with loss of reputation or fair societal representation. There is no free ride: so get a loan and find a way to pay it back. Get a new apartment that is cheaper, sell your car.

    I need 1000 now

    Sell something, get rid of your apartment and move back with your family. The answer to the I need 1000 now question is usually in the saving of what you already make!

    Make 1000 dollars today

    Make 1000 bucks either by not spending or by finding a way to get paid for something you area able to do. So, say you spend 1000 a month in food: find a way to cut that by 2/3 and you get your 700. Then find a way to work for 15/hour for 5 hours a week and you get your 300. Done!

    I need 1000 dollars now for free: turning trash into cash

    See youtuber omar make a lot of people from trash found in rich neighborhoods!

    Get free 1000 instagram followers instantly and from real people

    Get 1000 instagram followers for free. Instant and high quality followers

    Instagram is one of the most popular social networks out there, with more than 900 million registered users. It is also the best place to share creative content and build a strong following. Creating an active and well-known insta page is a hard and time-consuming task. Most users spend considerable time before they reach an adequate level of followers. But there is an easier way to get things going for your insta account – you can try out free instagram followers from freezlike! You will receive free instagram likes that will generate social engagement with the content that you create. Our free instagram followers are an excellent way to increase your exposure and create a concrete social proof.

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    Remember that instagram users only tend to put in the effort to leave a comment when they are extremely engaged with your content. This means that it's much me complicated to get instagram comments and followers than it is to get likes. Because of the time latency, free instagram followers are also more highly valued by instagram's algorithm. This makes them a lot more desirable for businesses and influencers, who often choose to buy instagram followers to boost their instagram visibility. The more instagram followers you have, the more organic comments you are likely to receive, which is another reason that people tend to follow pages with more engaged users.

    Getting free instagram followers trial can also save you the time and effort it takes to create new type of content that makes people want to engage to the point that they are interested in leaving a comment. However, you shouldn’t rely entirely on the option of obtaining free instagram followers. You should be motivated in creating more engaging content everyday so that you can to attract more followers and grow your account further. It can be incredibly difficult to stand out on instagram because the competition is harsh and can require months of hard work. But don’t worry, freezlike will help you to get noticed!

    Try out other services at freezlike

    Increasing your instagram followers is a complicated process and should not be underestimated. There are several things you can do after you receive free instagram followers from freezlike. Make sure to update your account with quality content and credible messages addressed to your new free instagram followers. Everybody likes to glance at tidy posts, but the messages addressed with the content is the most crucial part of any post. Don’t worry, your followers will keep increasing, and you will have even more time to think about developing your project and focusing on quality posts for the coming days. We provide other free smm services within freezlike in order in order to make your journey to the fame and exposure you deserve much easier! Many clients have already trusted us and received free instagram followers. Try out one of our free packages today!

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    Instagram followers without login. Just add your instagram username and get free followers.

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    It is fast and easy to use. Also, it is fast and secured. No need to pay for followers.

    Faqs on free instagram followers

    How to get free instagram followers?

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    How can I contact you?


    GET 1000 free followers on instagram. There is no any kind of surveys or any kind of verification. Just enters your instagram username to get instant and real followers within few minutes. To control spaming and other bad things we implemented a secured login via google. So, signup with google and join us. Also, you can use any email for signup.

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    Instagram followers without login. Just add your instagram username and get free followers.

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    It is fast and easy to use. Also, it is fast and secured. No need to pay for followers.

    Faqs on free instagram followers

    How to get free instagram followers?

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    Are they real followers?

    How can I contact you?


    GET 1000 free followers on instagram. There is no any kind of surveys or any kind of verification. Just enters your instagram username to get instant and real followers within few minutes. To control spaming and other bad things we implemented a secured login via google. So, signup with google and join us. Also, you can use any email for signup.

    Why should you use free instagram followers tool?

    Secured, reliable and fast : our tool for free instagram followers never fails. It is reliable and you will get your followers within few minutes. It is 100% secured also.

    Advance AI technology : our tool uses algorithm to deliver followers to your instagram account. We analyse our user activity and deliver same kind of followers who interest in your feed.

    How free?: you might be thinking about why we are providing free instagram followers? Well, we are just providing a platform for those who want free instagram followers. Together you can exchange followers and likes on instagram.

    Cheapest price in market: we also provides premium services at lowest price in the market. So, if you are looking for best premium exchange platform then you are at right place.

    How to use it ?

    Step 1 : go to ighoot website

    Step 2 : create account on ighoot. Click on create account.Create account with google for signup bonus.

    Step 3 : enter your name, phone number and email address then click on create account. Also, you can login with google.

    Step 4 : check your email inbox (also check your spam or junk folder) to verify your email address and set password.

    Step 5 : you will get 200 coins if you sign up with google.

    Step 6 : add your social profile username on 'ADD SOCIAL PROFILE' option.

    Step 7 : now you can create promotions at 'PROMOTE' option. Select the service you want to promote.

    Step 8 : you can also track your promotions live status at 'MY PROMOTIONS' option..

    Step 9 : feel free to contact us at [email protected]

    Ighoot is a web tool for social media which provides free instagram followers to the users. Use ighoot to gain more instagram real followers.

    Get free youtube views

    The reviews for youtube views

    Free youtube views

    So, you’ve posted your YT video (or a few) and now wait for that number of views to start growing. But almost nothing happens. Why?

    Youtube is an overcrowded platform. Millions of videos are online and so many new get uploaded daily. Becoming a successful creator here is a kind of art itself! And just making something really great may be not enough. Quite often, the initial number of views is crucial to attract the attention of people and get them interested in watching your video. Also, internal algorithms of youtube check the number of views and put the most successful ones on the top of search results. It’s like having many facebook likes to let people see your posts in the feed.

    Likigram is here to help creators on their path to glory! On this page, you can get 1000 youtube views absolutely for free.

    How can I get more free youtube views?

    However important marketing tools are, your creativity is always more powerful. Quality of your youtube videos is a crucial basis for your success on this platform. The biggest amount of time and energy should be invested in coming up with clever ideas, in the shooting process, and in editing. Only then, you can take steps for popularizing that amazing video product. This principle works for other creative social platforms as well - for example, for getting soundcloud plays and tiktok likes.

    Find your audience on the internet. Make connections with people on many social platforms. Take care of having many twitter followers - then share links to your videos with them. Gain a decent number of facebook followers - they will be your youtube viewers. Stay active on youtube too! Your likes and comments attract people to the channel.

    Likigram makes your social marketing effort much more effective. Many popular influencers use such technical tools. To get more youtube views for free:

    • Paste link to your youtube video and press the select button;

    • Enter your email address and press the button get 1000 free youtube views.

    5 benefits of having more youtube views

    Having people view your videos is the primary reason for posting them. What benefits can you have from increasing the number of YT views?

    • Success leads to a bigger success. This rule is relevant for most social platforms. If your posts have many reddit upvotes, people will upvote them more. If your videos have many views on youtube, they become more interesting for people who scroll the feed, so they leave likes, and follow your account.

    • Views on YT generate money. Youtube has a very good feature for creators - you place ads into your videos and get a revenue share from the company. The more YT views you have, the more times ads are shown and the more money you earn. Views on youtube also make your channel eligible for this program - you can apply only having a specific number of watched hours. It’s similar to the necessity to have many twitch followers for becoming a partner on this streaming platform.

    • Youtube views bring you direct sponsors. Money from advertisements is a start for YT influencers. To earn big, you should find a brand that would pay for being on your videos. In fact, such companies will find you on their own - you need only to get many views on youtube, likes, comments, and subscribers. There are various ways for social media influencers to get sponsored by brands, and their popularity is always a key factor. For example, only with many instagram followers, your account becomes interesting for sponsoring companies.

    • Views open opportunities. Achieving success online is super great but the world is not limited to the internet. Popular youtubers may shine in countless other roles, and YT views become a moving power for them.

    • It’s a freedom of your creativity. When you start doing something on the internet, the first steps are full of uncertainty. Then the positive feedback comes, so creators feel secure and bloom with fresh ideas and amazing content. Lots of creative things become better if the authors don’t worry about gaining the audience and earning money - like tracks of musicians, who have many soundcloud followers.

    Let’s answer the most popular questions.

      Is this offer safe for my youtube account?

    Yes! Likigram has significant experience in working with various social platforms, and our techniques strictly follow the internal rules. We don’t ask our customers for any private and secret info.

    When will the views be delivered?

    The process takes some time, so please, be patient.The growth of view number should not be suspicious for your existing audience.

    Why are these youtube views free?

    Likigram has many free promo offers to allow potential customers to feel the results of collaborating with us. After using this promo, many people decide to buy youtube views regularly.

    Try out other youtube services of likigram

    Many services of our project are connected to this video platform. Using them will help you gain the full power on youtube:

    Let us remind you of the importance to be present on various other social platforms. For instance, you should look for your audience on twitter, so consider getting free twitter likes. And your creativity may shine in other formats as well. What about getting viewers among free tiktok fans?

    How to get $1,000 if you are A freelancer, gig worker, or independent contractor

    I need 1000 dollars now for free, get 1000$ free.

    Under the CARES act passed on march 27, 2020, independent contractors, gig workers, and freelancers affected by the coronavirus crisis are eligible to receive a government grant of $1,000. The SBA sometimes refers to these grants as “advances,” but you are not required to repay this money to the government.

    The application process involves filling out a simple SBA form requesting an economic injury disaster recovery loan (EIDL), which provides for the advance even if the loan is not granted.

    Initially, $10 billion was allocated by the government for these grants, but due to the overwhelming amount of applications, the SBA suspended accepting new applications in mid-april 2020 due to lapse in appropriations for the grants.

    Freelancers, independent contractors, and gig workers can get $1,000 from the SBA under a newly . [+] expanded program.

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    But now the SBA is lifting the suspension because legislation passed on april 23, 2020, allocated another $60 billion for EIDL and grants thereunder.

    Who is eligible for the grants?

    In addition to the entities that are already eligible for SBA disaster loans and grants, eligibility was expanded to include:

    • Sole proprietorships, with or without employees

    • Independent contractors

    • Freelancers

    • Gig workers

    You must have been in business as of january 31, 2020. Expanded eligibility criteria and the grants are only available until december 31, 2020. But the SBA will quickly run out of money, so you should apply as soon as possible.

    Where do I apply online for the SBA grant?

    The application should be found at covid19relief.Sba.Gov/#/ (if for some reason it isn’t there, do a google search on “SBA disaster loan application”). (as of this writing, the SBA still needs to update this page to reflect that new appropriations for the grant program have been made by congress on april 23,2020.) background information from the SBA can be found at www.Sba.Gov/disaster-assistance/coronavirus-covid-19 .

    Budgeting on A variable income in the gig economy

    Here's what you can do now to ensure paycheck protection program loan forgiveness

    What advice is there for completing the SBA application?

    If you are an independent contractor, freelancer, or gig worker, here are some tips on filling out the application:

    • On the first question, check the second box as you are applying as an independent contractor or sole proprietorship.

    • You must add your social security number if you are applying as an individual independent contractor, freelancer, or gig worker.

    • The form will ask you for the gross revenues for the last 12 months for your independent contractor business and the “cost of goods sold.” you can estimate this based on what happened in 2019. Cost of goods sold means the expenses incurred in the process of providing your product or service as a freelancer, gig worker, or independent contractor.

    • Where it asks for “owner” put your name and “100” percent owner.

    • It will ask for the date the business was established. This is the date you started doing freelance, gig work, or independent contractor work. Just estimate if you don’t have the exact date, but make sure it was before january 31, 2020.

    • The form will ask for the bank account to which you want the grant money direct deposited. You need the name of your bank, the account number (the middle number at the bottom of your checks), and the routing number (the number at the bottom left of your checks). See the question below on direct depositing.

    • For your business phone number, it’s okay to give your cell number.

    • “is your business owned by a business entity?” the answer is no since you are an individual owner.

    • When the form asks for your business name, just enter your individual name if you don’t have a business name.

    • You can ignore the question “if anyone assisted you in completing this application …” unless you have in fact gotten help.

    • Make sure to check the box that says you want to apply for the $10,000 grant (although it will only be $1,000 for independent contractors, freelancers, and gig workers).

    The form should take about 15 minutes to fill out. After it is completed and submitted, the SBA will give you a confirmation number, so keep a copy of that for any follow-up.

    How can I make sure I provide my correct direct deposit information to the SBA?

    Direct deposit information is as follows:

    • The name of your bank

    • Your bank account number, which can be up to 17 characters. On the sample check below, the account number is 2020202086.

    • The “routing number” for your bank, which must contain 9 digits. On the sample check below, the routing number is 250250025.

    • Don’t include the check number (1234 on the image below).

    • Double-check that you have provided the correct numbers.

    Be sure to include your routing number and account number, as seen in the example above.


    How long will it take to actually get the grant money from the SBA?

    The first grants took over a month to be issued. Hopefully newer grants will be quicker.

    Apparently, the SBA will directly deposit the grant money into your bank account without notifying you that it is on the way or that it has been deposited. So check your bank account regularly.

    Do I need to accept an economic injury loan in order to get the grant?

    No. You can decide just to accept the grant you receive and do not have to accept an economic injury disaster loan.

    Do I have to pay back the grant?

    No. It’s clear under the CARES act that this is a grant that does not need to be repaid. No interest payment is required either.

    How can you contact the SBA to follow up on your grant application?

    It has been difficult to get the SBA to respond to inquiries. The SBA website sets forth these means of contact:

    • Phone: SBA disaster assistance customer service center at 800-659-2955

    • Email: disastercustomerservice@sba.Gov

    If you can’t get through to the SBA, try contacting the small business development center (SBDC) in your area. For example, the northern california SBDC has been extremely helpful, and you can actually talk to a person live. (see www.Asksbdc.Com or call 833-ASK-SBDC.) advisors can help you with both the PPP loan process and the EIDL loans/grants as well as special programs in your state.

    Related articles:

    Copyright © by richard D. Harroch. All rights reserved

    This article was originally published on allbusiness.

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    How to get $1,000 if you are A freelancer, gig worker, or independent contractor

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    Under the CARES act passed on march 27, 2020, independent contractors, gig workers, and freelancers affected by the coronavirus crisis are eligible to receive a government grant of $1,000. The SBA sometimes refers to these grants as “advances,” but you are not required to repay this money to the government.

    The application process involves filling out a simple SBA form requesting an economic injury disaster recovery loan (EIDL), which provides for the advance even if the loan is not granted.

    Initially, $10 billion was allocated by the government for these grants, but due to the overwhelming amount of applications, the SBA suspended accepting new applications in mid-april 2020 due to lapse in appropriations for the grants.

    Freelancers, independent contractors, and gig workers can get $1,000 from the SBA under a newly . [+] expanded program.

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    But now the SBA is lifting the suspension because legislation passed on april 23, 2020, allocated another $60 billion for EIDL and grants thereunder.

    Who is eligible for the grants?

    In addition to the entities that are already eligible for SBA disaster loans and grants, eligibility was expanded to include:

    • Sole proprietorships, with or without employees

    • Independent contractors

    • Freelancers

    • Gig workers

    You must have been in business as of january 31, 2020. Expanded eligibility criteria and the grants are only available until december 31, 2020. But the SBA will quickly run out of money, so you should apply as soon as possible.

    Where do I apply online for the SBA grant?

    The application should be found at covid19relief.Sba.Gov/#/ (if for some reason it isn’t there, do a google search on “SBA disaster loan application”). (as of this writing, the SBA still needs to update this page to reflect that new appropriations for the grant program have been made by congress on april 23,2020.) background information from the SBA can be found at www.Sba.Gov/disaster-assistance/coronavirus-covid-19 .

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    What advice is there for completing the SBA application?

    If you are an independent contractor, freelancer, or gig worker, here are some tips on filling out the application:

    • On the first question, check the second box as you are applying as an independent contractor or sole proprietorship.

    • You must add your social security number if you are applying as an individual independent contractor, freelancer, or gig worker.

    • The form will ask you for the gross revenues for the last 12 months for your independent contractor business and the “cost of goods sold.” you can estimate this based on what happened in 2019. Cost of goods sold means the expenses incurred in the process of providing your product or service as a freelancer, gig worker, or independent contractor.

    • Where it asks for “owner” put your name and “100” percent owner.

    • It will ask for the date the business was established. This is the date you started doing freelance, gig work, or independent contractor work. Just estimate if you don’t have the exact date, but make sure it was before january 31, 2020.

    • The form will ask for the bank account to which you want the grant money direct deposited. You need the name of your bank, the account number (the middle number at the bottom of your checks), and the routing number (the number at the bottom left of your checks). See the question below on direct depositing.

    • For your business phone number, it’s okay to give your cell number.

    • “is your business owned by a business entity?” the answer is no since you are an individual owner.

    • When the form asks for your business name, just enter your individual name if you don’t have a business name.

    • You can ignore the question “if anyone assisted you in completing this application …” unless you have in fact gotten help.

    • Make sure to check the box that says you want to apply for the $10,000 grant (although it will only be $1,000 for independent contractors, freelancers, and gig workers).

    The form should take about 15 minutes to fill out. After it is completed and submitted, the SBA will give you a confirmation number, so keep a copy of that for any follow-up.

    How can I make sure I provide my correct direct deposit information to the SBA?

    Direct deposit information is as follows:

    • The name of your bank

    • Your bank account number, which can be up to 17 characters. On the sample check below, the account number is 2020202086.

    • The “routing number” for your bank, which must contain 9 digits. On the sample check below, the routing number is 250250025.

    • Don’t include the check number (1234 on the image below).

    • Double-check that you have provided the correct numbers.

    Be sure to include your routing number and account number, as seen in the example above.


    How long will it take to actually get the grant money from the SBA?

    The first grants took over a month to be issued. Hopefully newer grants will be quicker.

    Apparently, the SBA will directly deposit the grant money into your bank account without notifying you that it is on the way or that it has been deposited. So check your bank account regularly.

    Do I need to accept an economic injury loan in order to get the grant?

    No. You can decide just to accept the grant you receive and do not have to accept an economic injury disaster loan.

    Do I have to pay back the grant?

    No. It’s clear under the CARES act that this is a grant that does not need to be repaid. No interest payment is required either.

    How can you contact the SBA to follow up on your grant application?

    It has been difficult to get the SBA to respond to inquiries. The SBA website sets forth these means of contact:

    • Phone: SBA disaster assistance customer service center at 800-659-2955

    • Email: disastercustomerservice@sba.Gov

    If you can’t get through to the SBA, try contacting the small business development center (SBDC) in your area. For example, the northern california SBDC has been extremely helpful, and you can actually talk to a person live. (see www.Asksbdc.Com or call 833-ASK-SBDC.) advisors can help you with both the PPP loan process and the EIDL loans/grants as well as special programs in your state.

    Related articles:

    Copyright © by richard D. Harroch. All rights reserved

    This article was originally published on allbusiness.

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