Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

Insta binary

Let us consider a complete binary tree BT which is represented using an array T keeping in mind the following points:

  1. Sequential representation(arrays).
  2. Dynamic node representation(linked lists).

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Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

Binary trees in data structures (introduction)


  • A binary tree can be defined as a finite set of elements, which can either be empty or have at most two children.

  • A binary tree can either be empty or be divided into three disjoint subsets.

  • The first subset constitutes of a single element called the root.

  • The other two subsets are namely, left child and a right child. These subsets can be empty.

  • Each entity that holds a value or data is termed as a node.

Properties of a binary tree

  • The order of a binary tree is ‘2’.

  • In a binary tree, each node can have at most 2 children.

  • A binary tree can be empty.

  • A binary tree does not permit duplicate value.

  • Height of a binary tree is equal to the height of the root node.

  • Height of a particular node, under consideration, is the number of edges extending from that node to the deepest leaf.

  • Depth of a particular node, under consideration, is the number of edges extending from the root node till that node.

Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

Operations performed

Types of binary tree

1. Full binary tree

  • A binary tree is said to be a full binary tree if all nodes except the leaf nodes have either 0 or 2 children. In other words the degree of such tree can either be 0 or 2.

  • In the given image, we can see that,

    • Nodes ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘e’ have two child nodes each.

    • Nodes ‘c’, ‘d’ have 0 child nodes.

  • Hence the given example is a full binary tree, also called strict binary tree.

Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

2. Complete binary tree

  • A binary tree is said to be a complete binary tree if all the levels are completely filled except possibly the last level; and the last level has all the keys towards left.

  • In the given image, we can see that all the levels are fully filled with two child nodes each except the last levels which are oriented towards as left as possible, i.E,

    • The nodes ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’ have two child nodes each.

    • And the leaf nodes ‘h’, ‘i’, ‘j’ are oriented towards the left.

  • Hence, the given example can be concluded as a complete binary tree.

Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

3. Perfect binary tree

  • A binary tree is said to be a perfect binary tree if all the internal nodes have exactly 2 children.

  • In the given image, we can see that each node in the tree except the leaf nodes have exactly two children, i.E, the nodes ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’ have exactly two children each.

Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

4. Balanced binary tree

  • A binary tree is said to be a balanced binary tree if, for each node it holds that the number of inner nodes in the left sub tree and the number of inner nodes in the right sub tree differ by at most 1.

  • In this image, we can see at different respective levels the difference in height between the left and the right sub trees. For instance,

    • At node ‘a’ the difference between the left sub tree ‘b’ and the right sub tree ‘c’ is 1.

    • At node ‘e’ the difference between the left sub tree ‘—‘ and the right sub tree ‘j’ is 1.

    • At node ‘d’ the difference between the left sub tree ‘h’ and the right sub tree ‘i’ is 0.

  • From this we can conclude that the given image is an example of a balanced binary tree.

Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

Representation of a binary tree in memory

In a binary tree, each node consists of a data field and since binary tree is of recursive nature, it also contains a pointer.

Hence the representation of a binary tree can be extended to two ways :

  1. Sequential representation(arrays).

  2. Dynamic node representation(linked lists).

A structure that defines a node of a binary tree is shown as follows:

Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

Other methods to create tree

1. Sequential representation(using array)

Let us consider a complete binary tree BT which is represented using an array T keeping in mind the following points:

    • The root node N of the tree BT is placed on index T[1] and all other nodes of the tree are placed recursively.

    • If a node is placed on T[k] ,

      1. The left child of the node is found on the position T[2*k] .

      2. The right child of the node is found on the position T[(2*k) + 1] .

      3. The parent node of the node is found on the position T[k/2].

Taking the example above as reference, we can see:

  • All the elements are indexed as per their position. The null nodes extending from leaves have also been indexed.

  • Corresponding to it if we see the array, the index of the null nodes hold the value ‘\0’.

  • Rest of the elements are placed on their respective indices. Also observe that here the indexing begins from 1.

Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

2. Dynamic node representation(using linked list)

Binary trees can be represented using linked lists. Each node contains the address of the left and the right child. The leaf nodes contain a NULL value in its link field since it doesn’t have a left or a right child.

Let us consider a binary tree BT consisting of a node N corresponding to a location k which is represented as linked list L keeping in mind the following points:

    1. Left[k] points to the location of the left child of the node.

    2. Right[k] points to the location of the right child of the node.

    3. Data[k] consists of the data of the node.

Taking the example above as reference, the linked list representation of the tree is shown as follows:

How to install ADB on windows, macos, and linux

Lately here at XDA we have been writing a number of tutorials to show you how to access certain features of the android platform that simply are not visible to the user. These have generally been done with the help of some command line android debug bridge (ADB) commands, a tool that google offers for developers to debug various parts of their applications or the system, but which we can use for all kinds of neat and hidden tricks. Using the command line isn’t something that everyone is comfortable with, though, so in an attempt to teach everyone how to do these tweaks (no matter what skill level you’re at), we have been including some basic steps about how to install ADB in each of our tutorials where necessary.

Well, the number of our tutorials has ballooned in quantity lately, so we have decided to exclude those steps from future tutorials to avoid redundancy. However, we still want all future tutorials we write to be easy to understand for as many people as possible, so that will be the point of today’s guide. Having a dedicated step by step tutorial on how to install and setup ADB on your computer (no matter what operating system you use) will be great for those who may not have it set up already.

This will also let us include a link to this guide in the future tutorials we write that require you to have ADB setup and installed on your computer. So when one of our new tutorials comes out that requires ADB, you can click through the link to learn how to install ADB or you can simply ignore it and move onto the next step. Since ADB can be used on a variety of operating systems, we’ll be covering some basic instructions for windows, macos and linux.

How to setup the android debug bridge (ADB)

Note: setting up ADB on the computer is just half the equation since you’ll also need to do some things on the smartphone or tablet to accept the ADB commands.

Phone setup

  1. Launch the settings application on your phone.

  2. Tap the about phone option generally near the bottom of the list (this is hidden behind the “system” option in google’s latest android oreo version).

  3. Then tap the build number option 7 times to enable developer mode. You will see a toast message when it is done.

  4. Now go back to the main settings screen and you should see a new developer options menu you can access.

  5. Go in there and enable the USB debugging mode option.
    Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

  6. You are partially done with the phone setup process. Next up, you will need to scroll below and follow the rest of the instructions for your particular operating system.

Microsoft windows ADB setup

  1. Download the ADB ZIP file for windows

  2. Extract the contents of this ZIP file into an easily accessible folder (such as C:\adb)

  3. Open windows explorer and browse to where you extracted the contents of this ZIP file

  4. Then open up a command prompt from the same directory as this ADB binary. This can be done by holding shift and right-clicking within the folder then click the вђњopen command prompt hereвђќ option. (some windows 10 users may see вђњpowershellвђќ instead of вђњcommand promptвђќ.)
    Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

  5. Connect your smartphone or tablet to your computer with a USB cable. Change the USB mode toв вђњfile transfer (MTP)вђќ mode. Some oems may or may not require this, but it’s best to just leave it in this mode for general compatibility.

  6. In the command prompt window, enter the following command to launch the ADB daemon:В adb devices

  7. On your phone’s screen, you should see a prompt to allow or deny USB debugging access. Naturally, you will want to grant USB debugging access when prompted (and tap the always allow check box if you never want to see that prompt again).
    Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

  8. Finally, re-enter the command from step #6. If everything was successful, you should now see your device’s serial number in the command prompt. Yay! You can now run any ADB command on your device! Now go forth and start modding your phone by following our extensive list of tutorials!

How to install ADB on macos

  1. Download the ADB ZIP file for macos

  2. Extract the ZIP to an easily-accessible location (like the desktop for example).

  3. Open terminal.

  4. To browse to the folder you extracted ADB into, enter the following command:В cd /path/to/extracted/folder/

  5. For example, on my mac it was this: cd /users/doug/desktop/platform-tools/

  6. Connect your device to your mac with a compatible USB cable. Change the USB connection mode toв вђњfile transfer (MTP)вђќ mode. This is not always required for every device, but it’s best to just leave it in this mode so you don’t run into any issues.

  7. Once the terminal is in the same folder your ADB tools are in, you can execute theв following command to launch the ADB daemon:В adb devices

  8. On your device, you’ll see an “allow USB debugging” prompt. Allow the connection.
    Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

  9. Finally, re-enter the command from step #7. If everything was successful, you should now see your device’s serial number in macos’s terminal window. Congratulations! You can now run any ADB command on your device!В now go forth and start modding your phone by following our extensive list of tutorials!

How to install ADB on linux

  1. Download the ADB ZIP file for linux

  2. Extract the ZIP to an easily-accessible location (like the desktop for example).

  3. Open a terminal window.

  4. Enter the following command:В cd /path/to/extracted/folder/

  5. This will change the directory to where you extracted the ADB files.

  6. So for example: cd /users/doug/desktop/platform-tools/

  7. Connect your device to your linux machine with your USB cable. Change the connection mode toв вђњfile transfer (MTP)вђќ mode. This is not always necessary for every device, but it’s recommended so you don’t run into any issues.

  8. Once the terminal is in the same folder your ADB tools are in, you can execute theв following command to launch the ADB daemon:В adb devices

  9. Back on your smartphone or tablet device, you’ll see a prompt asking you to allow USB debugging. Go ahead and grant it.
    Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

  10. Finally, re-enter the command from step #8. If everything was successful, you should now see your device’s serial number in the terminal window output. Congrats! You can now run any ADB command on your device!В now go forth and start modding your phone by following our extensive list of tutorials!

Some linux users should be aware that there can be an easier way to install ADB on their computer. The guide above will certainly work for you, but those own a debian or fedora/SUSE-based distro of linux can skip steps 1 and 2 of the guide above and use one of the following commands. . .

  • Debian-based linux users can type the following command to install ADB:В sudo apt-get install adb

  • Fedora/SUSE-based linux users can type the following command to install ADB:В sudo yum install android-tools

Just to cover all of our bases here, linux users may need to put a ./ in front of the ADB commands we list in future tutorials. This is something that is likely known by any linux user already, but again, we want as many people as possible to understand how to do these tweaks for android no matter how much of your operating system you know.

Bonus: for those who want to take this a step further, you can follow this new tutorial we put together that will walk you through how to setup ADB so that you can use the command from any directory on a windows or linux desktop.


Install via npm

It is recommended to install yarn through the npm package manager, which comes bundled with node.Js when you install it on your system.

Once you have npm installed you can run the following both to install and upgrade yarn:



On alpine linux (3.6+), you can install yarn with apk.

Currently, there are no alpine packages available for RC or nightly builds of yarn. Please use the tarball:

Installation script

One of the easiest ways to install yarn on macos and generic unix environments is via our shell script. You can install yarn by running the following code in your terminal:

The installation process includes verifying a GPG signature. View the source on github

You can also specify a version by running the following code in your terminal:

See the releases for possible versions.

Manual install via tarball

You can install yarn by downloading a tarball and extracting it anywhere.

Before extracting yarn, it is recommended that you verify the tarball using GPG:

Path setup

If yarn is not found in your PATH, follow these steps to add it and allow it to be run from anywhere.

Note: your profile may be in your .Profile , .Bash_profile , .Bashrc , .Zshrc , etc.

  1. Add this to your profile: export PATH="$PATH:/opt/yarn-[version]/bin" (the path may vary depending on where you extracted yarn to)

  2. In the terminal, log in and log out for the changes to take effect

To have access to yarn’s executables globally, you will need to set up the PATH environment variable in your terminal. To do this, add export PATH="$PATH:`yarn global bin`" to your profile, or if you use fish shell, simply run the command set -U fish_user_paths (yarn global bin) $fish_user_paths

Arch linux

On arch linux, yarn can be installed through the official package manager.

Currently, there are no arch packages available for RC or nightly builds of yarn. Please use the tarball:

Installation script

One of the easiest ways to install yarn on macos and generic unix environments is via our shell script. You can install yarn by running the following code in your terminal:

The installation process includes verifying a GPG signature. View the source on github

You can also specify a version by running the following code in your terminal:

See the releases for possible versions.

Manual install via tarball

You can install yarn by downloading a tarball and extracting it anywhere.

Before extracting yarn, it is recommended that you verify the tarball using GPG:

Path setup

If yarn is not found in your PATH, follow these steps to add it and allow it to be run from anywhere.

Note: your profile may be in your .Profile , .Bash_profile , .Bashrc , .Zshrc , etc.

  1. Add this to your profile: export PATH="$PATH:/opt/yarn-[version]/bin" (the path may vary depending on where you extracted yarn to)

  2. In the terminal, log in and log out for the changes to take effect

To have access to yarn’s executables globally, you will need to set up the PATH environment variable in your terminal. To do this, add export PATH="$PATH:`yarn global bin`" to your profile, or if you use fish shell, simply run the command set -U fish_user_paths (yarn global bin) $fish_user_paths

Centos / fedora / RHEL

On centos, fedora and RHEL, you can install yarn via our RPM package repository.

If you do not already have node.Js installed, you should also configure the nodesource repository:

Currently, there are no RPM packages available for RC or nightly builds of yarn. Please use the tarball:

Installation script

One of the easiest ways to install yarn on macos and generic unix environments is via our shell script. You can install yarn by running the following code in your terminal:

The installation process includes verifying a GPG signature. View the source on github

You can also specify a version by running the following code in your terminal:

See the releases for possible versions.

Manual install via tarball

You can install yarn by downloading a tarball and extracting it anywhere.

Before extracting yarn, it is recommended that you verify the tarball using GPG:

Path setup

If yarn is not found in your PATH, follow these steps to add it and allow it to be run from anywhere.

Note: your profile may be in your .Profile , .Bash_profile , .Bashrc , .Zshrc , etc.

  1. Add this to your profile: export PATH="$PATH:/opt/yarn-[version]/bin" (the path may vary depending on where you extracted yarn to)

  2. In the terminal, log in and log out for the changes to take effect

To have access to yarn’s executables globally, you will need to set up the PATH environment variable in your terminal. To do this, add export PATH="$PATH:`yarn global bin`" to your profile, or if you use fish shell, simply run the command set -U fish_user_paths (yarn global bin) $fish_user_paths

Debian / ubuntu

On debian or ubuntu linux, you can install yarn via our debian package repository. You will first need to configure the repository:

On ubuntu 16.04 or below and debian stable, you will also need to configure the nodesource repository to get a new enough version of node.Js.

Note: ubuntu 17.04 comes with cmdtest installed by default. If you’re getting errors from installing yarn , you may want to run sudo apt remove cmdtest first. Refer to this for more information.

If using nvm you can avoid the node installation by doing:

Note: due to the use of nodejs instead of node name in some distros, yarn might complain about node not being installed. A workaround for this is to add an alias in your .Bashrc file, like so: alias node=nodejs . This will point yarn to whatever version of node you decide to use.

Path setup

If yarn is not found in your PATH, follow these steps to add it and allow it to be run from anywhere.

Note: your profile may be in your .Profile , .Bash_profile , .Bashrc , .Zshrc , etc.

  1. Add this to your profile: export PATH="$PATH:/opt/yarn-[version]/bin" (the path may vary depending on where you extracted yarn to)

  2. In the terminal, log in and log out for the changes to take effect

To have access to yarn’s executables globally, you will need to set up the PATH environment variable in your terminal. To do this, add export PATH="$PATH:`yarn global bin`" to your profile, or if you use fish shell, simply run the command set -U fish_user_paths (yarn global bin) $fish_user_paths

Gentoo linux

On gentoo linux, you can install yarn with portage.

Currently, there are no gentoo packages available for RC or nightly builds of yarn. Please use the tarball:

Installation script

One of the easiest ways to install yarn on macos and generic unix environments is via our shell script. You can install yarn by running the following code in your terminal:

The instagram forex traders scam – beware of instagram trading accounts

Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

If you’ve spent any amount of time browsing through instagram then you’ll have no doubt come across those instagram forex trader accounts.

They’re typically run by young guys or girls who all suspiciously seem to own (and showcase) an audi R8 – and they all claim to have “easily” made millions through trading accounts online.

But on top of just showcasing the lifestyle, they’ve allegedly been able to achieve from forex trading they apparently want to let you in on it too… and they claim that if you sign up their program they’ll show you how you can also make millions from online trading too.

According to them, it’s easy, and according to them, anybody can do it – even if they’ve never traded before (which is an insanely bold claim).

But what’s the truth? Can you really make money with these instagram traders or is the whole thing just a scam? And if it is a scam, how are they actually making their money? Let’s take a look…

Instagram trader accounts – the concept

The way you’ll likely have come across one of these instagram trader accounts is via a promoted advertisement, which typically consists of an image of the account owner stood by, or doing something luxurious accompanied with a message like the one shown below:

Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

Now the thing that makes this extremely suspicious is the fact that the post is a promoted post, which means the account owner is literally paying out real money to have that post displayed in front of you…

So the first question you have to ask is WHY is the account owner so desperate to “help you make money” that he/she is willing to pay for it?

I mean if the guy (or girl) in question was just selling training on how to trade & being open about it then fair enough – they’re running a business selling training, they’re advertising it & they’re making money from the people that are buying into the training… as long as the training’s good, everyone’s happy…

But that’s NOT what’s going on here…

This guy and the many other instagram traders like him are literally saying that you can just copy their trades – so how does he and the others make money from that if you’re not actually paying him anything?

Well, the truth is (as you’ll soon see) these so-called instagram traders are not actually doing any trading at all – instead they’re just faking it to trick you into signing up for a borderline scam so that they can earn some money at your expense.

And more often than not despite their profiles being jam-packed full of luxurious images many of these so-called millionaire traders are actually flat-out broke.

That was recently proven when an article published in the guardian revealed how one “millionaire” instagram trader named oyefeso who apparently owned multiple supercars found himself in court with the judge remarking “[you] portrayed yourself as a very successful trader within the financial market. Clearly this is not the case.” after he chose to run over a friend to whom he owed money instead of simply paying him back.

Free training:

How instagram “traders” really make money…

As mentioned above the majority of these so-called instagram traders are not actually doing any trading at all – and whilst some of them may indeed be doing a little bit of trading, that is not where the primary source of their income is coming from…

The primary source of their income is actually coming directly from the people they manage to sucker in to “copy their trades”…

You see these “traders” are essentially just affiliates of online brokerages like IQ option & this means that these brokerages are basically paying them commissions for getting new people to sign up & deposit.

Now in itself, there’s nothing really wrong with being an affiliate – providing it’s done legitimately. I myself am an affiliate & that’s how I make the majority of my own income online – and you too could become a successful affiliate with the help of a platform like commission academy…

But the problem here is that these “traders” are doing the whole affiliate thing illegitimately.

First of all, they’re not telling you that the way they actually make their money is by being an affiliate of the brokers and NOT by trading – so essentially they’re tricking you into signing up to the platform… and secondly what they’re not telling you is that most of the brokers these guys are affiliated with are borderline scams (some are even flat-out scams) and that you’ll be MUCH more likely to lose money than actually make it.

You see the brokers these instagram traders tend to affiliate themselves with are all often binary options brokers – and despite reviewing literally hundreds of different binary options brokers & systems I’ve never actually seen so much as ONE single person successfully manage to generate sustainable profits from binary options.

And out of the hundreds of brokers/systems, I reviewed it’s safe to say that around 99% were flat-out scams designed to purely steal money & the other 1% were “borderline scams” that did indeed pay out, but had the odds of winning massively stacked against you.

In fact, the whole thing is so bad that the US decided to completely ban binary options trading – and due to its insanely high risks, the UK had previously classified it as gambling rather than actual trading.

Forbes too even published an article warning about the dangers of options trading as shown below:

Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

They’re preying on young adults with little financial knowledge & a burning desire for success

Most of the so-called instagram traders just so happen to be 18, 19, 20 or 21 years old… it’s very rare that you see many of them older than this & it’s exceptionally rare to see any above the age of 30…

Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

The reason? Because most people 25+ are a little wiser when it comes to finance & they would be much more reluctant to jump so easily into something like trading as they’ll likely know that more often than not it’s losses as opposed to wins…

The truth is that nothing comes easy with trading – and those that do indeed make money from it often spend their entire days glued to their PC checking the markets… it’s not an easy game at all, and it’s a game where everything can also be lost just as easily as it can be gained.

Affiliate marketing (which is how these “traders” really make their money) is much more straight forward, there’s much less risk & it’s much easier to build up a sustainable source of income for the long term.

Therefore if done right affiliate marketing can be a MUCH better (and safer) way to make good money online – and if you’re interested in starting with it do be sure to check out the free platform wealthy affiliate where you can learn much more about it.

But yeah, basically these instagram traders are all young because the way they’re getting people to join their “scam” is by getting them to relate with them.

What 18, 19, 20-year old etc doesn’t want success? Who at that age wouldn’t love to have a supercar or a house paid off?

Most people of that age would love nothing more than an easy way to make a lot of money, and when they see an image in their instagram newsfeed of somebody the same age as them who’s allegedly done it they immediately become curious & want to find out more.

The next step they’ll likely take is to hit the follow button – they may be curious but at the same time they’ll still likely be sceptical.

However once that follow button has been hit the account owner will often immediately send a direct message to the user trying to encourage them to get on board.

“all you need to is £250 to get started”…

“just copy my trades, you can’t lose”…

Those are the types of things these instagram traders tell their unsuspecting “victims” & when the curiosity of the user overpowers the scepticism that’s when the problem arises. They sign up to the broker the “trader” recommended, they deposit the £250 as they’re told & from there they’re left to find out the hard way that the whole trading thing wasn’t so easy after all.

Sadly though even if they still have funds left within their trading account most of the brokers recommended by these so-called instagram traders are flat-out scams & one way or another they’ll refuse the withdrawal request.

Some, like IQ option, are “more legit” – but ultimately if you read my review on them you’ll see how the whole thing is dead set against you… and whilst they may pay-out, it doesn’t seem like anybody ever wins anything to actually get paid out!

Regardless though the instagram trader doesn’t care – he or she will simply block your account if you hit them up with any comeback because the second you made the deposit they already made their money from you. The broker will hand them a shockingly high commission for referring you (sometimes in excess of £200) & you’ll just be left to feel frustrated with no obvious way of getting your money back.

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Sometimes though the scam can be much worse

Losing £250 to an online scam sure as heck isn’t nice, but if you get caught out by the instagram trading scam & manage to get away with only losing £250 then you might want to actually consider yourself pretty “lucky” as some people have ended up being scammed out of tens of thousands of pounds.

Well upon depositing £250 to the brokers sometimes the broker will just see all your trades lose & have the scam over & done with – however other brokers can be much more cunning & can actually fake your profits to get you to deposit more.

This one story I previously published of what a binary options scam did to a single mum showed that rather than trading as she thought she was, she was essentially just playing a video game via the broker.

Her account wasn’t connected up to the markets at all & all of the profits/losses shown were being manipulated by the broker to make her think she was profiting. She was even assigned an “account manager” who regularly encouraged her to deposit more & more to see even bigger profits…

And it would be easy to get carried away with the deposits if you truly believe you are making so much money – but sadly when she came to make her withdrawal she was left to find out the hard way that she was not.

The whole thing had been a lie & tens of thousands of pounds later she was only then left to discover that she had actually been scammed.

So basically, in short, the brokers these instagram forex traders recommend are just set out to take as much cash from you as possible, and more often than not the instagram traders themselves are set out to get you to deposit as much as possible because they are often paid higher bonuses based on how much you deposit.

Ultimately it’s all bad news.

Don’t fall for the instagram trading scam

When it comes to this forex trading scam on instagram the saying “curiosity killed the cat” couldn’t be more relevant. That’s all these so-called “traders” are preying on – your curiosity, so they can trick you into depositing via a broker that’ll pay them a commission at your expense.

I mean sure these guys are very good at making it look like they are genuinely making money from trading but ultimately with social media, it is very easy to create an imaginary lifestyle & that’s all these guys are doing.

So the next time you see a so-called millionaire trader on instagram that wants to help you make money just give him (or her) a wide-berth & for any of your friends that get interested, just send them over to this post!

In fact, if you enjoyed this post or found it insightful into how the instagram trading scam actually works then do me a favour & share it on your social media anyway – let’s expose these guys once & for all & stop them taking advantage of other unsuspecting victims.

And if you’re still looking for ways to earn good money online legitimately, then check out my top picks right here.

A better alternative

The sad truth is that unfortunately most of the programs promising to help you make money online are scams. I can say that confidently after exposing over 500+ of them here on this blog.

But the good news is that even though most of them are indeed scams, there are actually some very good programs in amongst them - some programs that can truly help you to earn money.

And out of all of the legit programs I've seen, the one I would recommend the most to anybody looking to get started online is commission academy. In my own opinion, that's the best place to start.

At commission academy, you'll be provided with everything you need (including the training & tools) to begin earning real money by promoting products or services for companies like amazon online.

The best part is that there's literally no limit on the amount you can earn with it & the process is pretty simple which means that it's absolutely perfect for people that don't have much experience.

Some wealthy affiliates even earn as much as 5-figures per month. Or more!

Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

I mean don't get me wrong, that kind of money won't just fall into your lap without doing any work. But the harder you're willing to work at it, the more you stand to earn with it.

So if you're looking to get started but don't know which route you should go down or which program you should join (and don't want to waste money on bogus things that don't actually work), then I'd highly recommend checking out commission academy first. You can learn more about it here.

The instagram forex traders scam – beware of instagram trading accounts

Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

If you’ve spent any amount of time browsing through instagram then you’ll have no doubt come across those instagram forex trader accounts.

They’re typically run by young guys or girls who all suspiciously seem to own (and showcase) an audi R8 – and they all claim to have “easily” made millions through trading accounts online.

But on top of just showcasing the lifestyle, they’ve allegedly been able to achieve from forex trading they apparently want to let you in on it too… and they claim that if you sign up their program they’ll show you how you can also make millions from online trading too.

According to them, it’s easy, and according to them, anybody can do it – even if they’ve never traded before (which is an insanely bold claim).

But what’s the truth? Can you really make money with these instagram traders or is the whole thing just a scam? And if it is a scam, how are they actually making their money? Let’s take a look…

Instagram trader accounts – the concept

The way you’ll likely have come across one of these instagram trader accounts is via a promoted advertisement, which typically consists of an image of the account owner stood by, or doing something luxurious accompanied with a message like the one shown below:

Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

Now the thing that makes this extremely suspicious is the fact that the post is a promoted post, which means the account owner is literally paying out real money to have that post displayed in front of you…

So the first question you have to ask is WHY is the account owner so desperate to “help you make money” that he/she is willing to pay for it?

I mean if the guy (or girl) in question was just selling training on how to trade & being open about it then fair enough – they’re running a business selling training, they’re advertising it & they’re making money from the people that are buying into the training… as long as the training’s good, everyone’s happy…

But that’s NOT what’s going on here…

This guy and the many other instagram traders like him are literally saying that you can just copy their trades – so how does he and the others make money from that if you’re not actually paying him anything?

Well, the truth is (as you’ll soon see) these so-called instagram traders are not actually doing any trading at all – instead they’re just faking it to trick you into signing up for a borderline scam so that they can earn some money at your expense.

And more often than not despite their profiles being jam-packed full of luxurious images many of these so-called millionaire traders are actually flat-out broke.

That was recently proven when an article published in the guardian revealed how one “millionaire” instagram trader named oyefeso who apparently owned multiple supercars found himself in court with the judge remarking “[you] portrayed yourself as a very successful trader within the financial market. Clearly this is not the case.” after he chose to run over a friend to whom he owed money instead of simply paying him back.

Free training:

How instagram “traders” really make money…

As mentioned above the majority of these so-called instagram traders are not actually doing any trading at all – and whilst some of them may indeed be doing a little bit of trading, that is not where the primary source of their income is coming from…

The primary source of their income is actually coming directly from the people they manage to sucker in to “copy their trades”…

You see these “traders” are essentially just affiliates of online brokerages like IQ option & this means that these brokerages are basically paying them commissions for getting new people to sign up & deposit.

Now in itself, there’s nothing really wrong with being an affiliate – providing it’s done legitimately. I myself am an affiliate & that’s how I make the majority of my own income online – and you too could become a successful affiliate with the help of a platform like commission academy…

But the problem here is that these “traders” are doing the whole affiliate thing illegitimately.

First of all, they’re not telling you that the way they actually make their money is by being an affiliate of the brokers and NOT by trading – so essentially they’re tricking you into signing up to the platform… and secondly what they’re not telling you is that most of the brokers these guys are affiliated with are borderline scams (some are even flat-out scams) and that you’ll be MUCH more likely to lose money than actually make it.

You see the brokers these instagram traders tend to affiliate themselves with are all often binary options brokers – and despite reviewing literally hundreds of different binary options brokers & systems I’ve never actually seen so much as ONE single person successfully manage to generate sustainable profits from binary options.

And out of the hundreds of brokers/systems, I reviewed it’s safe to say that around 99% were flat-out scams designed to purely steal money & the other 1% were “borderline scams” that did indeed pay out, but had the odds of winning massively stacked against you.

In fact, the whole thing is so bad that the US decided to completely ban binary options trading – and due to its insanely high risks, the UK had previously classified it as gambling rather than actual trading.

Forbes too even published an article warning about the dangers of options trading as shown below:

Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

They’re preying on young adults with little financial knowledge & a burning desire for success

Most of the so-called instagram traders just so happen to be 18, 19, 20 or 21 years old… it’s very rare that you see many of them older than this & it’s exceptionally rare to see any above the age of 30…

Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

The reason? Because most people 25+ are a little wiser when it comes to finance & they would be much more reluctant to jump so easily into something like trading as they’ll likely know that more often than not it’s losses as opposed to wins…

The truth is that nothing comes easy with trading – and those that do indeed make money from it often spend their entire days glued to their PC checking the markets… it’s not an easy game at all, and it’s a game where everything can also be lost just as easily as it can be gained.

Affiliate marketing (which is how these “traders” really make their money) is much more straight forward, there’s much less risk & it’s much easier to build up a sustainable source of income for the long term.

Therefore if done right affiliate marketing can be a MUCH better (and safer) way to make good money online – and if you’re interested in starting with it do be sure to check out the free platform wealthy affiliate where you can learn much more about it.

But yeah, basically these instagram traders are all young because the way they’re getting people to join their “scam” is by getting them to relate with them.

What 18, 19, 20-year old etc doesn’t want success? Who at that age wouldn’t love to have a supercar or a house paid off?

Most people of that age would love nothing more than an easy way to make a lot of money, and when they see an image in their instagram newsfeed of somebody the same age as them who’s allegedly done it they immediately become curious & want to find out more.

The next step they’ll likely take is to hit the follow button – they may be curious but at the same time they’ll still likely be sceptical.

However once that follow button has been hit the account owner will often immediately send a direct message to the user trying to encourage them to get on board.

“all you need to is £250 to get started”…

“just copy my trades, you can’t lose”…

Those are the types of things these instagram traders tell their unsuspecting “victims” & when the curiosity of the user overpowers the scepticism that’s when the problem arises. They sign up to the broker the “trader” recommended, they deposit the £250 as they’re told & from there they’re left to find out the hard way that the whole trading thing wasn’t so easy after all.

Sadly though even if they still have funds left within their trading account most of the brokers recommended by these so-called instagram traders are flat-out scams & one way or another they’ll refuse the withdrawal request.

Some, like IQ option, are “more legit” – but ultimately if you read my review on them you’ll see how the whole thing is dead set against you… and whilst they may pay-out, it doesn’t seem like anybody ever wins anything to actually get paid out!

Regardless though the instagram trader doesn’t care – he or she will simply block your account if you hit them up with any comeback because the second you made the deposit they already made their money from you. The broker will hand them a shockingly high commission for referring you (sometimes in excess of £200) & you’ll just be left to feel frustrated with no obvious way of getting your money back.

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Sometimes though the scam can be much worse

Losing £250 to an online scam sure as heck isn’t nice, but if you get caught out by the instagram trading scam & manage to get away with only losing £250 then you might want to actually consider yourself pretty “lucky” as some people have ended up being scammed out of tens of thousands of pounds.

Well upon depositing £250 to the brokers sometimes the broker will just see all your trades lose & have the scam over & done with – however other brokers can be much more cunning & can actually fake your profits to get you to deposit more.

This one story I previously published of what a binary options scam did to a single mum showed that rather than trading as she thought she was, she was essentially just playing a video game via the broker.

Her account wasn’t connected up to the markets at all & all of the profits/losses shown were being manipulated by the broker to make her think she was profiting. She was even assigned an “account manager” who regularly encouraged her to deposit more & more to see even bigger profits…

And it would be easy to get carried away with the deposits if you truly believe you are making so much money – but sadly when she came to make her withdrawal she was left to find out the hard way that she was not.

The whole thing had been a lie & tens of thousands of pounds later she was only then left to discover that she had actually been scammed.

So basically, in short, the brokers these instagram forex traders recommend are just set out to take as much cash from you as possible, and more often than not the instagram traders themselves are set out to get you to deposit as much as possible because they are often paid higher bonuses based on how much you deposit.

Ultimately it’s all bad news.

Don’t fall for the instagram trading scam

When it comes to this forex trading scam on instagram the saying “curiosity killed the cat” couldn’t be more relevant. That’s all these so-called “traders” are preying on – your curiosity, so they can trick you into depositing via a broker that’ll pay them a commission at your expense.

I mean sure these guys are very good at making it look like they are genuinely making money from trading but ultimately with social media, it is very easy to create an imaginary lifestyle & that’s all these guys are doing.

So the next time you see a so-called millionaire trader on instagram that wants to help you make money just give him (or her) a wide-berth & for any of your friends that get interested, just send them over to this post!

In fact, if you enjoyed this post or found it insightful into how the instagram trading scam actually works then do me a favour & share it on your social media anyway – let’s expose these guys once & for all & stop them taking advantage of other unsuspecting victims.

And if you’re still looking for ways to earn good money online legitimately, then check out my top picks right here.

A better alternative

The sad truth is that unfortunately most of the programs promising to help you make money online are scams. I can say that confidently after exposing over 500+ of them here on this blog.

But the good news is that even though most of them are indeed scams, there are actually some very good programs in amongst them - some programs that can truly help you to earn money.

And out of all of the legit programs I've seen, the one I would recommend the most to anybody looking to get started online is commission academy. In my own opinion, that's the best place to start.

At commission academy, you'll be provided with everything you need (including the training & tools) to begin earning real money by promoting products or services for companies like amazon online.

The best part is that there's literally no limit on the amount you can earn with it & the process is pretty simple which means that it's absolutely perfect for people that don't have much experience.

Some wealthy affiliates even earn as much as 5-figures per month. Or more!

Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

I mean don't get me wrong, that kind of money won't just fall into your lap without doing any work. But the harder you're willing to work at it, the more you stand to earn with it.

So if you're looking to get started but don't know which route you should go down or which program you should join (and don't want to waste money on bogus things that don't actually work), then I'd highly recommend checking out commission academy first. You can learn more about it here.


Install via npm

It is recommended to install yarn through the npm package manager, which comes bundled with node.Js when you install it on your system.

Once you have npm installed you can run the following both to install and upgrade yarn:



On alpine linux (3.6+), you can install yarn with apk.

Currently, there are no alpine packages available for RC or nightly builds of yarn. Please use the tarball:

Installation script

One of the easiest ways to install yarn on macos and generic unix environments is via our shell script. You can install yarn by running the following code in your terminal:

The installation process includes verifying a GPG signature. View the source on github

You can also specify a version by running the following code in your terminal:

See the releases for possible versions.

Manual install via tarball

You can install yarn by downloading a tarball and extracting it anywhere.

Before extracting yarn, it is recommended that you verify the tarball using GPG:

Path setup

If yarn is not found in your PATH, follow these steps to add it and allow it to be run from anywhere.

Note: your profile may be in your .Profile , .Bash_profile , .Bashrc , .Zshrc , etc.

  1. Add this to your profile: export PATH="$PATH:/opt/yarn-[version]/bin" (the path may vary depending on where you extracted yarn to)

  2. In the terminal, log in and log out for the changes to take effect

To have access to yarn’s executables globally, you will need to set up the PATH environment variable in your terminal. To do this, add export PATH="$PATH:`yarn global bin`" to your profile, or if you use fish shell, simply run the command set -U fish_user_paths (yarn global bin) $fish_user_paths

Arch linux

On arch linux, yarn can be installed through the official package manager.

Currently, there are no arch packages available for RC or nightly builds of yarn. Please use the tarball:

Installation script

One of the easiest ways to install yarn on macos and generic unix environments is via our shell script. You can install yarn by running the following code in your terminal:

The installation process includes verifying a GPG signature. View the source on github

You can also specify a version by running the following code in your terminal:

See the releases for possible versions.

Manual install via tarball

You can install yarn by downloading a tarball and extracting it anywhere.

Before extracting yarn, it is recommended that you verify the tarball using GPG:

Path setup

If yarn is not found in your PATH, follow these steps to add it and allow it to be run from anywhere.

Note: your profile may be in your .Profile , .Bash_profile , .Bashrc , .Zshrc , etc.

  1. Add this to your profile: export PATH="$PATH:/opt/yarn-[version]/bin" (the path may vary depending on where you extracted yarn to)

  2. In the terminal, log in and log out for the changes to take effect

To have access to yarn’s executables globally, you will need to set up the PATH environment variable in your terminal. To do this, add export PATH="$PATH:`yarn global bin`" to your profile, or if you use fish shell, simply run the command set -U fish_user_paths (yarn global bin) $fish_user_paths

Centos / fedora / RHEL

On centos, fedora and RHEL, you can install yarn via our RPM package repository.

If you do not already have node.Js installed, you should also configure the nodesource repository:

Currently, there are no RPM packages available for RC or nightly builds of yarn. Please use the tarball:

Installation script

One of the easiest ways to install yarn on macos and generic unix environments is via our shell script. You can install yarn by running the following code in your terminal:

The installation process includes verifying a GPG signature. View the source on github

You can also specify a version by running the following code in your terminal:

See the releases for possible versions.

Manual install via tarball

You can install yarn by downloading a tarball and extracting it anywhere.

Before extracting yarn, it is recommended that you verify the tarball using GPG:

Path setup

If yarn is not found in your PATH, follow these steps to add it and allow it to be run from anywhere.

Note: your profile may be in your .Profile , .Bash_profile , .Bashrc , .Zshrc , etc.

  1. Add this to your profile: export PATH="$PATH:/opt/yarn-[version]/bin" (the path may vary depending on where you extracted yarn to)

  2. In the terminal, log in and log out for the changes to take effect

To have access to yarn’s executables globally, you will need to set up the PATH environment variable in your terminal. To do this, add export PATH="$PATH:`yarn global bin`" to your profile, or if you use fish shell, simply run the command set -U fish_user_paths (yarn global bin) $fish_user_paths

Debian / ubuntu

On debian or ubuntu linux, you can install yarn via our debian package repository. You will first need to configure the repository:

On ubuntu 16.04 or below and debian stable, you will also need to configure the nodesource repository to get a new enough version of node.Js.

Note: ubuntu 17.04 comes with cmdtest installed by default. If you’re getting errors from installing yarn , you may want to run sudo apt remove cmdtest first. Refer to this for more information.

If using nvm you can avoid the node installation by doing:

Note: due to the use of nodejs instead of node name in some distros, yarn might complain about node not being installed. A workaround for this is to add an alias in your .Bashrc file, like so: alias node=nodejs . This will point yarn to whatever version of node you decide to use.

Path setup

If yarn is not found in your PATH, follow these steps to add it and allow it to be run from anywhere.

Note: your profile may be in your .Profile , .Bash_profile , .Bashrc , .Zshrc , etc.

  1. Add this to your profile: export PATH="$PATH:/opt/yarn-[version]/bin" (the path may vary depending on where you extracted yarn to)

  2. In the terminal, log in and log out for the changes to take effect

To have access to yarn’s executables globally, you will need to set up the PATH environment variable in your terminal. To do this, add export PATH="$PATH:`yarn global bin`" to your profile, or if you use fish shell, simply run the command set -U fish_user_paths (yarn global bin) $fish_user_paths

Gentoo linux

On gentoo linux, you can install yarn with portage.

Currently, there are no gentoo packages available for RC or nightly builds of yarn. Please use the tarball:

Installation script

One of the easiest ways to install yarn on macos and generic unix environments is via our shell script. You can install yarn by running the following code in your terminal:


World's 1 st ethereum blockchain binary options and CFD trading platform

Spectre has become a synonym for a new model of broker-less binary options, smart options, and smart CFD trading platforms. See how the ethereum blockchain technology contributed to the development of user-friendly trading platforms with no deposits & withdrawals.

Spectre is a revolutionary binary options trading platform which attracts traders and investors for three main reasons.

REASON 1: there is no actual broker to trade against, as the liquidity pool is capitalized by initial investors.

CLASSIC BROKERS: with classic brokers, the liquidity pool (meaning the main fund of money from which the traders are paid when they win and where their money goes when they lose) is owned by the broker. In this sense, the brokers have the interest for the traders to lose in order for them to gain more profit.

SPECTRE: with spectre, the liquidity pool is capitalized by individuals who funded the project in the startup phase. It is not funded by the broker or any single company or institution. The spectre development LTD only receives 2% of the profit from trading volume, which means that the conflict of interest between the 'broker' and traders is reduced to only 2% (as opposed to classic brokerage model, where the conflict of interest is 100%.)

REASON 2: spectre does not hold your payout money, as it is never even deposited to the trading platform.

CLASSIC BROKERS: with classic brokers, you have to deposit your trading funds onto their account in order to be able to trade. Once the broker has your money you have to request a withdrawal in order for you to get it paid out. If they will pay you out or not is often left at the sole discretion of the broker. Especially with unregulated brokers, the payouts can always be a problem.

SPECTRE: with spectre, the system is based on the ethereum blockchain technology. In summary, this means that your capital is always available to you for instant withdrawals or conversions. In order to trade, you have to have some ethereum currency (ETH) in your digital wallet. This might come as a novelty to traders who are not familiar with cryptocurrencies, however many proficient traders and younger generations have no problems when it comes to understanding and using bitcoin or ether. Then, for the desired amount of ETH, you buy the SPEC-T trading tokens. For example, you can buy 2000 tokens for 1 ETH. Even though you use these tokens for trading, the tokens are always available in your digital wallet. If you make winning trades, the number of tokens increases, and if you lose, the number of tokens decreases. But you can convert all your trading tokens back to ETH at any time, and you can then convert ETH to some 'classic' currency such as EUR or USD. The funds are never locked on the trading platform and are always at your disposal.

REASON 3: spectre has developed a top-tech proprietary trading platform with unique features.

CLASSIC BROKERS: most brokers actually rent their charts and trading interfaces from developers such as widely present spotoption or techfinancials. In most cases, they are limited to the trading and interface options which are made available by distributors. While there is nothing wrong (except the common problem of execution speed) with some of the rented platforms, they are simply sticking to the proven and commonly accepted forced model.

SPECTRE: proprietary platforms can sometimes suck, and sometimes they can rule. Spectre has developed their own proprietary platform and trading interface with excellent features which can not be found on other rental platforms, such as commonly used techfinancials, spotoption, panda, or MT4. The most revolutionary perks are risk management controls and excellent trading score analysis tools. The platform itself is fast, responsive and intuitive. There are also many other benefits, and you can learn more about specific options below.

Spectre binary options trading platform overview

The spectre binary options trading platform reflects the fact that it was built in cooperation with the trading experts. It features all the essential information that the trader needs. If you are switching from a different trading platform, you will need some time to get used to the layout, however, once you test it for a while, you will find the trading interface well laid out with easy access to all the vital information.

Just some of the leading features are:

1. The central area of the trading interface is populated with the currently selected trading chart. There is an option to choose between 28 currency pairs, chart times of 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 1h, 4h, 8h, 12h and a daily chart. Candlestick charts with on-chart technical analysis indicators and tools allow you to conduct manual technical analysis directly on the trading charts. There are most of the 'classic' indicators present and some 'special ones.' there is also a range of manual 'drawing' indicators available. The charts are easy to switch and navigate, and the user interface is fast and responsive. There are 28 currency pairs available at the moment, but the asset list will expand to stocks and commodities as well.

2. In the top left corner of the interface, there are trade ideas, displayed by your preference settings. These ideas are presented when the system recognizes the pre-selected market patterns that can show as a good trade opportunity. Each pattern is also explained with a clear presentation of the suggested trade direction.

3. Below this window, there is a senior trade commentary window, where you can get trade ideas presented by experienced market analysts. Each idea is supported by an analysis commentary and trade direction, and expiry time is suggested. You can always choose to follow the idea if you wish, or you can dismiss it if you don't.

4. On the right side of the screen, there is a simple trade order window, where you can select your asset (pre-selection is always displayed based on the asset which is open in the trading chart).

Tere are two options for trade placement:

Immediate trade entry at current strike rate. An option which is available at all traditional brokers.
Pending order - trade placement at a specific pre-defined rate. This means you can set up your entry position based on the future price. Once the price is reached, you can decide for the system to automatically place the order in your pre-set direction, or you can set up an on-screen alert or e-mail alert once the condition is met. You can also choose the time of validity of the pending order, which means that for example, the condition is not met in your pre-set time of 60 minutes, the pending order is automatically deleted.
Currently, the expiry times offered are 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 30 min, 45 min, 60 min and 1 day.

The trade size is adjusted in the percentage of your trading account and can be as low as 0.001% up to 10%. The price is always displayed in the value of ETH as well as in USD (based on current value of ETH).

5. Spectre has an extensive trade analytics, which has never been seen before. This chart which can be found in the right bottom corner of the trading interface will help you analyze your trading strengths and weaknesses and improve your score if used correctly. You can get all the data about your trading results broken down by asset, time, trade direction, trade type, day of the week and expiry. Once you pinpoint your weakest trades, you can simply eliminate them and stick to what works best for you.

6. A calendar can be opened by clicking on the tab on the right side of the screen. It shows the economic events alongside with predictions and impact strength.

7. Timezones, another very useful tab, will show you what market is currently open, alongside with market opening and closing times and market overlaps. This can assist you in taking some good trades at market-specific times, or avoid trading at certain times.

8. At the top of the screen, there is a transparent display of your account balance, as well as the liquidity pool balance (which no other broker will show you) and also the dividends pool.

All-in-all, my personal overview of the platform shows that this is a professionally designed binary options trading platform with all the essential information. It is clearly laid out and not over-saturated with information, so it allows intuitive user interaction.

Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

Spectre binary options trading platform features

The spectre binary options trading platform is currently in the development phase. It is already available for demo testing , and LIVE launch is scheduled for the first quarter of 2018. The trading platform itself offers some very interesting features that help the traders to control their emotions - which can present one of the biggest problems for some traders.

Risk management settings

Risk management settings offer the possibility to create for different risk level templates in which you set up your desired stop-loss limits. These are the following:

1. Daily stop-loss: (number of maximum daily losses): min. 1, max. 100

2. Daily win-stop: (number of maximum daily wins): min. 1, max. 100

3. Stop time out: (cooldown period): 1 to 100 hours

4. Streak count: min. 2, max. 10 (number of winning streaks before cooldown): min. 2, max. 10

5. Streak time out: (cooldown period at streak count reach): 1 to 24 hours.

6. Max % allocation: (highest % of your total account balance available to invest in a single trade): 0.1% to 10%

7. Max. Open positions: (number of maximum open positions at once): 1 to 10

8. Minimum payout %: (if the trade payout is less then specified, that trade will not enter): 50% to 120%

9. Max drawdown per day %: (how much of total account balance you can lose in a day): 1% to 30%

10. Max drawdown per week %: (how much of total account balance you can lose in a week): 1% to 100%

11. Max drawdown per month %: (how much of total account balance you can lose in a month): 1% to 100%

Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

Trade ideas settings

Trade ideas settings offer an option of displaying handy alerts when the market forms specific patterns which can be recognized as good situations for trading bounces or breakouts. There are several options available. A detailed explanation of each setting option can be found on the spectre trading platform.

Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

Privacy settings

Under privacy settings, you can decide what information is shown to other traders on the platform. The options include your trading score and other trading related information, such as positions, wins, losses, streaks, and orders. You can also decide to publicly share your trade ideas and help other traders in their analysis. In the same way, you can always check other traders ideas who decide to publicly share their own.

Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

Performance settings

In performance settings, you can set the frequency of sending the trade summary reports.

Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

Profile settings

Set your profile information: name, email and upload your profile picture or select one of the preset icons.

Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

Chart settings

You can select which charts are automatically opened in the new window when you are adding new charts to your screen. You can always select different charts in each of the windows by making the selection in the chart window itself. There are two themes available, depending on your preference, dark and light.

Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

Audio settings

Audio settings allow you to set sound alerts for various events. A very handy feature, not found on many other trading platforms.


World's 1 st ethereum blockchain binary options and CFD trading platform

Spectre has become a synonym for a new model of broker-less binary options, smart options, and smart CFD trading platforms. See how the ethereum blockchain technology contributed to the development of user-friendly trading platforms with no deposits & withdrawals.

Spectre is a revolutionary binary options trading platform which attracts traders and investors for three main reasons.

REASON 1: there is no actual broker to trade against, as the liquidity pool is capitalized by initial investors.

CLASSIC BROKERS: with classic brokers, the liquidity pool (meaning the main fund of money from which the traders are paid when they win and where their money goes when they lose) is owned by the broker. In this sense, the brokers have the interest for the traders to lose in order for them to gain more profit.

SPECTRE: with spectre, the liquidity pool is capitalized by individuals who funded the project in the startup phase. It is not funded by the broker or any single company or institution. The spectre development LTD only receives 2% of the profit from trading volume, which means that the conflict of interest between the 'broker' and traders is reduced to only 2% (as opposed to classic brokerage model, where the conflict of interest is 100%.)

REASON 2: spectre does not hold your payout money, as it is never even deposited to the trading platform.

CLASSIC BROKERS: with classic brokers, you have to deposit your trading funds onto their account in order to be able to trade. Once the broker has your money you have to request a withdrawal in order for you to get it paid out. If they will pay you out or not is often left at the sole discretion of the broker. Especially with unregulated brokers, the payouts can always be a problem.

SPECTRE: with spectre, the system is based on the ethereum blockchain technology. In summary, this means that your capital is always available to you for instant withdrawals or conversions. In order to trade, you have to have some ethereum currency (ETH) in your digital wallet. This might come as a novelty to traders who are not familiar with cryptocurrencies, however many proficient traders and younger generations have no problems when it comes to understanding and using bitcoin or ether. Then, for the desired amount of ETH, you buy the SPEC-T trading tokens. For example, you can buy 2000 tokens for 1 ETH. Even though you use these tokens for trading, the tokens are always available in your digital wallet. If you make winning trades, the number of tokens increases, and if you lose, the number of tokens decreases. But you can convert all your trading tokens back to ETH at any time, and you can then convert ETH to some 'classic' currency such as EUR or USD. The funds are never locked on the trading platform and are always at your disposal.

REASON 3: spectre has developed a top-tech proprietary trading platform with unique features.

CLASSIC BROKERS: most brokers actually rent their charts and trading interfaces from developers such as widely present spotoption or techfinancials. In most cases, they are limited to the trading and interface options which are made available by distributors. While there is nothing wrong (except the common problem of execution speed) with some of the rented platforms, they are simply sticking to the proven and commonly accepted forced model.

SPECTRE: proprietary platforms can sometimes suck, and sometimes they can rule. Spectre has developed their own proprietary platform and trading interface with excellent features which can not be found on other rental platforms, such as commonly used techfinancials, spotoption, panda, or MT4. The most revolutionary perks are risk management controls and excellent trading score analysis tools. The platform itself is fast, responsive and intuitive. There are also many other benefits, and you can learn more about specific options below.

Spectre binary options trading platform overview

The spectre binary options trading platform reflects the fact that it was built in cooperation with the trading experts. It features all the essential information that the trader needs. If you are switching from a different trading platform, you will need some time to get used to the layout, however, once you test it for a while, you will find the trading interface well laid out with easy access to all the vital information.

Just some of the leading features are:

1. The central area of the trading interface is populated with the currently selected trading chart. There is an option to choose between 28 currency pairs, chart times of 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 1h, 4h, 8h, 12h and a daily chart. Candlestick charts with on-chart technical analysis indicators and tools allow you to conduct manual technical analysis directly on the trading charts. There are most of the 'classic' indicators present and some 'special ones.' there is also a range of manual 'drawing' indicators available. The charts are easy to switch and navigate, and the user interface is fast and responsive. There are 28 currency pairs available at the moment, but the asset list will expand to stocks and commodities as well.

2. In the top left corner of the interface, there are trade ideas, displayed by your preference settings. These ideas are presented when the system recognizes the pre-selected market patterns that can show as a good trade opportunity. Each pattern is also explained with a clear presentation of the suggested trade direction.

3. Below this window, there is a senior trade commentary window, where you can get trade ideas presented by experienced market analysts. Each idea is supported by an analysis commentary and trade direction, and expiry time is suggested. You can always choose to follow the idea if you wish, or you can dismiss it if you don't.

4. On the right side of the screen, there is a simple trade order window, where you can select your asset (pre-selection is always displayed based on the asset which is open in the trading chart).

Tere are two options for trade placement:

Immediate trade entry at current strike rate. An option which is available at all traditional brokers.
Pending order - trade placement at a specific pre-defined rate. This means you can set up your entry position based on the future price. Once the price is reached, you can decide for the system to automatically place the order in your pre-set direction, or you can set up an on-screen alert or e-mail alert once the condition is met. You can also choose the time of validity of the pending order, which means that for example, the condition is not met in your pre-set time of 60 minutes, the pending order is automatically deleted.
Currently, the expiry times offered are 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 30 min, 45 min, 60 min and 1 day.

The trade size is adjusted in the percentage of your trading account and can be as low as 0.001% up to 10%. The price is always displayed in the value of ETH as well as in USD (based on current value of ETH).

5. Spectre has an extensive trade analytics, which has never been seen before. This chart which can be found in the right bottom corner of the trading interface will help you analyze your trading strengths and weaknesses and improve your score if used correctly. You can get all the data about your trading results broken down by asset, time, trade direction, trade type, day of the week and expiry. Once you pinpoint your weakest trades, you can simply eliminate them and stick to what works best for you.

6. A calendar can be opened by clicking on the tab on the right side of the screen. It shows the economic events alongside with predictions and impact strength.

7. Timezones, another very useful tab, will show you what market is currently open, alongside with market opening and closing times and market overlaps. This can assist you in taking some good trades at market-specific times, or avoid trading at certain times.

8. At the top of the screen, there is a transparent display of your account balance, as well as the liquidity pool balance (which no other broker will show you) and also the dividends pool.

All-in-all, my personal overview of the platform shows that this is a professionally designed binary options trading platform with all the essential information. It is clearly laid out and not over-saturated with information, so it allows intuitive user interaction.

Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

Spectre binary options trading platform features

The spectre binary options trading platform is currently in the development phase. It is already available for demo testing , and LIVE launch is scheduled for the first quarter of 2018. The trading platform itself offers some very interesting features that help the traders to control their emotions - which can present one of the biggest problems for some traders.

Risk management settings

Risk management settings offer the possibility to create for different risk level templates in which you set up your desired stop-loss limits. These are the following:

1. Daily stop-loss: (number of maximum daily losses): min. 1, max. 100

2. Daily win-stop: (number of maximum daily wins): min. 1, max. 100

3. Stop time out: (cooldown period): 1 to 100 hours

4. Streak count: min. 2, max. 10 (number of winning streaks before cooldown): min. 2, max. 10

5. Streak time out: (cooldown period at streak count reach): 1 to 24 hours.

6. Max % allocation: (highest % of your total account balance available to invest in a single trade): 0.1% to 10%

7. Max. Open positions: (number of maximum open positions at once): 1 to 10

8. Minimum payout %: (if the trade payout is less then specified, that trade will not enter): 50% to 120%

9. Max drawdown per day %: (how much of total account balance you can lose in a day): 1% to 30%

10. Max drawdown per week %: (how much of total account balance you can lose in a week): 1% to 100%

11. Max drawdown per month %: (how much of total account balance you can lose in a month): 1% to 100%

Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

Trade ideas settings

Trade ideas settings offer an option of displaying handy alerts when the market forms specific patterns which can be recognized as good situations for trading bounces or breakouts. There are several options available. A detailed explanation of each setting option can be found on the spectre trading platform.

Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

Privacy settings

Under privacy settings, you can decide what information is shown to other traders on the platform. The options include your trading score and other trading related information, such as positions, wins, losses, streaks, and orders. You can also decide to publicly share your trade ideas and help other traders in their analysis. In the same way, you can always check other traders ideas who decide to publicly share their own.

Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

Performance settings

In performance settings, you can set the frequency of sending the trade summary reports.

Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

Profile settings

Set your profile information: name, email and upload your profile picture or select one of the preset icons.

Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

Chart settings

You can select which charts are automatically opened in the new window when you are adding new charts to your screen. You can always select different charts in each of the windows by making the selection in the chart window itself. There are two themes available, depending on your preference, dark and light.

Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

Audio settings

Audio settings allow you to set sound alerts for various events. A very handy feature, not found on many other trading platforms.

Model nats getty comes out as trans non-binary as wife gigi gorgeous shares top surgery experience

Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.
Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.
Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.
Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.
Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.
Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.
Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.
Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.
Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

Binary Trees in Data Structures (Introduction), insta binary.

Nats getty right) with wife gigi gorgeous. (instagram/natsgetty)

Millionaire model, actor and socialite nats getty has come out as transgender non-binary, posting a topless photo with wife gigi gorgeous on instagram.

Nats getty, part of the famous and wealthy getty family, said it was “emotional and exciting” to come out.

Getty, who has not specified gender pronouns yet, posted: “I am so nervous as I type this, but I know the time is now.”

“I am transgender, non-binary,” getty wrote. “I have spent my entire life not in sync with the body I was born with and confined with an outwardly appearance [sic] that did not match my mind or soul.

“it wasn’t until recently that I was even comfortable admitting this to myself, once I was able to look inwards and truly reflect on my authentic self.”

Getty shared the message along with a topless selfie next to wife gigi gorgeous, a trans lesbian youtuber.

So, let's see, what we have: binary trees in data structures (introduction) introduction A binary tree can be defined as a finite set of elements, which can either be empty or have at most two children. A at insta binary

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